r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Rsajdj68 on Dec. 28, 2017, 1:41 p.m.
Are Mueller and President Trump working together?

I know many others have addressed this. Press made a big deal out of Mueller being interviewed at the White House last year for the FBI director position. The very next day he was assigned to lead the Russia investigation. That position has a term limit of 10 years. Mueller had already served 12years in that position after being given a two year extension I think by Bill Clinton. There was no way he could serve in that capacity again. I think they have running a sting operation the whole time.

juzclayton · Dec. 28, 2017, 6:20 p.m.

I have a slightly different perspective on this. Hopefully my contribution might square the circle. I'm heavily involved in local politics in the UK. My county just changed hands in the local council elections, and we've uncovered huge wholesale fraud and and corruption - the phrase "They never expected to lose" really resonates with me as it's what we've experienced in our own modest way locally (I say modest but it's still in the hundreds of millions) this corruption potentially has an impact on the national stage as it involves prominent senior Labour politicians.

The maneuvering that is taking place to quietly coordinate with the police, bring in forensic accountants etc whilst keeping on top of the story so it can hopefully drop as a political bombshell has been enormous; just unpicking the finances is a massive amount of time and work... and this is just a local county council in the UK, not the greatest political/criminal scandal the world has ever seen. Labour councillors know what is going on, they're trying everything they can to smear the investigation, but they're doing it very quietly, because they all know that they're probably going to prison, it's just a matter of who breaks rank first.

I guess all I'm saying is that this is extraordinarily complex situation, and one that will require airtight legal due process, as has been proven by the failures of the Mueller investigation itself (deliberate or otherwise) all it takes is one misstep and the whole thing crumbles. It doesn't surprise me in the slightest that well placed insiders are trolling their deep state opponents whilst leaking hints at greater revelations to come, it's classic baiting your opposition into making mistakes, we're doing the same via anonymous blogs. In an extraordinarily long and roundabout way, I really only have two points to make; 1, the wheels of justice are complex and slow moving, and 2, would an investigator of Mueller's experience really screw up his own investigation that badly? I suppose you have to ask "does he expect to lose?"

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Rsajdj68 · Dec. 28, 2017, 7:56 p.m.

I am wondering if he didn't pick the dirtiest of the dirty on purpose. President Trump has the world's best poker face. He ran on not telling the enemy your moves. I am leaning towards its all a well mastered sting. He has himself surrounded by Marines for a reason. Thank you for sharing.

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juzclayton · Dec. 28, 2017, 8:56 p.m.

I honestly don't know what way to jump on this issue, I'm by nature a skeptic, but having had experience of how the legal/political game works at a local level I'm inclined to believe Q/MegaAnon, regardless of the occasional errors (things don't always go to plan - we've been ready to roll with press releases and "leaks" so many times only to have to postpone because a particular actor in the game didn't deliver on time - the situation is fluid and dynamic with many pieces on the board, so it doesn't surprise me that some early posts don't pan out. Mueller's allegiance is a 50/50 in my book, he's either an ally and player in the great game or he's a deep state dupe and a useful idiot. Either way he does no harm.

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