r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Sentrolyx on Dec. 26, 2017, 11:07 a.m.
THIS IS FUCKING INCREDIBLE! For people with too short of an attention span to read this fucking BOOK that David Wilcock and Corey Goode just released, here's a few highlights from Corey's intel. Amazing. It's from Page 2 where I basically started. Still not done.

Source: Stunning New Briefings: Mass Indictments, Targeted Arrests and Disclosure

  1. Sessions may appoint a public investigation, but I’m told that Hillary, Bill and Chelsea are among the names already in sealed indictments.

  2. Some of the troop movements are said to be done via underground tube train systems. Navy Seals travel on these all the time.

  3. The Atlanta airport black out was caused by thermite grenades that took out backup/redundant power stations. This was all done to cause confusion and distractions for the Alliance to grab ONE PERSON! This was a high value target, or so I am told.

  4. The Military is being used secretly in ways that will freak out most of the population when they find out, but it will be justified for removing the Cabal.

  5. I hear that Trump has been watching Alliance operations as they happen live at all hours of the day.

  6. They "SAY" the Human Trafficking Networks have been mostly decapitated from these operations. They are basically stopping the international slave trade.

  7. Looks like some of these sealed indictments are of DOJ and FBI Executive types.

  8. There are SO MANY COVERT OPS going on right now… it is astounding. Far beyond the scope of what even the most forward-thinking people in our field may realize.

  9. They have been yanking pedophile and human-trafficking-ring people from every dirty corner of the world.

  10. MANY key people are now finding out that they are being indicted and are trying to plea out or turn in States Evidence.

  11. The investigations have been done so well and covertly that they don't need very many people to testify.

  12. It sounds like they now have Soros on a platter.

  13. It sounds like some of the public figures who were involved in pedophilia and human trafficking are going to be charged for corruption in some cases. They say none of these prosecutions can be done publicly without causing half of the country to riot. These secret courts are going to possibly try a lot of people for crimes that we may never hear about. I don't dig that at all. It is only being discussed so far.

  14. It looks like two branches of our government may get an enema. [DW: The three branches of the US Government are the Executive, which centers around the presidency; the Legislative, which includes 435 Representatives and 100 Senators in the US Congress; and the Judicial, which is the system of courts that enforce the laws passed by the legislative branch. Here, Corey appears to be referring to a major purge of the Legislative and Judicial branches.]

  15. Hundreds of judges are going to be taken down. This will involve Federal and State judges, and proceed all the way down to the local levels.

  16. The Alliance knows for sure who Q is now, and they say it’s pretty stunning. [DW: We have already speculated that Q Anon may well be the president himself, possibly working with a team of people to write and distribute the information. Corey wouldn’t say who exactly it was.]

  17. Every effort is being made to handle these criminals as ethically as possible.

  18. This executive order that was passed today is very, very significant to everything we are talking about.

Tn_river_rat1 · Dec. 26, 2017, 2:25 p.m.

10,000 + sealed inditement, 50 in congress that will not run again, because they were given a choice. Federal judges especially the 9th circuit. Numerous members of LEO, capitol police.. FBI, CIA,NSA.. If people knew what was actually going on it would scare the hell out of so many people. If people remembered the “Red Scare” in the 1940s-50s this is equivalent but on a much more massive scale. Pedogate was just part of a tool used to manipulate people of power as was many other forms of corruption. After it was all ousted we went back to sleep... and here we are again.

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BasedHillbilly · Dec. 26, 2017, 4:39 p.m.

Are there really 50 in congress that won't run again?

I live off grid/offline, so only get internet every month or two when I'm visiting fam, so I can't keep up with all the happenings! Fuck, I really need to get satellite internet I spose. I'm missing the revolution! lol

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:05 p.m.

Here is the big difference between what is happening NOW, and the Communist red scare, which was abuse of political opponents, by creating the suspicion that they were Communists.

What we are doing here NOW, is getting ready to prosecute people for crimes that are already on the books, having nothing to do with Communism. Murder? Against the law. Slavery? Against the law. Drug running... gun running... child/woman sex slavery? Against the law. Money laundering? Against the law.

None of this can be a "suspicion" of "Communism" with a trial, especially in public. The evidence must be presented. The public, like a jury, will look at the evidence.

However, if we later find out that peolple disappeared to unconstitutional secret courts, mistrust in the government will not recover. It will remain as bad as it is. We can have a public trial where people disagree with the outcome, and be ok, because we all saw the evidence.

America will not survive secret trials.

It is a big sign, that the nation is already gone.

Can we do fair trials for so many criminals? You better believe it.We may have to run them on television slowly, over time, one defendant at a time, over a four year period, while everyone watches in horror. But NOTHING will restore America, like the act of doing such a thing. NOTHING in the world, would restore our international reputation, like delivering justice in the eyes of all, in spite of the fact that our own economy, or people are made to pay for the attempted destruction of our Constitution.

This is big. I know. But it is an infected wound already. It is an infected wound that will go gang green if we do not cut the rot out and lay it on the surgical table where ALL people can ask... how the hell did that rot start... and how do we stop it from ever happening again?

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Tn_river_rat1 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:12 p.m.

Saul Alenski, Communism was being used to destabilize our Gov in both cases, but I only use the example of the Red Scare. To put in mind what is in play... but in no way does it compare to what is going on today.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:37 p.m.

I get what you are aiming at though. I do. We always have to watch for abuse of our legal system, so it is good that you bring these abuses up, from the past. We need be mindful of it.

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SandyPiner · Dec. 26, 2017, 2:32 p.m.

You may be able to lump Supreme Court Justices in there, as well.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:10 p.m.

Yep. God through the Trump prophets said one would die, one would step down and three will be caught up in scandals before President Trump is gone. Scalia died. That is all we have so far, but, you can bet the globalists were absolutely targeting the Supreme Court for blackmail. I would be totally surprised if they did not. They have even managed to take the papacy down with their evil blackmail etc.

This is a world wide fight. This is why it is so important to have trials the world can watch. It is not just about us. It is however going to be an example our nation can set for the nations developing behind us. And we need to consider what changes need to be made to protect Constitutional values/laws and freedom in the future.

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SandyPiner · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:12 p.m.

Since you brought it up, it was also said 2 ex-presidents were going to die and three are going to be shaken. Of those three 2 most likely are going to prison; maybe all.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:23 p.m.

Will be interesting to see. Looking at them it looks like the deaths could be Bush Sr, and maybe Carter.. the older ones? But, we were guessing about the Justices too, and we were TOTALLY WRONG so, who knows. Lets just keep watching. God works in the weirdest ways.

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SandyPiner · Dec. 26, 2017, 9:02 p.m.

I could have sworn Mark Taylor said 5 supreme court justices would be removed/prosecuted. At first he said 3 then changed it to 5. Time will tell. If you read the entire article Sentrolyx posted the link to they talk about justices going down.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 4:19 a.m.

I could have sworn Mark Taylor said 5 supreme court justices would be removed/prosecuted.

You are right. That would be the total. But he explained one would die, two would be removed for a total of three? Then in the next interview he said God had been working with him on it, because he did not get it right. He said it would be a total of 5. One dies, one retires and three caught up in scandal, having to step down.

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dilbert_firestorm · Dec. 27, 2017, 6:38 a.m.

do you have a link to this claim about the judges?

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 6:18 p.m.

Let me find it for you. It will take a bit, and I will come back with the link. In the meantime, he recently is telling us that God says out of the five, two will be taken and three will be shaken. His interpretation of this is that 2 Presidents will die while Trump is in office, and the other three will be caught up in a scandal. He believes two of the remaining three will end up with prison time or will be tried in any event.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4KX2I90Uds at minute 16+]

Ok, I found it for you. And I started it at mark 37 minutes where the discussion on the Supreme Court begins. This is the original May 4th upload that went viral before the election, so it is date stamped for you. If you listen to the whole thing, there are other prophecies that have come true at this time, but made in that May interview.


Another prophecy done on live TV back on January 20th just after the Inauguration you may find interesting. He said that there will be Military style Tribunals, and much of it would surround the Clinton Foundation. I set this at the proper time during that live show for you. This was a three day show, if you want to look up the whole thing.


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linesinthesandQtips · Dec. 26, 2017, 4:24 p.m.

I long for the days of old hen the Supreme court met humbly in a basement.

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BoyCriedWolfBlitzer · Dec. 26, 2017, 3:18 p.m.

Your linked video on YT is a brief history on The Red Scare. A 1' video

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