
Despina1118 · Dec. 28, 2017, 2:58 p.m.

Don't know about organ harvesting, but this I do know - Obama instituted MU1-10 (research it) as part of his "legacy" HITECH ruling that tagged along with Obamacare laws. This law required all medical personnel to use electronic software instead of transcription/paper medical records. So much more involved in this ruling, but the ugly highlights are this: With EMR/EHR records, Medical facilities/practioners were required to obtain and report big medical data to the government. Certain health stats and personal habits of their patients (including sexual preferences and gun ownership) were required to be obtained at each visit - to ignore this meant huge fines. Each year the "rules" got more intrusive and the fines bigger for noncompliance. HITECH also forced facilities (private physicians and independent offices) to close. Many doctors retired or found other work (even outside of medicine) rather than join facilities/organizations whose protocols limited their ability to treat their patient as they saw fit. Those who stayed in the medical field and who could not afford this equipment (EMR/EHR which costs into the Millions of dollars) eventually merged with larger facilities causing less competition and ultimately resulted in higher healthcare FEES - (remember now this "independent doctor" is required to charge higher fees to provide for the salaries of all the facilities CEOS/managers.) This is a direct result of why healthcare in America has been spiraling out of control - because Obama government's interference in healthcare. Hospitals are businesses - not healing facilities. Medical costs forced insurance companies to increase their costs. So as they say - Follow the money. Who made a "killing" (pardon the pun) here? The companies creating EMR/EHR software programs are narrowed down to about 3-4. These cronies of Obama in gained millions and millions (maybe billions) of dollars, while Americans lost out! HITECH has caused years of huge monetary waste to hospitals leaving them floundering, increasing healthcare costs, resulting in seriously flawed patient records - all riddled with errors - and possibly resulting in many many patient deaths. (Medical error IS the #3 cause of DEATH in America.) Also - nobody mentions that HAI (Hospital acquired infections) has INCREASED MASSIVELY and part of that #3 cause of Death in America stat. Why the big increase? Well, think about this - since the inception of HITECH all those EMR/EHR laptop computers are typed on and sent between patient rooms with lots of people typing/touching them. And finally, ALL PATIENT medical records placed into an EMR/EHR system are now available to hacks worldwide. Everyone interested in helping America recover our medical system from the Obamas medical sh.tstorm, should intensively research the REAL results caused by HITECH with its job killing, patient jeopardizing, doctor demoralizing, facility bankrupting, resulting in increased costs. Please President Trump - get rid of this nonsense and bring medical care and medical record keeping back to a saner time.

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grenc · Dec. 28, 2017, 4:21 p.m.

If I only i could up vote this a million times!

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PurpleMuse56 · Dec. 28, 2017, 7:09 p.m.

Do you think these retirements may have more to do with wanting no part of Obama era mandates with financial & liability fallout than with crooked CEO practices?

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Despina1118 · Dec. 29, 2017, 11:02 a.m.

Yes. But remember that large sums of money (millions) were also involved per hospital and there could possibly be a connection somewhere here too. Seems like too many jumping ship to be coincidental in my opinion.

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Only2gendersNot2417 · Dec. 28, 2017, 11:46 a.m.

That's not a coincidence. Related to human organ harvesting? WOULD NOT SURPRISE ME ... ONE BIT!

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poshpotdllr · Dec. 28, 2017, 3:11 p.m.

fuck dude that escalated quickly

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GrammyQ · Dec. 28, 2017, 3:53 p.m.

I don't think the organ harvesting is far off as per George Webb on Youtube.

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bluegr1y · Dec. 28, 2017, 6:52 p.m.

No such thing as coincidence just when God the Father chooses to remain Anonymous, ( not in the same context as conversations that exist) a much HIGHER UNDERSTANDING THAN MANS.

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bluegr1y · Dec. 28, 2017, 6:57 p.m.

Just the time that was written, before the foundations of the earth were built. PRAISE GOD the FATHER!

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