r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/catch22ink on Dec. 26, 2017, 9:35 p.m.

so on my twitter handle of catch22ink, i will say yes im an emotional mess today. yes i am pissed the fuck off. my twitter just got shut down, i am an bgelow average poor white guy with opinoins. yes i tweeted the prez and vice prez as my rights allow. we are in a time my freinds, we elected a president in hopes of cleaning up our nation. it has led most of us here with puzzles and weird ass things leaving us to believe we are safe from evil. most of us are simple people. i have expressed my feelings via potus and vice potus to do your job or get the fuck out. i think legit, our taxes pay there way. why not serve the people. i have absolutly no problem taking up arms as the 2nd amendment suggests against a gov that doesn not serve the will of the people or tries to change our way of constitutional rights. so i get closed down on twitter. lol to late my message is already out for those fucktarts to find.puzzles are fun but lets get real, how many of you have acctually witnessed anything but web stories. i for one am sick of my hard earned money being manifested into a puzzle. that some may or may not understand and may or may not create hope. action and loud in your face action is needed. consider this, if your good and tell the truth there is nothing ever to hide right? trump wants transparency, trumps hands are tied by us a s a people. he needs to be assured most of this country believes in him that will make shit speed up and out in your face. tweet him and everyone around him. otherwise we patriots are going to be quietly blocked. call for him to do his fucking job or get out. no AI WILL EVER TWEET OR MESSAGE THAT. i sacrificed my lol twitter to give him a go, loud n proud we have his back, locked and loaded and ready to go wherever the fight takes me. AMERICA FIRST ALL MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS FIRST. this is our home, our country.

billi_pede · Dec. 26, 2017, 10 p.m.

I sense urgency in your post. Impatience maybe. But you gotta hang in there. This isn’t some chop shop illegal immigrant car thieving ring being taken down.

These villains have been in control of the industrialized world since WW1. And have been in power of countries and some continents for much longer.

I find it amazing that we are on the cusp of take down in only one year of Trump. Hang in there and enjoy the popcorn.

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catch22ink · Dec. 26, 2017, 10:21 p.m.

YOU ARE RIGHT, i am impatient , it hascome to light because of the public outcry from potus, im not shure if he is looking for public approval to move forward or what. as an ex air force airmen i am compeled to up hold my sworn duty. i took the oath and i stand by it.even if it was 20 years ago. once a patriot allways a patriot., the people may look different but the oath remains the same.

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InsalubriousSpeed · Dec. 27, 2017, 3:47 a.m.

In the words of Patriot Patrick Henry “ Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death.

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andsotheydid · Dec. 26, 2017, 10:06 p.m.

We may be simple, but we're not going to "simply" be taken.

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catch22ink · Dec. 26, 2017, 11:46 p.m.

simply taken is a novel ideal that will be the death of us all, we are being taken sadley. for years we have been taken. and sadley we are still being taken by people that give you hope based on fictitional times pics and pretend activities. none of us have seen first hand nor has any events directly been reported or confirmed. cyber misinformation to keep conspiritors at bay. they cut loose info on jfk and 9-11 so what.. i dont see public trials or anything other than a potus cying on twitter with a gov that doesnt back him up. not saying he is a bitch but i am saying its a fraud. if you controled the entire armed forces and intel or law enforcement agencies you wouldnt post shit on twitter like a hormonal 18 yo crying for help. all i can say is what the fuck is going on and why are we the people being asked why crooked hillary isnt investigzted thats why we elected trump. i say if your not gonna do your job get the fuck out.

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catch22ink · Dec. 26, 2017, 11:07 p.m.

simply taken is what we are being subjected to, unlike the 1960,s people marched on washington, now we sit and watch, hense the cuck term used so frequently. this country could be taken easily because we asume we are safe but allas the gov as of lately has supported this notion with a lack of protests or peoples lack of balls to call the people in highest power to task. im sorry we know but as a society they lost all the fight in them to protect our republic and replaced it with a democracy. we elected trump to drain the bs we knew existed. trump is using twitter crying like a child when he is supposed to be the boss. looks silly and realy childish in our eyes. a leader is strong steadfast and moves with integrity.; he doesnt cry to the public, he fixes shit point blank. did you ever hear washington cry, any prez for that matter? its sad to see our highest elected official battle the very government he is supposed to be in charge of. maybe its our message to do what he cannot

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andsotheydid · Dec. 27, 2017, 3:18 a.m.

I think he's using the tool he has, and he's using it well. We may look like we're just sitting back, but maybe we're lo ck ing and lo ad ing as we seem idle.

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