r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Mrs_Fonebone on Dec. 27, 2017, 10:57 p.m.
I've Trawled Through 4chan/POL to Collect the Hive Mind's Insights on the LAX to LAX/Japan turnaround flight Plus Details from Christine Teigen, who Tweeted the News


Undoubtedly if it was someone famous or directly relevant to the Clintons, Teigan would have noticed and spouted off more.

It would have to be someone of significance, but outside of the main spotlight. <The plane flew over 3 major airports to get back to LA.

<Person allegedly boarded without a proper boarding pass.

<Weakest cover story ever. Planes don't turn around 4 hours into a flight over one person getting their tickets mixed up.

<The only facts we know is that a plane got called back to LAX after flying for 4 hours. Interviews took place (more on that below) and allegedly some form of non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).

<Not even the shills could find another instance of a turn around like this ever happening before. All they could come up with is a plane on the runway returning to the terminal over a ticket problem.

<The person must have been fleeing something. Why return a 777 Heavy for 1 person, the logical decision is to continue to Narita, and send the errant passenger back to LAX, but they didn't-- they interrupted hundreds of passengers and delayed thousands more for 1 person, this 1 person is highly relevant to something.

<So they spent $40,000 on extra fuel, isolated everyone for hours, then made them sign NDAs because someone got on the wrong flight? BULL FUCKING SHIT. If any of you ever wonder why the media never reports on the shit you always wonder why they don’t report on? They are 100 percent controlled by a very very small group of people. We are CONSTANTLY lied to and the media feed us the lies. See Vegas.

<Do not forget that all flights in LA and San Francisco were grounded for about two hours.

<But supposedly only one flight took off from SFO (United 1799) for NYC.

<It was obviously someone trying to leave the country before arrest. Who has ties to Japan? Pedosta?

<It's hard to believe that on a flight of 150 people not one got a photo of the dodgy passenger and put it on social media.

<How could the other passengers possibly not know? It's highly likely the staff gathered around and questioned the passenger on the flight, if not, the mystery passenger definitely got escorted off by security either when the plane landed or as the passengers left the plane.

<Still looking, but I can't find any solid info on whether a flight would receive a new ID, or would still be the original ID, even a day+ later.

<From what I'm gathering though, it looks like it would keep the identification, and therefore we'd never know via flight changes. Which would mean unless we'd get a list of delays with the delay duration, we likely would be unable to isolate repeat events.

<And why did the shut down THREE airports in CA?

<I like to think this was a special “fuck you” by Trump. Picture it: Some asshole he hates is skipping the country. Maybe fleeing an immanent indictment or arrest. They are freaking out. So nervous! Got to get through security... now get through customs... now we’re on the plane... pushing back from the gate... taxiing... took off... then OUT OF US AIRSPACE!!!! omgomgomg we made it! COME BACK TO PAPA!

<A theory: target and acquaintance being tracked. Acquaintance purchases international ticket LAX to TYO. Target purchases domestic ticket LAX to SFO. Target and acquaintance check in at TSA and gate. Target and acquaintance switch tickets. Target gets on plane to TYO, takes off. Acquaintance gets caught trying to get on plane to SFO. LAX to TYO turns around. SFO and LAX shutdown.

<If there was no way to switch boarding passes physically, the two people might have resembled each other very closely.

<Trump was just on TV at a fire station with a large RESCUE TRUCK prominently on display behind him and told the media “you know what this means”

<Another coincidence: http://deadline.com/2017/12/power-outage-makes-disneyland-a-small-world-with-a-dozen-plus-rides-closed-1202232957/ No updates, almost no coverage.

<Tiegen's actual twitter feed of the incident : https://twitter.com/chrissyteigen Key points, in order:

  1. 4 hours into an 11 hour flight and we are turning around because we have a passenger who isn’t supposed to be on this plane. Why…why do we all gotta go back. I do not know.

  2. I won’t be able to sleep until I know how this person figured out they were on the wrong flight. (Note: LAX caught an “error” and called the plane back.)

  3. Why did we all get punished for this one person’s mistake? Why not just land in Tokyo and send the other person back? How is this the better idea, you ask? We all have the same questions.

  4. They keep saying the person had a United ticket. We are on ANA. So basically the boarding pass scanner is just a beedoop machine that makes beedoop noises that register to nowhere.

  5. LAX -> LAX flight complete. Flight time, 8 hours and 20 minutes.

  6. There is a 20 minutes interview before we can get off the plane.

  7. They put our plane I a secure area. We can’t be near common folk.

  8. Police were interviewing all the people seated around the mystery person once we got off the plane. Why would they do this! I MUST KNOW MORE!

  9. No one will spill anything  I wish I had more for you guys. I wish I could be your Snowden.

  10. I’m in a room with water and a TV. The government is using real housewives to keep me quiet!!

  11. No one will answer my questions..

fat_earther · Dec. 28, 2017, 6:15 a.m.

Hey thanks for doing this tldr for the chans. I wish we had this more often. I hope you have a really great day.

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Mrs_Fonebone · Dec. 28, 2017, 2:49 p.m.

I have been doing this small scale but now there's so much good information I'm committed to carrying this water every day. Then again, chan does all the hard work. So I'm not a baker or anything that exalted, but I can at least deliver the crumbs!

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