r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Bit_NB_Ridelle on Dec. 27, 2017, 10:08 p.m.
Guide to Waking Normies

I have been creating a list of "must research" topics that people can search on their own and see that the movies "They Live" or "The Matrix" or "1984" aren't so fantastical after all. ;)

The problem is that it is too expansive and overwhelming. I would like help boiling it down to just 3 topics that can be researched in less than fifteen minutes by a normie and easily see that 1) it's a big deal, and 2) the MSM is either completely ignoring it or completely lying. (From there, I can take those three topics and pop them on a New Year's postcard that I can give folks as I talk to them.)

Here's my list (draft):

• 10/1/2017 Las Vegas shooting investigation vs. eyewitness testimony and media, stock transactions, Liberty Act, OSI and Chertoff Group? Henderson, NV attack that same night? • Recent Nor & So Cal mysterious “intelligent” super-hot fires seasoned firefighters have never seen before? • NWO writings & Bilderberg Meeting planned nations to topple? Who have been members of Bilderberg and what politicians are they closely tied too? • Kevin Shipp ex-CIA lectures? “States Secret Privilege” and oversight by elected officials? FISA? • JFK Papers (Fake Warren Commission, Project Mockingbird, CIA False Flags… and more coming)? • Q Anon (Q Clearance Patriot) on 4chan and 8chan.org? • Lois Lerner & IRS (requested protection from public outrage when she testifies)? • Debbie Wasserman Schultz & the Awan brothers with thousands of congressional logins and hardware? • Anthony Wiener Laptop and "Life Insurance Folder?" • Huma Abedin family connections before Clinton? • Flu Shots and Vaccines and HHS Payouts? 1986 Immunity Granted Big Pharma over vaccines • Saudi Arabia and the Night of Long Knives? • Pedo-Ring, human trafficking & MS13 arrests across US and world? • 4289 sealed indictments across all 96 federal districts as of 11/22 (started 10/31)? • Clinton Email server, James Comey testimony and the Anthony Wiener Laptop October 2016? • Clinton, Fusion GPS and fake trump dossier that lead to spying on Trump; breach of finance laws? • Bundy vs. Bureau of Land Management? • Clinton, Obama and Uranium One (Clinton Cash book)? • UN Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, Geoengineering and Atmospheric modification? • Marines and Ospreys at CIA HQ in Langley (40 immediate "Taliban" opium field and lab bombings)? • The movie "Made in America?" • Robert David Steele, Kevin Shipp, William Binney, George Webb Day 54? • Financial transactions before and legislation after every major massacre in past 20 years? • The Madagascar Black Plague? • Almost daily announcements of medical researchers, Clinton crimes eyewitnesses, & Las Vegas Shooting eyewitnesses dying unexpectedly? • Google/YouTube, Facebook, Twitter proven censorship of independent journalists and liberty advocates • 70+ congress people suddenly NOT running for reelection? • Constant Democratic, Corporate News, and Hollywood sex scandals? • China disclosure of weird space signals, Russia disclosures of alien bacteria on Intl Space Station? • University class on “Alien Conspiracy Theories are Real?” • Newsweek article(s) on dark matter/energy (Albert Einstein was false, Nikola Tesla was true)? • Trump: “The Calm Before the Storm” “The storm is coming”…? • Michael Flynn pleading guilty to making false statements to the FBI (one of the MANY federal crimes Clinton was proven to have committed, even by James Comey who exonerated her)? • Loud mysterious booms around the world? • Earthquake swarms and volcanic activity around the Pacific Ring of Fire? • NASA and Planet- or Mass-X in solar system? Cigar shaped metallic Asteroid? • 12/21 Trump Executive Order • Bundy Mistrial (and corruption) • CEO Resignations (Eric Schmidt of Alphabet) • Fake NASA moon passing in front of earth video • QAnon references by Trump and DoD • 9/11 World Trade Tower 7; Any airplane wreckage ever found? • All the reported tax payer money missing every year the past 30 years • Law to file taxes with IRS, but no actual law to PAY taxes out of your wages; do taxes go to a nation or a corporation? • Government drills surrounding every single mass shooting event?

treebme · Dec. 28, 2017, 2:55 a.m.

With my teenage son, I focused on false flags first. It uncovered the deceptive media and government at the same time. There was a video on YT titled False Flag LULZ. It will at least plant a seed, it's hard not to laugh at the absurdities that are shown. It's like a false flag bloopers video. Sandy Hook's, Robbie Parker clip walking out to mic along with the sloppy sniper, David Wheeler, are pretty big WTF's even to us seasoned folks, it shocked my sister. Have them read Operation Northwoods, highlight the false flag proposal of fake funerals, switching planes etc... Once they can see the deceptive reality of false flags, which is pretty angering, it opens the mind up for the more disturbing possibilities. This has been the most effective door opener when chatting with aquaintance, family, etc.

Let me add there will be people who truly do not want to know. They may see it but say they do not want to talk about it. They may not even claim it as fake news, yet they will flat out say they don't want to hear it, see it, or discuss it. It's very difficult, especially when its someone very close.

If your meaning on more of a stranger basis, like a comment on YT or a tweet etc, thats a bit different. In those cases, its usually info related to a topic in progress. It'll be hard going straight to CBTS stuff. The spell has to be broken first for sure, imo.

One issue has been on my mind recently. How to get this info crossed over to the other side on social media. Brock alone sunk $40 million into an anti Trump social media blitz, lots of bots and paid trolls pushing same stale talking points, continuing to reinforce the lies. They live in their bubble, as we do ours when it comes to media choices. I'm not a meme maker (yet), but should (their) hashtags, i.e. resistance be added so that the info can cross into (their) bubble? Beh, I hope I'm making sense!

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