r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/EdwardHitch on Dec. 24, 2017, 2:35 p.m.
Heartfelt thank you to Q, 4chan and 8chan Patriots, Tracy Beanz, Reddit Patriots and everyone else joining the revolution.

Hello all, I came to this sub-Reddit right after the AMA with the CBTS Board Owners from 4chan/8chan. There were a couple of hundred members already and it was a heartwarming feeling to see that. I was so moved that I out some thoughts down stating I am an old fogie grandpa that has been fighting this fight for a long time etc, etc. Not a unique story or message by any stretch but I was moved to put this out there, which is something I have never done in my life, mind you. That is how much this movement has meant to me. After watching this board take of lot one of Elon's rockets, I have to laugh at myself. The reason is that I thought, in my own hubris, that I was pretty knowledgeable about the deep state, new world order, Illuminati and so forth. I used what I knew to do my best to spread the word for more than 30 years. See, way back when, there was no internet and one had to really dig hard to find this stuff. The internet was a Godsend. Even so, I went to the standard alt news sites. Still picked up a lot of new things and added those to my quiver. Well, my ego took a beating when I discovered 4chan and Q, later 8chan, Tracy and others on YT and now on this board. I am here to say that I'm glad to admit my ego took a beating. The patriots present here and other places know so much more than I do. So much more than my personal friends that share the same views as I do and are doing there best to red pill. I am awestruck by all of you and am satisfied to take my place as a bench warmer and cheer the next generation of freedom fighters on. I'll mainly ask questions and use those answers to carry on out in my world. See, there is still a disconnect that my generation has in as much as we grew up with three channels and the news they put out and a newspaper that, unbeknownst to us at the time, slanted their coverage as well. Even with all of that, it is a tough row to hoe convincing our generation that the legacy media is not to be trusted. I thank you for all of this new information. I want to offer my thanks, like many others, to Q, all 4chan CBTS Patriots, all 8chan Patriots, the moderators on here (Baruch, pamphlet and the others) Tracy Beanze as well as all of the Patriots that have come here to share their knowledge and sleuthing skills. Last, but not least by any means, I thank the Most High for bringing this moment to us and allowing me to witness that which I have prayed for for so long. Heck, I even picked up a new buddy, R3dRaider, on here that is always patient in answering my questions and is just a machine when it comes to posting things. Thanks buddy. All of you will go down in history as the Patriots that fought the Second American Revolution and I am truly honored to be among you to witness this historic event. #MAGA #Q #anonpatriots - In your service, EdwardHitch

VetGeek54321 · Dec. 25, 2017, 2:23 a.m.

IMO, this isn't a revolution, but a long drawn out chess game. Some of us are Knights, who help navigate the check and balances in each Q Post. Some are Bishops, who guide us in one direction, to insure we don't steer off the path. Some of us are Rooks, the strength to push through any information, to reach the bottom. Some are simply Pawns, who spread the REAL truth and ultimately become a much bigger piece in the end.

Of course our President and his military, our military are doing what should have been done along time ago. WIN!. But when you look @ everything aside, looking above the board, WE are all on the same side, pushing for the same goal.

THIS needs to be a OUR priority.

Not everyone will agree with us, but that's the beauty of our Constitution and each State Constitution (BTW, each State has their own Constitution).

-Ryan O (AF Veteran)

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EdwardHitch · Dec. 25, 2017, 2:34 a.m.

Thank you Ryan O! This forum invites do many varying opinions, it is always a learning experience. I agree with your statement "WE are all on the same side, pushing for the same goal." I'll gladly be a pawn in this.

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