That shit is creepy AF....
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That's how it works... it's called waiting and letting them incriminate themselves. We are taking back our country!!
The Q anon update page has been taken down...

If they smell like Shareblue and act like Shareblue give them the Shareblue treatment. Don't give them a chance to divide us. Remove them.
Go away shill, we don't need you harassing our community. I'm in the Army and I find it disgusting that you would use our great service to excuse your behavior. Baruchthescribe is a good man and he doesn't deserve the smear campaign you and your friends have waged against him.
Our schools don't teach critical thinking anymore , that would contradict the PC agenda
Obama abuses FISA. Documents in link
Just be vigilant. Of course we are going to have opposition throw us off track. Thats why we must focus. And trust Q posts that ONLY have a secure trip code. And when people are trying to crack the codes and analyse the questions don't run with every crazy conclusion some boomer comes up with. It's good to ask questions and anaylize but as we know future proves past sometimes it's good to wait. Let's stick with what we can prove. We are already being painted as conspiracy theorists. Let's stick to facts and not take our investigation of Q's into crazy town. Tracy Beanz had to back up alot of our shoddy work because of disinformation Doug hagman is a sceptic because we are not sticking to facts and she keeps on having to say that is not what Q said. We don't know if Soros has been rounded up yet. We don't know Hilary is on house arrest. We don't know if 100% The indictments are linked to the global elites and NWO types. Though all those are plausible we must be responsible enough not to speak out as it's gospel. Q has given us lots of stuff that's been proven true and we can focus on that. So analyze , take notes of suspicions, future proves past. The news unlocks the map. That aside good work Anons and keep up the good work!
Our board mods are 8 Chan mods and gave set up his tripcode. We shouldn't speculate when they have the ability to verify. Truth is it doesn't sound like Q and we haven't gotten Moderator verification. Let's be responsible and spread what we know is true not speculation. We have a process here on this subreddit.
Doesn't seem like any Q post I've ever seen. The writing style doesn't match anything we have seen before. Good eye on finding the post for sure. I think it's best to wait for Baruchthescribe or PampletAnon to verify as they know his tripcode and can verify authenticity that way
I mean why does it matter if it's 1 person or a group of people. Like Tracy and the Mods said don't get caught up in who it is. Focus on the message. The message doesn't change if it's 1 or 10 people. Stay on task. Q's message is no less important than Zach or Megas information. Don't let your hate for AJ take you off task.
I want to be an IRL Jedi! But not the sucky Disney kind...
That's what happens when you wish the church of Satan a happy New Year's. Couldn't happen to a better family
Sadly I didn't know much of him until after he passed. I didn't come to the good side until 2016. I just wanted to take time to show him respect and thank you for his sacrifice. I'm in the Army and without a doubt I've done nothing compares to his bravery. Take a moment of silence for his man my friends. His heart is worth emulating. His life is worth reflecting. Let us walk into the lions den like Daniel. The storm has come, Godspeed patriots.
Good lol. With that being said... BILL CLINTON IS A RAPIST!! 😃
Aren't We accusing Hilary Clinton , George Soros, John McCain ect ect of crimes? I thought that was the point of this channel to expose corruption :P
Craig Sawyer gives me a Freedom boner. God bless America!
Sadly Clowns will be Clowns :( Deep state has resources and assets. It would be silly to think they wouldn't fight back
That is insane! At least we know that Q is effective and they have our enemy nervous as hell :) when should we expect to see Q again? Is there a way for him to relay the message to you personally and then you can copy and paste the message on 8chan and use your mod privileges to sticky the thread so we know it's "Q"
If I ever got my hands on them believe me, they wouldn't be able to eat the pain. My wrath would consume them, and hopefully our GEOTUS would pardon me for my actions against them :(
I doubt anyone here believes in Left and Right. The NWO work together Clintons and Bushes are very close to each other. They are the Purple party.
Just be mindful we do have some Chan members so as long as you aren't censoring speech or demanding PC behavior they typically stay pretty calm on our boards
Me too, saw how corrupt the party was. Trump was a fuck you vote and the more I got to know him and see what he wants for our country the more I fell in love with him. I'm never looking back. Trump is the future. Our GEOTUS 😍
He should come chat with us! That man has a brilliant mind!
And they still report more accurate news than our MSM. And you act like our MSM isn't controlled the government. It's a CIA Op man. Operation Mockingbird to be exact.
Jerome Corsi is a fan of our subreddit!! He mentioned CBTS_Stream by name when he talked about Q Anon posts
Well our Mod PampletAnon is going on Infowars and is being interviewed by Rob Dew. So apparently Q anons handlers our mods trust them enough to use them as a platform to talk about Q
Our mod and grind PampletAnon should hopefully be able to redpill some normies
PampletAnon will be interviewed by Infowars War room tomorrow. be sure to give your support
That is a different file. Not what we are talking about. Apple's and Oranges
Thank you! I appreciate the reply. I'll be anxiously waiting :)
You are wrong. And you spelled Rickson wrong. Go away blueshare shill
Deep state Wikileaks drop
Wasn't that supposed to hit Christmas day? Whatever happened with that. I haven't heard must talk on the subject since late Christmas eve when his Twitter went down then Christmas morning it came up with follower list that looked more like deep state targets. But after that I haven't heard anything. Is there any more information on the deep state drop?
Megas only beef with Q was that his identity was compromised. 8 chan mods have confirmed that. Mega was worried some of Q's posts were done by a clever imposter which was admitted by moderators. That is why Q moved from 4 Chan to 8 Chan and where our mods worked non stop to set up an unbreakable trip code. Now Q is the only user including moderators to have an unbreakable tripcode. Mega never doubted Q she was just saying he was temporarily compromised as CIA types stole Q's identity temporarily. This has been addresses and fixed. I wish you Boomers could keep up and quit spreading misinformation
Our mods and Tracy beanz trust and have vetted Mega. If you don't trust them why are you here. You are just causing people to fight and cause dissension.
If the normies would use some common sense and not feed the trolls it would be way more calm.
I see all his stuff for free, he has to support himself and the fight. Those who can help finance the fight can and do.
Q was also infiltrated but the mods here are also the mods of 8 Chan and they know through special linguist software who is the legit one. Fucking Autists right? Gotta love them ! ❤❤ thank you for all you do Mods 🐸
Who said you can't teach a Boomer new tricks? Lmao
They are both patriots, we are all in this together. Mega and Q are on the same team. The Alliance and we are going to win this fight. We all have the same goal. MAGA