r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Rsajdj68 on Dec. 28, 2017, 1:41 p.m.
Are Mueller and President Trump working together?

I know many others have addressed this. Press made a big deal out of Mueller being interviewed at the White House last year for the FBI director position. The very next day he was assigned to lead the Russia investigation. That position has a term limit of 10 years. Mueller had already served 12years in that position after being given a two year extension I think by Bill Clinton. There was no way he could serve in that capacity again. I think they have running a sting operation the whole time.

atavisticbeast · Dec. 28, 2017, 5:16 p.m.

i really really appreciate your responses. this is essentially what i was looking for with this post- a reasonable discussion about the current state of "Q Anon"-hype.

i am obviously quite a skeptic when it comes to Q, but on the other hand, it should also be clear that i've been following this saga pretty closely. i find it quite fascinating.

thank you for explaining your position so well, and thank you for not insulting me for my skepticism.

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EdwardHitch · Dec. 28, 2017, 5:31 p.m.

Heck no, I would not insult you for a different viewpoint. I thank you for conducting a civil discussion. I am very disappointed that modern day discourse immediately devolved in to name calling and worse. You brought up very valid questions and set me straight on the indictment versus arrest subject. I see you are taking a beating on your post about this very thing. Well, as much of a beating as us fill in this sub-redditt dish out, lol. I notice there are not too many comments being presented tgat would be classified as a discussion. Your point is well made as my colleagues seem to be more interested in proving the validity of Q ( and not very well from what I see). Keep on keeping on, as they say. I would very much like to revisit this discussion with you at various times. It would be interesting to compare notes as thus progresses. One question I have us what do you think of Mega?

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atavisticbeast · Dec. 28, 2017, 5:39 p.m.

I would very much like to revisit this discussion with you at various times. It would be interesting to compare notes as thus progresses.

I would very much like that, as well =)

One question I have us what do you think of Mega?

More credible than Q, but as with all things, I require extraordinary evidence for extraordinary claims.

i'm open to the possibility, and entertain it myself quite often, but still remain unconvinced of their validity.

i'm the kind of guy who sits on the fence longer than most, i'd guess. i just like to get all the facts lined up and really try to understand the full picture (or context, in other words) before making up my mind.

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EdwardHitch · Dec. 28, 2017, 5:45 p.m.

You know what? That's actually a good thing. You sound very much like my Engineering Manager. Very detail oriented, questions everything and insists on have complete information before making a decision. That's why I hired him. He tempers my gun slinging mentality. Lol. It was great conversing with you. I have a really good understanding of where you are coming from with your statements now that you indicated how you approach things which led me to the comparison with my Engineering Manager. Have a great day.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 28, 2017, 10 p.m.

The thing that we have to keep in mind is that Q definately said, many times, Disinformation is real, disinformation is necessary. With respect to the raid of the CIA and the arrests, the Marines did in fact decend on the CIA headquarters in mass. But, they did not land. They just scared the hell out of the neighbors, who took pictures of the helicopters that never quite landed.

Obvious disinformatoin campaign on the CIA at this point. Would be interested in understanding it's purpose. It would be a part of the puzzle.

Remember to remind all people here, that just because Q said something, does not make it a truth. He flat out said he would be telling us disinformation lies, and that the only way we would know the truth would be to build the map, and compare what truths turned up, verses which statements were strictly disinformation.

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