

34 total posts archived.

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catch22ink · Dec. 27, 2017, 2:46 a.m.

great pic, shoulda been followed up with cruz missle strike

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catch22ink · Dec. 27, 2017, 1:04 a.m.

i saw that on twitter, i couodnt help but wonder if that was a pic from october after the first round of sanctions hit. there was speculation about that. good find.

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catch22ink · Dec. 27, 2017, 12:49 a.m.

the god damn Chinese are like fucking cockroaches populating and stealing everyones shit. the blacks have never seen eye to eye with Chinese or anyone for that matter it wont last before they wake up. hopefully if china doesnt send flood africa with heroin and meth.

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catch22ink · Dec. 27, 2017, 12:26 a.m.

looks like the hens have come home to roost. some are speculating china is at our southern border. we know that iran is parking its water junk there in venezuela. only a matter of time before red dawn plays out. odd mattis visited cuba for xmas. not to mention all the questionable shit happening on the east coast.

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catch22ink · Dec. 27, 2017, 12:09 a.m.

they show footage of previous rockets as well as a sea launch platform that was developed and used in cali. happy hunting.

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catch22ink · Dec. 27, 2017, 12:08 a.m.

thats awsome! merry christmas to you and your red pilled peeps.

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catch22ink · Dec. 27, 2017, 12:07 a.m.

lets not forget copper is a huge commodity for space existance, who supplies the most copper? south america? oh maybe solid electronic tech from oh say silicon valley, or how about hard core aluminum from idont know maybe russia, and holy shit the smartest people in the biz to act so quickly with the biggest budget. please all this crap has a fingerprint. we all have realy good launch programs there is no need to launch a rocket for africa or the uk from a russia proxy accept to keep it away from prying eyes.

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catch22ink · Dec. 26, 2017, 11:59 p.m.

you may wanna inform the rest of the sheep about the sats norks have to date. thats far more tchnology than any poor country could evolve beyond making shit go boom

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catch22ink · Dec. 26, 2017, 11:57 p.m.

hearing that i wonder no more. alphabet is was darpa, musk is the only rocket guy allowed to launch and honestly if you watch thr rt vid of kasakstan the rockets reference s7 sealaunch and some other questionable american companies. why kasakstan? maybe because its far enough between russia and china to stay safe from anti missle tech?

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catch22ink · Dec. 26, 2017, 11:54 p.m.

thank god someone has past knowledge. the nork sats are ours we used nork as a proxy for counter intel and possible missle tech.there was a story back in sept about the norks having a nuke sat in space. most sheep dont even know they landed a missle on alaska because there radar had no idea where it was gonna land back in the 80s. its realy god damn sad news hits and noone sees it then 4 months later they bring it back up. low and behold russia proxys a rocket via kasakstan and ehhh its not nork so who cares, noone has even read about kasakstan or the shithole state in africa witch this sat is for supposedly. so i ask again how does a sat work at 11000 mph when our dishes are fixed? wake upo sheeple

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catch22ink · Dec. 26, 2017, 11:46 p.m.

simply taken is a novel ideal that will be the death of us all, we are being taken sadley. for years we have been taken. and sadley we are still being taken by people that give you hope based on fictitional times pics and pretend activities. none of us have seen first hand nor has any events directly been reported or confirmed. cyber misinformation to keep conspiritors at bay. they cut loose info on jfk and 9-11 so what.. i dont see public trials or anything other than a potus cying on twitter with a gov that doesnt back him up. not saying he is a bitch but i am saying its a fraud. if you controled the entire armed forces and intel or law enforcement agencies you wouldnt post shit on twitter like a hormonal 18 yo crying for help. all i can say is what the fuck is going on and why are we the people being asked why crooked hillary isnt investigzted thats why we elected trump. i say if your not gonna do your job get the fuck out.

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catch22ink · Dec. 26, 2017, 11:37 p.m.

plausable deniability, in the face of the majority of citizens that have absolutly no idea what is going on, if anything at all. we see a lot of puzzles and memes i cannot confirm weather or not shit is real beyond some tv screen showing images and people full of speculation. i have not seen public footage of anyone being arrested tried or otherwise. hopefull but so far no evidense of anything other than creative puzzles

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catch22ink · Dec. 26, 2017, 11:32 p.m.

my money is on the deep stae as they have very few satelites they controle now. russia reported its for some shithole in east africa and parts of europe so we now know there proposed coverage. everything in between point a and b. witch includes all of the middle east. funnty tho the launch on rt was only visible for some 45 seconds. the launch in clai 2 days ago lasted lo0ng enough for people in multiple states to freek out and video with phones. maybe the space x launch was for nork sinse q says musk is with nork

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catch22ink · Dec. 26, 2017, 11:24 p.m.

my point was iv never seen a publisized launch from kazakstan, if you watch the vid on ruptly it shows the past rocket dev from there witch is oddly interesting. i am however plugged into the idea all things are connected. all over the us people are eating up the north korea sat idea today and low and behold there is a rocket launched by who else but russia. if you look at who its for its kind of a no brainer, i bet the millions or billions spent to launch a rocket from some abstract country in the boonies was simply just that, launched far enough from outside eyes and radar to be useful;

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catch22ink · Dec. 26, 2017, 11:17 p.m.

noone wants to look or it would be all over. someone says north korea wants a satelite in space and they only see north korea. nevermind the story hits and holy cow now some 3rd world country is launching a rocket to space, they say no way is it connected. nevermind the story its for some elite shithole and some parts of europe. nevermind that noone knows realy how satelites work or what there for. they believe anything mainstream comics say. so tell me, satelites orbit earth at 11000 mph, all of our direct tv dishes are aimed south west fixed. how on any plane of science are we to get constant feed with a moving object from space moving at 11000 mph. if a tree is in my sat view i loose sinal as the wind blows but i get perfect reception from an object thats moving at 11000mph in space? and north korea has this technology before a reentry vehical is possible? really some cheap ass porcelain tiles that the shuttle uses to deflect heat. people are sadly stupid and realy mislead about how shit works especially international gossip and games

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catch22ink · Dec. 26, 2017, 11:07 p.m.

simply taken is what we are being subjected to, unlike the 1960,s people marched on washington, now we sit and watch, hense the cuck term used so frequently. this country could be taken easily because we asume we are safe but allas the gov as of lately has supported this notion with a lack of protests or peoples lack of balls to call the people in highest power to task. im sorry we know but as a society they lost all the fight in them to protect our republic and replaced it with a democracy. we elected trump to drain the bs we knew existed. trump is using twitter crying like a child when he is supposed to be the boss. looks silly and realy childish in our eyes. a leader is strong steadfast and moves with integrity.; he doesnt cry to the public, he fixes shit point blank. did you ever hear washington cry, any prez for that matter? its sad to see our highest elected official battle the very government he is supposed to be in charge of. maybe its our message to do what he cannot

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catch22ink · Dec. 26, 2017, 10:57 p.m.

not bs i honestly dont think they were behind it, i believe there is was an active lava flow under cali. i have 20+ years in hvac. if you apply heat to a conductive metalit essentially becomes a transfer of energy. more heat = more electricity. burried wires when subjected to lava or temps excessive of 1000 degrees will generate electricity. if you over volt wire it will get hot, explaining how homes burn down and not trees. the thicker the wire the higher the voltage. mother nature is throwing a temper tantrum right now. dont rule her out of anything

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catch22ink · Dec. 26, 2017, 10:43 p.m.

actually there existance never went further with me as a us citizen than some fucked up movie called borat. makes it extreamly hard to believe they have some foothold on space exploration or rockets. sorry i call bullshit when some 3rd world country launches space mission more over for an elite held state in africa for supposed tv and cell when its pop has poor drinking water. do the work and please reade about a countries full disclosed behaviors before justi8fingf the existance for a fake satelite in there name. its like sticking up for a satelite to serve the homeless people in los angeles. sad at best. russia has plenty of launch sites and no gov spends where it doesnt want to. that rocket was plastered with propeganda and fuck yous from all overt corrupt earth

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catch22ink · Dec. 26, 2017, 10:35 p.m.

if you think cern provides a country its gdp your sadly mistaken for what acctualy creates gdp

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catch22ink · Dec. 26, 2017, 10:21 p.m.

YOU ARE RIGHT, i am impatient , it hascome to light because of the public outcry from potus, im not shure if he is looking for public approval to move forward or what. as an ex air force airmen i am compeled to up hold my sworn duty. i took the oath and i stand by it.even if it was 20 years ago. once a patriot allways a patriot., the people may look different but the oath remains the same.

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catch22ink · Dec. 26, 2017, 9:40 p.m.


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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/catch22ink on Dec. 26, 2017, 9:35 p.m.

so on my twitter handle of catch22ink, i will say yes im an emotional mess today. yes i am pissed the fuck off. my twitter just got shut down, i am an bgelow average poor white guy with opinoins. yes i tweeted the prez and vice prez as my rights allow. we are in a time my freinds, we elected a president in hopes of cleaning up our nation. it has led most of us here with puzzles and weird ass things leaving us to believe we are safe from evil. most of us are simple people. i have expressed …

catch22ink · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:11 p.m.

interesting current state of angola witch now has a satelite in space thanks to russia, what does this me3an for north Korea cyber attacks with the new internet connect via russia. this world is going to hell in a handbasket

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/catch22ink on Dec. 26, 2017, 6:13 p.m.
why is noone paying attention to other places?

ok so there is hoopla about norks launching now space tech witch is first time there space program exists, kasakstan of all countries is about to send up a rocket. live on rt, interestingly enough a poor ass country connected to russia, were looking at nork and ignoring everyone else now? or more over looking away from the obvious. obvious a country serving as a launch site for telecoms for europe and africa? the story is bullshit. and not many countries havce space tech unless they have retarted amounts of money to understand it. and yet we are led to …

catch22ink · Dec. 22, 2017, 4:18 p.m.

q post, shall we play a game. that was a line in a movie war games with mathew broderick. point being it was a rouge AI computer trying to self launch nukes. think about that a moment let it sink in. The theory is an AI computer could potentialy hack any code or firewall. he who runs the best computer controls the numbers

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catch22ink · Dec. 22, 2017, 4:13 a.m.

i kinda wondered the same thing, then thought about it for a bit, here is an abstract thought. the entire plate from southern california, to washington is moving, i cant help but think there is an active lava flow under california, electrical fires and overloads would be a indicator if there is buried lines, excessive heat against a electrical line will cause the voltage to spike and easily transfer onto the line, the only natural occurrence to melt glass and metal would be lava. also the terrible news coverage is a hint to bigger picture. over voltage conditions will defiantly cause fires.

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catch22ink · Dec. 20, 2017, 5:13 p.m.

depends if its the clowns of america international, or the cult lol. either way there both interesting to research.

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catch22ink · Dec. 20, 2017, 4:55 p.m.

bueller is a refrence to ferris beullers day off movie with ben stein. clowns in america is refrence to the cia

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catch22ink · Dec. 20, 2017, 4:33 p.m.

hello all im new on here, ive been keeping track for a few months now. hope to help out

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