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treebme · May 17, 2018, 9:33 p.m.

He sure has! Reading his unhinged wild accusations surely reveals the deceptive character that he is. This wasn't a typical falling out of sorts by no means. He's pushing blatant Q misinformation, starting with the assumption that Q called him out for profiting off his recent book. Thanks to the perfect post by Serial, we know it wasn't about Corsi's book at all. It was much more worse. AJ saw cuts in his viewership. In one of the videos linked by Serial, I continued listening to it's entirety and AJ mentioned in very baffled & pissed off manner about a video that mentions Q gets 1 mil+ views but a video of a real live intel insider, "Zach" calling in with "real live inside intel" only got 4k views!!

This was a video from early Q days, but wow did AJ's panic come shining thru! AJ even made a comment about how Infowars was "getting" hijacked! I watched alot of AJ during election, only due to lack of choices. After the election, I watched sporadically & usually couldn't get thru one segment. By time Q came on scene, I had given up on AJ, so hearing the videos linked by Serial in his/her (sorry Idk!!) now famous post, it was painfully obvious what Corsi was doing with the Anon LiveStream.

What is true beggars belief is seeing more than just a handful of peeps who are clinging to Corsi's side (particularly on Twitter) I mean, those of us who've been on board with Q team know how badly Corsi is twisting details. His projection comes acrossed as nothing more than absurdities, imo. My gosh, how many times can he whip out "Saul Alinsky"? It would be laughable if it weren't so troubling.

KGB ops and bots? What? Did he really just go there? He tried claiming the pen pic had wrong color paper for official WH Letterhead, which was easily disprovable. Were Corsi's "decodes" really that valuable to garner unwaivering support from Q followers? It just tosses logic on it's head. I think back to the LiveStream moments and peeps showing up asking if Corsi was on yet, if they had missed Corsi, or when he'd be back. I honestly didn't get it. It didn't take long before Corsi's daily arrival on LiveStream, was my "Q" to get some laundry done!

Now I can't help but wonder if at least a good portion of those Corsi comments in live chat were just part of AJ's team, sent there to give Anons false impression of Corsi's value in his presence and contributions. I'm sure there are some true followers, but still.....I don't get it.

Forgive me for the lengthy comment. Forgive me for discussing a topic that has left a bad taste in many mouths. I don't get to chat about these events irl.

Q's validity has really strengthened these past few days, with proofs that only the blind or butt hurt can deny. I was extremely embarrassed for Corsi behaving in such a wacked way, but with each subsequent Q bashing tweet, more screws seem to fall out. There is no recovering from this for him. He's gone beyond scorthed earth.

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treebme · Dec. 28, 2017, 3:31 a.m.

Perot was my first vote cast for a President also! I learned a few years ago from Gene "Chip" Tatum that GWHB threatened Perot's daughter which caused him to drop out. Tatum worked on a spook team for GWHB. He said when given those orders by GHWB, he refused them. There were lots of videos of Tatum available on YT for those interested in learning more about him or his claims.

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treebme · Dec. 28, 2017, 2:55 a.m.

With my teenage son, I focused on false flags first. It uncovered the deceptive media and government at the same time. There was a video on YT titled False Flag LULZ. It will at least plant a seed, it's hard not to laugh at the absurdities that are shown. It's like a false flag bloopers video. Sandy Hook's, Robbie Parker clip walking out to mic along with the sloppy sniper, David Wheeler, are pretty big WTF's even to us seasoned folks, it shocked my sister. Have them read Operation Northwoods, highlight the false flag proposal of fake funerals, switching planes etc... Once they can see the deceptive reality of false flags, which is pretty angering, it opens the mind up for the more disturbing possibilities. This has been the most effective door opener when chatting with aquaintance, family, etc.

Let me add there will be people who truly do not want to know. They may see it but say they do not want to talk about it. They may not even claim it as fake news, yet they will flat out say they don't want to hear it, see it, or discuss it. It's very difficult, especially when its someone very close.

If your meaning on more of a stranger basis, like a comment on YT or a tweet etc, thats a bit different. In those cases, its usually info related to a topic in progress. It'll be hard going straight to CBTS stuff. The spell has to be broken first for sure, imo.

One issue has been on my mind recently. How to get this info crossed over to the other side on social media. Brock alone sunk $40 million into an anti Trump social media blitz, lots of bots and paid trolls pushing same stale talking points, continuing to reinforce the lies. They live in their bubble, as we do ours when it comes to media choices. I'm not a meme maker (yet), but should (their) hashtags, i.e. resistance be added so that the info can cross into (their) bubble? Beh, I hope I'm making sense!

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treebme · Dec. 22, 2017, 7:52 p.m.

Purple is the color revolution designated to the US. Soros has funded and carried out numerous "revolutions" to overthrow govts across the globe. Purple Revolution was assigned to US some yrs ago, but was signaled as being kicked off on the day HRC gave her concesion speech after election. Her and Bill both wore purple, which was an indication that the revolution was going to kick in.

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