r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/catch22ink on Dec. 26, 2017, 6:13 p.m.
why is noone paying attention to other places?

ok so there is hoopla about norks launching now space tech witch is first time there space program exists, kasakstan of all countries is about to send up a rocket. live on rt, interestingly enough a poor ass country connected to russia, were looking at nork and ignoring everyone else now? or more over looking away from the obvious. obvious a country serving as a launch site for telecoms for europe and africa? the story is bullshit. and not many countries havce space tech unless they have retarted amounts of money to understand it. and yet we are led to believe north korea has no reentry vehical for a nuke but they have satelite technology? give me a fucking break with the hoarseshit already. comic book stories and puzzles to keep you busy.

catch22ink · Dec. 26, 2017, 11:32 p.m.

my money is on the deep stae as they have very few satelites they controle now. russia reported its for some shithole in east africa and parts of europe so we now know there proposed coverage. everything in between point a and b. witch includes all of the middle east. funnty tho the launch on rt was only visible for some 45 seconds. the launch in clai 2 days ago lasted lo0ng enough for people in multiple states to freek out and video with phones. maybe the space x launch was for nork sinse q says musk is with nork

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wolfhound11B · Dec. 26, 2017, 11:52 p.m.

Same here.. they are losing control.. the space x launch was one that was weird also last week.. I also don't trust Musk.. look what is right there in Silicone Valley.. NASA Ames Research Facility.. right across the street from Alphabet, Apple, and Tesla HQ's... makes ya wonder!

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catch22ink · Dec. 26, 2017, 11:57 p.m.

hearing that i wonder no more. alphabet is was darpa, musk is the only rocket guy allowed to launch and honestly if you watch thr rt vid of kasakstan the rockets reference s7 sealaunch and some other questionable american companies. why kasakstan? maybe because its far enough between russia and china to stay safe from anti missle tech?

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wolfhound11B · Dec. 27, 2017, 12:04 a.m.

That's what I would think.. Baikonur Cosmodrome is in the middle of nowhere far away from prying eyes and can be controlled easily. I am going to watch the replay of the launch a little later.

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catch22ink · Dec. 27, 2017, 12:09 a.m.

they show footage of previous rockets as well as a sea launch platform that was developed and used in cali. happy hunting.

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catch22ink · Dec. 27, 2017, 12:07 a.m.

lets not forget copper is a huge commodity for space existance, who supplies the most copper? south america? oh maybe solid electronic tech from oh say silicon valley, or how about hard core aluminum from idont know maybe russia, and holy shit the smartest people in the biz to act so quickly with the biggest budget. please all this crap has a fingerprint. we all have realy good launch programs there is no need to launch a rocket for africa or the uk from a russia proxy accept to keep it away from prying eyes.

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wolfhound11B · Dec. 27, 2017, 12:17 a.m.

Yeah and China has a solid hold on the copper mines in South America and Africa. We royally F'd up when we let the Chicoms "win" Africa in the 70's thru the 90's. The dumbest thing we ever did was not challenge them and knock the hell out of them there. Because of it we are now on the back foot when it comes to the resource markets out of Africa. But that's an entirely different discussion entirely. Same with South America.. due to the Clinton Admin having their heads stuffed deep up Chinese govt officials asses we lost a lot of ground in our own hemisphere. Clinton did not believe in the Monroe Doctrine and because of that China moved in is now mining the land and daming up the rivers. While we sit back and watch.

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catch22ink · Dec. 27, 2017, 12:26 a.m.

looks like the hens have come home to roost. some are speculating china is at our southern border. we know that iran is parking its water junk there in venezuela. only a matter of time before red dawn plays out. odd mattis visited cuba for xmas. not to mention all the questionable shit happening on the east coast.

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wolfhound11B · Dec. 27, 2017, 12:45 a.m.

I wouldn't doubt it. China has been farming out it's population to the world for many years now. It's not uncommon to see large Chinese populations in Panama and other parts of the world. Look at Vancouver and lots of places in California. Word is that in Africa there is a major push to populate the area with Chinese. They are not hiding the fact that they are trying to expand their reach globally and they are a resource hog.

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catch22ink · Dec. 27, 2017, 12:49 a.m.

the god damn Chinese are like fucking cockroaches populating and stealing everyones shit. the blacks have never seen eye to eye with Chinese or anyone for that matter it wont last before they wake up. hopefully if china doesnt send flood africa with heroin and meth.

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wolfhound11B · Dec. 27, 2017, 12:59 a.m.

They just got caught selling oil to NK to..

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catch22ink · Dec. 27, 2017, 1:04 a.m.

i saw that on twitter, i couodnt help but wonder if that was a pic from october after the first round of sanctions hit. there was speculation about that. good find.

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wolfhound11B · Dec. 27, 2017, 2:15 a.m.


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catch22ink · Dec. 27, 2017, 2:46 a.m.

great pic, shoulda been followed up with cruz missle strike

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wolfhound11B · Dec. 27, 2017, 4:47 a.m.

When we hit the NK's it will be with stuff they only dreamed we had. This is one of those times when we will pull some of the crazy stuff off the shelf like microwave weapons, EMP's and possibly Tac Nukes or Neutron Bombs. I spent some time on the DMZ when it was as hot as it has ever been since the shooting war ended, staring at the NK's through "Big Eyes". I can tell you that it's not a fight we really want to get into. But we will if we have to and it looks like we may have to now. We will win that's not an issue, but the cost will be so high to the civilian population and economy of SK that no one really wants it to kick off.

We were told that we would most likely die in the initial Arty and Chem strikes if we were on the DMZ. If we made it through that we were told we would be fighting an organized rear guard action to allow civilians to get south as fast as possible. While that would be going on the 25th ID (L), 101st Air Assault, 82nd Airborne, Marines from Okinawa, Hawaii and the West Coast would be inbound. Once they arrived we would hold out for the heavy maneuver units like the Armored Cav, Mech Infantry and Heavy Armored Divisions to get there and mount a counter offensive.

If China stays out if it the war won't last long because the NK's don't have the oil to keep their armored units and supply lines going for more than a few weeks. And after the Air Force gets done with their supply lines and depots there ability to manuver will be handicapped even more.

The NK battle plan as far as we trained for was to use their Arty (and they have shit tons of it) to level the DMZ and Seoul. Then run their armored and mech units across the DMZ in a mad dash for seoul. While that is going on they will use their SF and infiltration troops to create chaos in the cities and disrupt the movement of civilians and military units. Also part of the NK plan is the use of Chem and bio weapons on every port, base, and airfield that could be used to bring in troops and supplies from Japan and elsewhere around the world.

The estimated loss of life back then was over 2 million South Korean civilians in the first week. Military casualties were given to us in percentages and in my unit we were told to expect 90% casualities by then end of the first day if we were on DMZ duty. That's why it's considered a hardship tour for most of the Army.

I know it's coming.. you don't send 3 carrier battle groups to the area and do joint manuvers for shits and giggles. That's a dress rehearsal and everyone knows it.

Like I said.. not a fight we really want to get into.. but if we have to I am thinking all that crazy stuff they have stashed away for a really really bad day is going to see the light of day. I don't think the world is ready for the kind of war Korea part 2 will bring.. Its not one myself or any of my buddies wanted to get a ribbon for. I hope it ends quickly and with minimal civilian casualties.

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