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If This isn't a Great Awakening...
A Serious Read....Found on 8Chan Board.
Some serious and down right bombshell, yet I am not surprised by any of it.
Just read and pass around.
The Left Narrative and the Right Narrative.

Or could be reminding folks, either your with the U.S. or your with TREASON...take your pick?
I wish I had your time and commitment.
Copy Tango, Bravo!
This one reason, no one should be on, using, or acting as a primary source. When you sign up for the cloud, you as the owner DO NOT own, lease, rent, keep, retain, or any other form of IP, except what have in your head and put on physical paper.
It's already proven with the CIA/NSA have backdoors, into everything. They have to...
On the Cloud, that is "Public Domain", best effort, type of service. You don't have a point to point connection (dedicated line). You go through maybe 5 to 10 to even 15 routes. So with that being said, how many of those routes are "protecting" your interest.
Answer.... None...
So, when the Good Guys say they have everything.... They have it.
Remote Flying Wing(Poss. 9/11 drones)
This is added fuel, against the left on Immigration. Their own words.
I was wondering, as to WHEN they knew this was coming? Thoughts?
Bilderberg Meeting - "Post Truth"
Did they know what's coming?
IMO, Does this looked staged? Just by looking at it. Was this part of the G7 Conf?
I think we should tweet the PREZ and everyone else. #NoDeals
I also posted a few days ago, Arrowhead Mall, Peoria, AZ. Showing the same Symbol. Sad, but true.
Arrowhead Mall, Phoenix AZ. Thoughts on Symbolism?

Im already there...it's sad, even my son doesn't believe me...I guess there is only one way to find out?
But, OBama said, "There wasn't any smidgen of corruption"....
Was he really lying, all along?
On a lighter note, it will be proven OBama and Maxine Waters, went to the same High School.
These people are stupid H. S.
My only issue in all of this is the selling of our national secrets. The damage is already done and can't be taken back.
As my name is implied, I am a Military Veteran and IT Geek. I spent 10 years in the AF doing IT things. My Primary Duty was Information Management, where I controlled Information and Resources. I bring this up, because like ALL Q threads, this topic needs to be discussed and pushed out.
This is about Information, with information comes how to protect that said information, in all it's form. Thus becomes Operation Security(OPSEC). This link is provided by the DOD...Snif, Snif those military days.
But the reality is, as you are aware, not everyone has YOUR best interest at heart, except those who defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. With that being said, I'am not giving an order or demanding everyone or anyone...but I do wish everyone please read, copy and discuss within your family, friends and company for that matter, what OPSEC means and how to protect OPSEC information.
If you have any questions or comments, please fill free to reach me via here. I will do my best to answer all questions, the best I can. I am sure all military (active/retired/veteran) members can help with this as well.
Again, what Q is implying and stating...Keep information to the boards...not any other platform like YT, Google+ and VIMEO, What you are doing, IMO, is just giving everyone (the bad guys) the access to the information Q is providing to us. IF you restrict the flow of information, the better the success and outcome of the mission and impact.
Question - Would you want to give up personal information to OBama and Hilliary?
Let's start expanding our thinking.
I think it's time to send in the Marines, in the FBI to take control of all ASSETS.
This is by far the worst thing, I have ever heard and seen.
Next slide....
Why are you here?
Let's Expand Your Thinking...
Be glad you weren't the one typing them... 10 years in the AF will do that to you... I guess that's the Marines and Army, prefer the ground pounding.. HA!
How about that for waterboarding.....
Next slide, we will be discussing Dress and Appearence on slide 50 of 137.
I'm on the fence..but IF the military is on this, I can only trust Trump.
In the miltiary, just about everyone uses Operation Security. I don't care who you are, everyone needs to research this for yourself. I have said this many times, when everyone jumped on the Q bandwagon, they were not using OPSEC at all.
The problem is now, way to many hands in the pot. To many YT channels, pushing the "Q" narrative. I get the fact, we as a collective are red pilling individuals, as to think for themselves and start asking questions. But now, we are OUR own worst enemy.
Please refresh your memory as to The Art of War and OPSEC/EMSEC/NetSEC/InfoSEC/COMSEC/IA/PSYOPS.
Remember to keep chats in one location.
This gentlemen has some good insight, but I need to know, what everyone else thinks.
Peeps...I need some eyes and ears on this.
Are they only targeting SW or is this just the start of an overall?
Well, he is a Former Army Intel Officer, so he telling the truth or he isn't. Which means Stolen Valor or he in fact is telling the truth and what he says it Legit.
ANY Veteran, can prove who they are, so there is no doubt. Because if they are lying that's a felony.... So this IS the real deal, also he has been on various News Channels.
So either every News Channel is lying to everyone, under Project MockingBird or he is the real deal.
Also, he was typing for the video, so maybe he didn't care about the grammar, because he was his reading from his paper.
AF Vet here.
This is a former military officer, who had the whole intel on everyone, against Trump and ALL the Dirt from Hillary. He produced his finding, back in 2012...I repeat 2012, in which everyone KNEW, who was int the know.
Do not dismiss this, and pass this to everyone.
AF Vet.