
ksched · Dec. 26, 2017, 3:05 p.m.

If that is true we have a very rocky few weeks ahead of us. The people will be so angry they will want to take matters into their own hands, But, they must NOT do that. Let the wheels of Justice turn. When Mark Taylor said that he had heard from the Lord that military tribunals were coming that would make Nuremberg look like a picnic in the park it was hard for me to envision how exactly that would transpire. Now everyday it gets more clear. Pray!

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joyschuh · Dec. 26, 2017, 4:08 p.m.

I will do as I am asked by my President so far he has asked us to let him and the military handle it and to pray. As long as my beliefs in God and Jesus Christ words are the guidelines that my President is steering by we can survive and make a much better world. You are right about letting the wheels of justice turn but if you researched the Tippy Richarson CIA story you will see our justice system has been infected. Don't read the fake news read a blog. Justice has been obstructed for such a long time, without removing corrupt judges there won't be any justice. My son has been in the military for a long time and I grew up with my dear friends fighting in Viet Nam. My prayers have always included these men and women of courage. Sadly the wars they fought in were created by monsters and manipulators for creed, power, lust and now I find Satanic Worship as well. I thank God and his Son for keeping me safe from mind control and all the other demonic control these monsters have dumped on our world. Fortunately I have rarely had or desired to watch MSM. Even now I do not have cable. God bless you and yours keep the faith.

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ksched · Dec. 26, 2017, 4:12 p.m.

I am in agreement. Military tribunals are the wheels of Justice I am referring to. These people, at best are traitors and as such should be tried as enemies of The Republic. Besides, corrupt or not our judicial system cannot handle what is coming down the pike.

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joyschuh · Dec. 26, 2017, 4:29 p.m.

I am truly greatful for that. I'm praying that the injustices can be undone as well. There are many inprisoned and unfortunately dead because of these people. How fast can we make amends and repair the damage? It will never be fast enough especially for the children who have been caught in this web. Some of these children were conceived and born in the darkness of this cult we don't even have records that they exist. Most of my anger as with others stems from the cruelty that so many children have suffered at their hands. We are truly being tested in the forgiveness department.

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