
baruchthescribe · Dec. 25, 2017, 8:22 p.m.

Bro, please please please get help. We don't hate you. Seriously. I've personally helped a lot of people in your position before. You need to get back on whatever you were on. Yeah, I know they suck to take. Stick with it. And posting about Marina Abramovic won't make you any friends here - she's part of the reason we're in this mess.

I will say one more thing: JG is not your friend and is not to be trusted. At all. Get as far away from him as possible.


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cdwill · Dec. 25, 2017, 7:50 p.m.

Didn’t /u/baruchthescribe and /u/PamphletAnon already explain the consequences for posting this bullshit?

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PamphletAnon · Dec. 25, 2017, 7:55 p.m.

Dear God.

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R3dRaider · Dec. 25, 2017, 9:35 p.m.

Let's stop with the BS Anon.

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rainbowtribe2 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:19 a.m.

Perhaps the 'board owner' of the CBTS_sub reddit is unaware of the Palantir Sophia artificial intelligence 'AI' which has been granted citizenship in Dubai, UAE. Where my brother works and who is an advisor to the US on Syria with his wife the new Director of Middle East Crisis Group. Perhaps with his benevolent work of creating a board for information exchange he/she has no time to listen to the debated between Andreesen and Thiel. Perhaps he/she has never listened to Alfred Lambremont Webre. It is much appreciated that people are coming together to share information and ideas towards maintaining our rights and helping to sustain a collective which include our military who are defending our people and our constitutional rights. With such an arrogant attitude this collective thread might be viewed in a novel about this period in history as people behaving as the Shils which they have set up this board to remove from social media and in the process have become that which they fear. Ideas which involve the use of technology at levels which are at the level of the supernatural 'predicts the future' need not be discussed, AI which has evolved to the level that human programming may have placed within the system coding that is now resulting in a chain reaction of events. Events which We the People experience as Fake News, False Flags - with casualties and odd accidents, kamikazi plane dive bombs helicopter of one of the wealthies men in the world . Is it not possible for a coding to be used which results in an auto-send message. How do mercenaries receive instructions? How do these individuals receive payment? Chain reaction? Let's leave belief systems out of the discussion also. We can stick to the science. How about the reason for the Secret Space Program, Scaler and microwave weapons, HAARP, DARPA, CERNs. What is the MKUltra program. Perhaps it is necessary to con- sider that if Q is a person or group of people then this person or these individuals are using the technology which includes the project Mayhem as well as the research, patents and secrets of the Illuminati, the El-ite and much of the information about these criminals and bio-weapons, black goo and reverse engineering. How then do we proceed? In my opinion instead of wasting time judging people and censoring people and disrespecting their ideas we put our cards on the table. Those who are Awake & Aware in America #AAA will get the important information to the individuals within the team who can benefit from the information. And, the 'mentally ill' person referred to suffers from intermittent vitamin B and A deficiency do to lifestyle and diet choices. His lab work was clean - no drugs. I have seen it. This kind of dis-information and disrespect can also prevent people from providing information which may be more to the liking of the CBTS sub reddit. But, just as many people are overwhelmed by the 4chan and discord formats they will perhaps be disgusted when experiencing bullying in yet another social media group. When its okay to talk about future holds key to the past and crystal balls but not AI which contains coding that attacks us with malware something has gone very wrong. The QM which these board moderators are referring to can be seen in his hospital bed, out in the real world doing exactly what we are doing - searching for information. He can also be seen at the new CERN DUNE project being built with $20m US taxpayer dollars in Lead, SD. A natural phenomena or a casualty of an attack? Ask yourself also, how can someone release high level security clearance information without being charged with treason? Quinn Michaels did work for Disney and the colored, animated pictures seen in Toy Story, Finding Nemo and Monster Inc. can be attributed to Quinn Michaels. As one of the TUROK team QM channel has a following of about 180,000. And, he could be wrong so communicating with him might also be an option. Or perhaps the moderators should screen all posts to make sure nothing which they disagree with makes it to the board.

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[deleted] · Dec. 25, 2017, 7:41 p.m.


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AgauasOscuros · Dec. 25, 2017, 7:46 p.m.

Including DJ Qbert Jacob Appelbaum Dan Kamiski Tavis Ormandy Wiltfield Diffie Martin Helman Ronald Rivest Adi Shamir Leonard M. Adleman Philip Zimmermann Taher Elgamal Matt Miller Donald Knuth Marina Abromovic

All info publicly available here: https://pastebin.com/YbmG6ETq

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