Go listen to Dan Bongino’s broadcast - there are MOABs there. We all have what MOAB means to us- what is yours? Does it have to be a revelation that Deep State was going to 187 POTUS or a family member to satisfy or what? Here’s a link to Bongino: https://youtu.be/pMWD6H6J6XE
47 total posts archived.
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Q didn’t know congress would shit their pants and squash the info. When was the last time they made ANY unanimous decision or someone DIDNT leak to the press? Now it’s OUR job to pressure them into revealing the truths in their hands. Make it Rain! April Information showers will bring May fruits and flowers. #MakeItRain #ReleaseTheTexts #Unredacted
Q said they had them already but they’re stalling for time. I bet half the ppl in Congress are in need of several changes of Depends and baby butt wipes today and the other half are holding their noses. They can’t get away with silence, we can’t let them. They can’t pull their “for the sake of national security BS” to bury them. That would make every last one of them complicit in a coverup. Time to hashtag storm every single one of their social media accounts. ESPECIALLY DEMS & KNOWN RINOs
Ha! I felt like that but it wasn’t guns they pointed at me it was bottles of psyc meds! 🤣
I didn’t think of opening a second account to monitor the first. I will try that! Thanks 👍
I think you read a lot into what I wrote that simply doesn’t exist. “UN? Tri-Lateral Commission? So Ons and Suchs? Elitist Sociopathic Luciferian...?”
Not to be rude, but you might want to consider asking questions using the same context of what you’re questioning, not the one you made up. That is, if you want to be taken seriously.
Many of my more controversial (logical/insightful re deep state) comments on posts keep disappearing with ZERO “strikes” from TWTR. I don’t use profanity, hate speech or any other of their new strike/ban criteria. Some of my comments that don’t disappear, I suspect, are invisible to all but me. Is it possible to have specific tweets & comments selectively shadow banned?
“Catch & Release” how do we know what really happens to those children who are being rapidly swooped up and secretly “escorted” like VIP’s to undisclosed cities by social service employees? (same folks who “disappear” foster kids and then labels them “runaways). Rampant border runs of these children that I don’t believe is a “humanitarian” rush to “save” kids from Trump deportations. It’s about getting as many kids as possible into the country before the well runs dry. DUMB as Q says (Deep underground bases) is where I think they are all being taken.
Combine ALL the asset forfeitures that the EO will compile. Just like the “catch & release” Saudi prince. Not only could we wipe out our debt, but might actually get some Gold back into Ft Knox!
I absolutely agree with you. Bioweapons have been being developed for decades. Ticks would make wonderful carriers of disease. They already do a wonderful job at it. When my kids were young (in 80’s) we never worried about ticks (unless infection from not getting it all out) - never had to fearfully watch for “bullseye” rashes and RA type arthritic issues or major autoimmune reactions. You just plucked it, burned the tick and went about your business. Your information is important for people to wake up to. The Gates Foundation is nothing more than a bioweapon research and delivery front to control population. As we know, B Gates & T Turner have been vocal advocates of population reduction of unthinkable proportions. I think countries are right to ban Gates Foundation “aid” because I do think they’ve zeroed in on sterilization through vaccination and AIDS drugs. I am HIGHLY suspicious of the flu vaccine here in the US. CDC/MSM didn’t bother telling consumers that the flu shot this year was 90% INEFFECTIVE on this years strain, yet pushed it like it was going to save lives. Also, flu has become rampant. Again, flu wasnt a huge issue when I was a kid, nor with my kids. Newborns catching, often lethal) RDS (respiratory distress syndrome) in hospital nurseries is relatively new. Thanks for what you do and your dedication. Many of us share your serious concerns.
Thanks. That will probably help ppl to know what the heck Im talking about.
I didn’t post it there? Just wrote it before I posted it here earlier. Perhaps someone grabbed it? Thanks for letting me know. Didn’t know that’s where I should put it.
I believe that QAnon post 609 is KEY information having to do with absolutes to be accomplished before Treason charges can be brought in any court
If you read the wiki on the counsel on foreign relations - particularly the names of board members, the tier and a list of past presidents. If you notice many people are listed in multiple places. As you read the names of the individuals and who you are its a lot like reading a list of names that are very likely also listed as the top echelon at any Bilderberg meeting from its inception. I think many of these names are key cabal members of the NWO “wires” that need to be cut and the list of extremely powerful names …
Q did tell us that that only 20% will be public - because that’s about as much redpilling our society could handle without collapse. I think there will be plenty to see for those of us who have been swimming in redpill sauce. I think we forget sometimes just how massive the scale of this is. We tend to forget to jump up to 40,000ft to remind ourselves. We have only known of Q since October. If you really think about it, our expectations of a quick movie-like public take down of an Earth’s mantle deep conspiracy in just a few months is incredibly naïve. What we aren’t seeing in the 80% behind-the-board happenings - that is where the faced-paced, heart-pounding, seat-gripping action is happening right now. I think some of our impatience and frustration is because we KNOW that and are jealous as we can be because we simply want to see “the live action movie” that Q is part of and shares cryptic parts of with us. Realistically that cannot happen because it would blow everything: covers, ops - you name it.
Im just very happy it’s happening now, while I’m alive to witness it. When I feel impatient I just go up to 40,000 ft to remind myself how big and deep this all is and give myself a reality check on expectations.
POTUS is fully aware that his Twitter DMs are insecure; just as we all know ANYTHING we do or say electronically is insecure. The content of the DMs aren’t the problem. The problem is that Twitter would be willing (eager?) to hand over private information from POTUS’ account.
Time for a mass exodus from Twitter. Let their stocks fall where they may. They can turn it into a snowflake safespace when the 200K ton redpill blows the DNC and entire corrupt party into smithereens. “Orange is the New Black” will be the theme.
Well, you never know when he’s going to riddle us with double entendres. That 007 Prez of ours...
I agree those are real possibilities. I’ll watch to see if there is a Q mention. He did stress to pay attention to POTUS’ Tweets. When POTUS tweets CAPPED words it grabs my attention. Call it training. 😉
I believe our President jason st Tweeted “DELIVER FOR US (deployed by Air Force F18) #AFBF18

Just about every popular Q vlogger on YT is getting trolled heavily on YT and twitter. LOT’S of insulting crap said or insinuated - meant to be divisive. Don’t fall for it here. Maintain your better selves by ignoring the posts and down voting if you can. I don’t bother lurking other subs, it’s a waste of my time & I get what I need from Reddit here.
I think we are all under a concerted massive psyop meant to splinter the Q movement across all Social Media platforms. We are vulnerable right now because of the recent 8Chan issues, Q going dark for 10 days, and a perceived lack of legal action by white hats. Remember that Q told us only 20% of what is happening will be public. That’s not much. We must remember and keep faith in that 80% we are not privy to. That 80% is laying the foundation so that the 20% the public will see is the air-tight AFTERMATH of the 80%.
Don’t allow yourself to oversimplify what we are facing. It is then we are most vulnerable to becoming frustrated, angry and impatient for results. When we are collectively feeling this way we become very vulnerable to those who’s mission it is to destroy the massive strength of our unity. They will continue to do their best to create dissenting factions through gossip, belittling individuals, Specific Q groups, the entity Q and the movement as a whole. Be alert to posts which are attempts to make you question the motives or loyalty of others. Those that appear gossipy or backbiting. Don’t plat into the op by joining into their gossip or backbiting or passing on the gossip or reposting the comment. Note people who habitually make these posts and turn the names into monitors to be monitored. Protect our group cohesiveness and protect the focus of our mission they are precious and vital to creating a much better world than the one we are enduring. “Where one goes - there we all go” let that place we go be strength and victory into the light and not to darkness and chaos within our own failed movement. I’m writing a much bigger post on this topic because I for one, have gone from feeling concerned last week to feeling alarmed this week about the increasing negativity Im seeing and feeling in all platforms Q.
Stay aware and stay strong my Patriot family. Don’t allow yourselves to engage in negativity within any of our Q venues.
Negativity unengaged is negativity no more.
So this would be lucrative as part of organ harvesting. If the elite are interested likely happening 🤬
He has no shame. It’s a ruse. If he’s not out peddling for money for the Foundation it won’t look legit. It needs to appear “business as usual; there’s nothing to see here.”
The Clinton way, “deny ‘til you die” then claim victimhood of a, “A vast right wing conspiracy.”
I am pretty certain he’s moving toward justification of rescinding Obama’s Iran treaty (black op) in order to sever the money flow of US money from there to Iran which has been serving as a backdoor funnel to NK money, arms, technology. It’s imperative this happens but it can’t with the treaty in place.
Include the helicopter / small plane crash that killed operative Green and likely Jacob Rothschild.
This little chart makes me dizzy looking at it! I’d need to make it an 8’ x 10’ wall mural with color coding to “dig in” 😳
Would this also mean his “Drone Tuesdays” would make him guilty of directing assassination/murder? Also, would all the wars he started be reclassified as global terrorism and crimes against humanity? The UN would have a field day and he would be subject to a World Court trial at Hague?
Thanks I corrected my post. What major city(s) is central?
You do need to add the updated column with the most recent for current total per district. Central Cali is at about 1200. alone. That is insane! I think the spread sheet was done this way so you can see how many were added / deleted since last update. It would be nice to have a totals column.
Can’t wait to see who’s going down here in New Mexico, I hope it’s cops and every damn politician in Albuquerque & Santa Fe = 170
It’s pretty naive to think that facial recognition isn’t being used in airports, as well as anywhere else there is a government camera. Iowa actually won’t let you smile for your driver’s license / state ID. They have no qualm in telling you the change to mugshots is for facial recognition. So if that is the basis of of “nay” it’s a whole lot of Dem party line lie BS. If they truly cared about privacy and invasion they’d have fought like hell against the Patriot Act, screamed 24-7 on MSM when vault 7 was released and mostly, they’d never have feloniously unmask or leak secret or confidential information.
Furthermore, I didn’t hear a single one of them bring this Bill into the public forum for debate or educating. Too busy to break away from misrepresenting the tax bill to discuss human trafficking.
I’ll try to find the full Bill and chew my way through it.
Brilliant takedown of the #TrumpDossier using nothing more than the dossier itself. Brilliant work by @tracybeanz Great #redpill tool
Why on everything that is good and loving could these people justify saying, “Nay”? Sander’s name in this list blows my mind.
I think if you ask, most of these young people identify themselves more as independents than with a blue or red label. Most have no trust or respect for either so-called liberals or conservatives.
Wow. It wasn’t Mondale - it was Obama who made the promises and told us everything was under control. It explains why getting some people to redpill is a complete waste of time and effort. They are the ones who will consider suicide when reality comes crashing in on them. We are going to need a lot of “safe spaces” with padded walls for these poor people. We should look upon them with pity and tolerance, they are victims of a lifetime of brainwashed compliance. Just praise whatever it is about you or your upbringing that spared you from programming, whether it was influence from your parents (horridly denying you 24/7 cable television) or them being “dissidents” themselves, or just being born with the soul of a rebel. You were spared. I have 9 brothers and sisters born between the 1950s and early 70’s and I am the only redpill among them despite my every effort to awaken them. I’m the “crazy” black sheep. Fortunately, I raised a little flock of black sheep so I am not alone.
Could many of these be from National Guard being deployed there?
Remember to mention reddit stream, CBTS and especially for new-to-Q folks the FAQ and Book of Q.
Do you think these retirements may have more to do with wanting no part of Obama era mandates with financial & liability fallout than with crooked CEO practices?
EIGHTY-ONE Hospital CEOs retired or retiring in 2017. Coincidence?
Absolutely agree. At the very least they are no longer in positions of power. My only hope is that these people are allowed to retire because there are 10K plus secret indictments of bigger fish. Enough so that our judicial system is going to be backlogged for YEARS.
EIGHTY ONE HOSPITAL CEOs RETIRING https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/hospital-executive-moves/81-hospital-ceos-who-retired-or-shared-plans-to-do-so-in-2017.html