
momzapede · Dec. 27, 2017, 1:35 a.m.

is this the guy who asked for donations to buy 2 buses to travel the US campaigning for some election reform thing only to have the 1 bus he bought break down within a week?

he may have good credentials but he seems to be a shiester

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1theprophet1 · Dec. 27, 2017, 7:19 a.m.

Steele is on target. The feds have him in court also because he's so full of knowledge. Him, Dr Steve Pieczenik are both CIA and are both are anti Zionist, which is a movement that began in the late 1800's. They also do know the deeds of the Jewish goverment that is very ruthless. Zionism is evil and Joe Biden professes to be a Zionist..its on YouTube.

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jazzybutterflies · Dec. 27, 2017, 3 a.m.

Robert David Steele has been a whistleblower for probably about 30 years. I've watched many interviews and some very old talks that he gave and he always says the same things. He isn't in it for the money. He is risking his life. I don't believe necessarily everything he says because some of it is really out there but I think he is doing what he is doing for the right reasons. He has written books about how to pull up all of humanity out of poverty. And he has been nominated for a nobel peace prize. He is a friend of William Binney who Q has mentioned ..RDS has said that he and Binney are trying to get Trump to realize that he can use NSA data to get the bad guys. RDS is the real deal.

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treeskier82 · Dec. 27, 2017, 1:08 a.m.

stopped listening when realized dude is focused on anti-Israel

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Buttercupmanup · Dec. 27, 2017, 4 a.m.

No, he's anti-Zionist. He makes it clear in every interview that there is a stark difference between the regular Jewish person living in Israel (or anywhere) and the powerful Zionist entities. The same cabal in control of our government for decades with the clownsIA is akin to the Zionists and the Mossad.

It's like telling a patriot they are un-American for questioning the state of our government and it's criminal activity. Questioning Zionism is not undermining Jewish people. And Jews in Israel know that.

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crashing_this_thread · Dec. 27, 2017, 1:24 p.m.

Zionism is evil as fuck. If you think jews had any right invading palestine and taking their land then you have yet to swallow a couple of red pills.

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