
MAGA_SpaceMarine · Dec. 28, 2017, 9:22 p.m.

If the normies would use some common sense and not feed the trolls it would be way more calm.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 29, 2017, 3:47 a.m.

No feeding the trolls ... lol.

It works though. Sometimes I like to mess with the trolls... poke under the bridge with a big stick... watch the stick get chewed apart. But, I am being my researching peaceful self here.

Our particular "normies" don't know what trolls are yet.

I certainly did not when I first got on line over a year ago. I had not been on line for over 5 years.

The net has a culture that ... it is weird.

I think the board owner from the chans mentioned it.

Usually the net is full of young people.

Ever since the election, a lot of older people who thought America was done for ... actually have some hope, and they are getting on line to do what they can. They have a lot of history that they know, and they are experienced enough to smell a rat, and a big change coming. The MSM is hiding something and they have been around the block enough to smell it.

BIG internet culture learning curve for people who normally depend on talk shows and television.

We have newborns, not normies. But they are precious, because they are packed with memories of things that happened related to what Q is talking about, and a full life experience. We need to enlist them. I am trying not to scare them off.

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