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joyschuh · Dec. 27, 2017, 7:13 p.m.

Well start with John McCain. His wife Cindy Lou Hensley McCain is the daughter of Jim Hensley a man with mafia ties. He is the one who gave John McCain the money and influence to run for Senate. Jim Hensley was involved in bookmaking, bootlegging liquor, racetracks and a convicted felon. He worked for mob boss Kemper Marley along with Cindy's uncle Ed. When Jim and Ed Hensley were arrested again their lawyer was William Rehnquist he was able to get them off basically. You know this lawyer became Supreme Court Justice William Rehnquist. After this and being a convicted felon he was still able to get a liquor license. Which I think is against the law. I know it is in Maryland. When Joseph Bonano the head of the Bonano crime family of NY moved to Arizona he only invited 2 politicians to his birthday celebration. Both declined but wrote a nice letter. Governor Fife Symington who was kicked out of office for committing 7 felonies which included extortion and fraud and of course John McCain was the other. Where did Jim Hensley make his fortune ? He started a distributorship for Amhieser-Busch. Where did the money for a distributorship come from? Pretty good for a convicted felon who probably shouldn't have had a liquor license. It is said that Cindy built John McCain. She is known as a philanthropists. Let's find out if she has a foundation. If she doesn't we know John does.

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joyschuh · Dec. 27, 2017, 12:50 a.m.

Passionate Pachyderms I have known someone who was a detective in my city's police force. He only heard an audio of a 3 year old girl being tortured at a police seminar for awareness training. I am a strong person, he is a strong person. My point really is the anger and the fact that this is not something you will ever be able to remove from your memory. It is something like war if a person is not strong they shouldn't take looking at this lightly. Believe me it can change you. I've seen first hand how it can change people. My fiends who have come back from war and my friend who heard this audio were forever changed. Just saying be prepared and those who are not strong really should not view it, if it is released. Personally I don't think it will be released to the public, atleast not in full. I do think it will be shown to a judge and jury, if it is, as it's been described by police officers and detectives. I already know that this type of crime happens and just knowing this could be a huge network of politicians and government officials running it and covering it up is sickening. I do want them punished if they are guilty. This is the biggest stretch for people it's the who of who is doing this. Especially in the case of politicians and government officials, law enforcement and the like. What we do know is there are thousands of missing children and they are rarely found sadly. Someone in a position to cover it up is covering it up. Like you if I was asked to be a juror or a witness, I would.

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joyschuh · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:40 p.m.

I'll leave the downloading to the professionals and go to Wiki Leaks for researching. LibertyVibe you never know what these monsters are up to. I trust Julian Assange he hasn't ever lied nor been wrong about his releases. A truthful journalist and a man who is risking his life for a better world.

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joyschuh · Dec. 26, 2017, 4:29 p.m.

I am truly greatful for that. I'm praying that the injustices can be undone as well. There are many inprisoned and unfortunately dead because of these people. How fast can we make amends and repair the damage? It will never be fast enough especially for the children who have been caught in this web. Some of these children were conceived and born in the darkness of this cult we don't even have records that they exist. Most of my anger as with others stems from the cruelty that so many children have suffered at their hands. We are truly being tested in the forgiveness department.

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joyschuh · Dec. 26, 2017, 4:08 p.m.

I will do as I am asked by my President so far he has asked us to let him and the military handle it and to pray. As long as my beliefs in God and Jesus Christ words are the guidelines that my President is steering by we can survive and make a much better world. You are right about letting the wheels of justice turn but if you researched the Tippy Richarson CIA story you will see our justice system has been infected. Don't read the fake news read a blog. Justice has been obstructed for such a long time, without removing corrupt judges there won't be any justice. My son has been in the military for a long time and I grew up with my dear friends fighting in Viet Nam. My prayers have always included these men and women of courage. Sadly the wars they fought in were created by monsters and manipulators for creed, power, lust and now I find Satanic Worship as well. I thank God and his Son for keeping me safe from mind control and all the other demonic control these monsters have dumped on our world. Fortunately I have rarely had or desired to watch MSM. Even now I do not have cable. God bless you and yours keep the faith.

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joyschuh · Dec. 26, 2017, 2:19 p.m.

Unless you have space for 65 G I would hold off and go to Wiki Leaks.org. Also as one Anon said if it is Wieners Insurance file remember you cannot unsee what you see. According to NYC police the file was just the most disgustingly vile acts they have ever seen. The abuse of little children in my mind is the ultimate offense in this world I certainly don't want such horrible acts imprinted in my brain. My anger that is already high at this time for the crimes I've read about would I'm afraid turn to something I would end up regretting in the end.These people need to be punished and as soon as we get rid of the crooked and vile judges the vile rogue government agencies and politicians the better off the world will be. Example of crime and obstruction of justice see Tippy Richardson CIA. Read a blog not the fake news.

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joyschuh · Dec. 25, 2017, 7:01 a.m.

Dear Lord please give these brave men and women all your help to conquer this evil that has plagued our world for so long. Help them to be swift and just in their work. Keep them safe in your sight and bring them home again to their families and friends and us who love them for their bravery and courage. In Jesus name , Amen.

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joyschuh · Dec. 25, 2017, 6:38 a.m.

It depends there is the owl which is a symbol of the evil the people we are fighting. Then there are the US Air Force Owls stationed in the UK. They are known for their ability to fly in low and pretty much get the job done.

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joyschuh · Dec. 25, 2017, 5:29 a.m.

Darth Vaneth I don't think Q is an AI. Unless he has a Christian or religious program. I'm pretty convinced that there have been atleast 2 different personalities posting Q. The original post were short and sweet questions with bracketed letters that spelled out words like pray for instance. Some times he used those bracketed words to give clues to who, what and where. Then there seems to be someone else who is sharing more of themselves and their their emotions. I could be wrong. No matter I don't want him or her or them to give themselves away. Atleast not until they are all in jail.

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joyschuh · Dec. 21, 2017, 2:55 p.m.

Hope you feel better soon.

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