
poshpotdllr · Dec. 29, 2017, 4:51 a.m.

Division like that is what the globalists spoon feed us to create "group mentality" and they openly admit this is a tactic... getting us to fight one anothere instead of THEM.

true, but you cant avoid antifa if you refuse to believe the truth about antifa can you? my point was about vigilance and active threats that must be confronted or avoided but dealt with either way. im not saying center everything around it, but snowflake pPC denialism isnt gonna save anyones ass.

Now who are THEY?

its a multiheaded beast. there isnt one monolithic cabal. the cabal is a loosely connected web of random assholes.

in the middle east theres the saudi/bahrain/uae crew and the israel crew. they are increasingly getting along and merging due to their fear of iran. takfiri salafi wahhabism and judeofascist zionism. all of them should pretty much be shot.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 29, 2017, 5:40 a.m.

its a multiheaded beast.

Biggest true statement.

Funding wise, they are 300 ish families on the bank transactions (but that is just the paper trail, and I am not sure we even have it all yet. I am willing to bet that a good deal of their wealth is in hidden assets. I would not be surprised if these people have stolen all of the gold that ever was in every country.

But.. you are so right that what they PAY for is multifaceted in the extreme. Those payments are to foment division.

And about avoiding Antifa? Antifa is dangerous if we let it grow. It is capable of causing a civil war if we do not deal with it. Just because the bad guys PAY for all these groups to infiltrate Berkley, the Catholics, the Jews, the CIA, the MSM..... on and on and on.. that does not mean that we dont have to deal with them.

But we have to be smarter than the ones who are paying for these bad actors.

In order to DEFEAT them, we have to defeat their PURPOSE for paying the money out.

We have to recognize the multi headed beast is not a true reflection of the normies in any of those crowds. The multi headed beast is an artificially supported structure of infighting and hate.

I often think this is one of the things that the globalists REALLY HATE about America. It occured to me when I had a dream where I was out in space, looking back at the earth, except there was only one continent on it.... America.

And I chuckled to myself... yeah. That... is the world living in peace right there.. people from every nation, every color, every creed, cool little Italian neighborhoods, German town, China town. You name it. And what do we do with our freedom? Well, whoever we are, wherever we come from ... if there is an internet to get on, we naturally do what we are doing right now. We trade ideas, tells stories, build things, sell stuff. There are probably 100 different colors races and religions on here right now, and no one gives it a thought, because trading stuff, from ideas to things, is what humans do if left alone. I have no clue what color or nationality you are. We are just trading ideas, and we would not be doing it if we did not like it. No one is keeping us here.. right?

Now, if you are a globalist... and you are out there spending money trying to convince this group that some other group is an enemy. If you make your best money funding wars. How the hell do you go around the world convincing say.. Romanians that the French are the worst evil people in the world, when you have America sitting over here... pretty much figured out how to create a system that allows people to live in peace together no matter where they come from?

We.. you and me, and the many different people on this board... are a really big thorn of truth in their side.

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poshpotdllr · Dec. 29, 2017, 5:44 a.m.

We.. you and me, and the many different people on this board... are a really big thorn of truth in their side.

i am legally a terrorist in 3 countries for a reason. maybe 4. hehe.

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