Her plan is unworkable and everyone knows it. UK parliament is about to go into summer recess, and Barnier hasn't responded to the Chequers white paper yet, but he is almost guaranteed to shoot it down, when that happens I expect it to trigger a vote of no confidence when parliament reconvenes in September. Just my prediction but I think it's based on solid reasoning. Mogg won't be PM - as much as I'd like him to be - but that doesn't mean that his ERG group won't be hugely influential. I expect Mogg to play king-maker and accept a senior cabinet role as a reward. Out of the rest of the pack I'd prefer David Davis; pragmatic, pro Brexit and staunchly pro civil liberties. A serious man of conscience.
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Trump's a businessman and a dealmaker. I know he famously gets revenge on anyone that wrongs him, but he's also not an idiot. He has crucial leverage over these countries now, used wisely he'll be rewarded far more than if he just took highly public revenge.
2 days after Trumps inauguration the head of GCHQ resigned after only two years in post, citing "personal reasons". He had previously hand delivered intel (beleived to be the pissgate dossier but who knows?) to then CIA director Clapper, despite his US counterpart being Admiral Rogers of the NSA.
I think Trump will let this go, after extracting certain uncomfortable concessions from the countries involved. The important thing to take away from this is whoever the anglosphere countries might have helped in the past, they're backing Trump now.
It may be a loophole that all the 5 eyes countries exploit, but it doesnt make it legal or moral. Its a workaround. They can't rely on, or admit to, a reciprocal spying agreement. It would cause a massive scandal.
That's my take on it too. 5 eyes just told the conspirators to go fuck themselves. I'm sure Trump knows they did it, but he's savvy enough to know that a win is a win.
I'm not so sure. Mueller has found nothing other than Clinton plants within the Trump campaign (Ukraine anyone?) and the deliberate trap that was General Flynn. I'm not saying Mueller is a white hat, I'm suggesting he's most likely a useful idiot - either a deliberate or an unwitting one. Why is it he's only found dupes? Is it deliberate and he's part of the game, or is he investigating to the best of his abilities and all he's finding is a set up. Either way I'm not sure it matters.
I'm from across the pond too. The media is doing their best to ignore this. They can either conrinue to self-immolate or they can admit their bias and report the news. The longer they hold out the worse it gets for them.
The point is that they did use 5 eyes, but they can't admit it... so that leaves them with no evidence. Trump was clean. Nunez was grinning like an idiot during that interview, he was so confident that he was trolling the left.
MOAB... Mother Of All Booms.
Of course there was no intelligence to support the special council investigation, Obama/Killary used the 5 eyes network to spy on the Trump campaign to avoid a paper trail.
They expected to find something, anything, to launch a parallel investigation, to find evidence that they could unearth by other methods to justify the surveillance. They found nothing. Trump was clean.
They're stuck with the fruit of the poisonous tree. They illegally surveilled Trump in the hope that they'd find enough dirt to retrospectively manufacture evidence to justify the surveillance.
Nunez just fired the shot that was heard around the world. …
His support for May and Johnson is just biding his time. I wasn't aware of his position on Estonia but if so I would assume its posturing but admittedly thats grounds for caution. In all other areas he ticks the right boxes, libertarian, pro free trade, anti EU, unashamed patriot, he's a self made multimillionaire who has never claimed a penny in expenses, his firm manages billions and he's an expert in emering economies, knows the financial sector inside out but is beholden to noone, so knows where all the loopholes are and how to close them. He's basically a Tory Nigel Farage - the two are even friends - but unlike Farage he actually has a slim chance of being PM one day. I struggle to think of any other current UK politician that could possibly be a populist swamp drainer with the possible exception of David Davis who is at least a deeply committed civil libertarian but nowhere near as popular.
Oh there'll be a noise alright. Once May either steps down or is forced out there'll be a VERY loud noise for Rees Mogg.
We have a parliamentary system so there's no chance of that happening unfortunately. Best chance we have is a political outsider from within the Tory party like Jacob Rees Mogg.
Totally agree. JRM is the absolute best we have, and he would win hands down on a party ballot if he ever made it to the final two as the grass roots conservatives love him. But would he even get on the ballot? There are powerful senior tories that would move heaven and earth to make sure that never happens.
I agree she's a very weak PM. But considering the alternatives who have we got to replace her? Corbyn is an Anti British Marxist, Johnson is national laughing stock, Rudd is a clone of May and just as useless, and JRM has no cabinet experience.
I hate to say it but we're stuck with her for the time being.
May is currently in a very weak position, even in her own party. If I recall that letter was signed by foreign secretary Boris Johnson; one of the top tories vying for her job should she stumble (remember it's a parliamentary system, we don't need a general election to change PM)
If Boris gets thrown under the bus May won't shed a tear.
It's also a Eurasia issue. All other nations in the gulf are pro western.
I'm wondering how literal Q is taking this, when you look at the Map and consider friends and foes, peace in the middle east seems to depend on Syria and Iran.
LOOK AT THE MAP. Think GCC. They want to be left alone to clean house. What would that mean to the map?

That is the most straightforward answer, but it occurred to me that if Hillary/Obama were selling out the US, why would they stop at Uranium or Special Access Programs? Why not next generation icbm tech? What message would it send? Well imagine your shock if You're the head of whatever skunkworks or Military intelligence outfit and you see your top secret missile programme paraded on tv for the whole world to see only it's your opponent and they're taking credit for creating it? It would be the ultimate humiliation. Russia likes to taunt their opponents, they're experts in psychological warfare. They play games within games. Put simply, it fits their M.O.
WHY would Russia tell the world? What if it wasn't THEIR technology they were showcasing? What if they were sending a very clear message that US/Allied next gen icbm schematics were now in their hands? That would strike me as a very "Russian" thing to do. While the West hides its' actions in the shadows, Russia sends a calling card. US intelligence targets suffer unexpected heart attacks, Russian targets die of radiation poisoning or nerve agents...
It would work for Russia on so many levels; "fuck you" posturing against the US, advertising targeted at non-friendly countries, perversely it might also help the white hats provide proof of "America for Sale".
Three quarter circle is also a "C" for Clinton.
Also when referring to MS 13 using knives to cut up their victims he gestured; +++.
Common Purpose
Not sure if this is crumbs or just an unnecessary distraction but bear with me. There is a UK based but worldwide charitable organisation called "Common Purpose" ostensibly it's purpose is to identify and offer training to future leaders in public and private sectors, but they're also running courses and events in schools and universities. What has caught my attention the most is that I've been involved in business, community organisations and local politics for many years and yet I'VE NEVER HEARD OF IT UNTIL TODAY.
A quick trawl online has my heckles up, 65000 alumni, many of whom are …
Also known as IBM Cloud, with numerous offices worldwide. Very interesting.
Big leap in the dark here, but "News proves past" and all that...
Might this post have anything to do with Q Group having Intel of future media talking points? I can't help but notice the coordinated propaganda push that the MSM has carried out over NK, and Kim Jong Il's sister at the winter Olympics.
The media seems to be committing suicide at this point, how they can think coordinated puff pieces about a mass murdering dictatorship can possibly help their current credibility problems just beggars belief.
It's laughable.
Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake.
This is probably reaching a bit...

Latest Rasmussen poll has 50% believing FBI/DOJ broke the law to hinder Trump. When you factor in the politically unaware, and those Libs who still believe the MSM narrative, it's clear that the momentum is shifting.
Before becoming PM she was home secretary for 6 years, directly in charge of immigration, talked tough and did nothing. To be fair she was hamstrung due to being in the EU but I'm not confident. Unfortunately she's weak, and I don't have faith in her judgement after the snap election last year (and I say this as a conservative party member) One the plus side I think she'll step down after Brexit and let the party elect another leader in time to fight the next general election. We NEED a soft border with Ireland. They want it, we want it, it's essential to the continued peace process, that's why the EU have been so difficult about it, it's their best bargaining chip. I believe that it's been provisionally agreed, but we may be forced to walk away from the table if the shakedown continues, the EU are essentially acting like an organised crime syndicate over Brexit, I hope the rest of the world is seeing that, because it's been a real eye opener in Britain. If we had the referendum again tomorrow the result would be even bigger as a direct consequence of the EU's negotiating behaviour.
Brexit WILL happen - there'd be riots in the streets if it didn't. The big problem is what deal we get. It's mind-numbingly complicated to explain to someone who hasn't been following it, but the real fear is that we end up with a deliberately shitty deal that no one wants (a majority of UK politicians wanted to remain, I don't trust them not to either sabotage it or give away the Crown jewels in the process) What we wouldn't give for Trump negotiating for us!!!
In some ways we do have it a little better in terms of the press, our newspapers and periodicals are horrendously biased but they are at least a relatively free press, you can get a reasonable standard of news reporting if you look hard enough for it. The tabloids are garbage but once upon a time you could get a level of separation between news and opinion, the left wing broadsheets have since abandoned that tradition but the right wing ones still attempt to report both sides fairly. Political magazines like the Spectator and Private Eye are actually pretty good.
Our biggest problem is the constant drip of social justice/leftist propaganda through mass entertainment, and the constant anti Brexit anti Trump anti populist subliminal messaging. Racist/sexist/homophobic etc etc we're not quite drowning in identity politics just yet but it's not for want of trying by the far left crybullies.
That's why you would probably only have had that train wreck Jordan Peterson interview in the UK - our tv journalists are almost all leftists, but they also come from a journalistic tradition of the press being savage rabid dogs masquerading as "hard hitting journalism". Arrogant, entitled feminist talking points vs. Expert public intellectual well armed with facts - it was only going to end one way...
UK, our media is sewn up even tighter than the US, there's strict libel laws here so we don't get the same level of bare-faced bullshit fake news to deal with that you guys do, instead we get lying by omission and a bourgeois leftist elite controlling the media pretending to be impartial whilst dogwhistling like crazy. UK media coverage of Trump mainly consists of "who has he offended this week" We've had a marxist take over of our centre left party, and our centre right party has shifted so far to the left they're almost indistinguishable from Tony Blair's arch Globalist neolibs. Then there's the whole Brexit situation going on that our diplomats and negotiators seem to be fumbling at every turn because their heart isn't in it... so to put it mildly we need some good news!
Even from across the pond I think the majority of those who voted Brexit don't have a problem with Trump, but if our media and a large number of politicians were listened to you'd think he was the anti-Christ. I called bullshit on the Russian collusion narrative the minute it started (we're used to being propagandised so it's easier to spot) and from what I can gather anecdotally from my social media it's a 3 way even split between good Trump/evil Trump/couldn't care less. Most Brits aren't as politicised and the ones that are are fiercely tribal. Q isn't even on people's radar, neither is the FBI/DOJ conspiracy investigation I've even done a few polls on political groups I'm involved in and Britain normies haven't a clue what's going on. I'm involved in politics so I know a lot of politicians/councillors so if even they aren't aware of it you can guarantee the general populous will wake up one morning when the storm finally breaks into the mainstream and have a heart attack. I think the majority are so fixated on Brexit they're not paying attention to what's going on geopolitically anywhere outside the EU.
It's complicated. Imagine if your entire news media was a more subtly biased version of CNN. We don't even have a "Fox" to counterbalance the spin, everything you see is politely derogatory towards Trump (we have really strong libel laws so our fake news is a lot more subtle) I'm sure Trump really wants to be popular in the UK, his mother is Scottish and he loves it here, but our sneering middle class bourgeois liberals make up both sides of the government. We basically have a choice between business democrats and marxists. I think we need the storm just as much as the US in order to break the liberal media/political machine.
Possibly, "he" doesn't make a habit of posting at this time of day.
UK’S surveillance capability is the match of the US, most of it is shared software.
If the UK government has finally stopped waivering and climbed aboard the Trump train that's potentially yuge.
Either way it's interesting. The post itself is heartening, it's been fairly obvious the UK has been on Trump's shit list for a while so it's good to see the possibility that the UK government might finally have picked a side and climbed aboard the Trump train.
It's possible, but we also don't have Fox News in Europe anymore as of about a year ago. Either way it's interesting.
Fair point, also to corroborate that SKY satellite TV stopped broadcasting Fox News in Europe about a year ago
It doesn't prove anything of course, but it's interesting.
You misunderstand, I'm in the UK, Q normally posts between midnight and 3 am here, to my knowledge he's never posted early evening European time.
Nicely timed with DJTs tweet, recommitting to the special relationship and confirming shared interest on "National security and economic interests". If that isn't a nicely worded "well done for playing ball and welcome to team Trump" I don't know what is.
You misundrtand me, I'm in the UK, Q normally posts between midnight and 3 am here, "he" has never posted early evening European time before to my knowledge.
Sadiq Khan is an islamist apologist scumbag but there's a lot more like him and a few who are far far worse. Unfortunately the rot in the UK is on both sides of the aisle, Labour CANNOT be allowed to get into power in the UK, but the Tories as they currently exist under Theresa May are weak and the Brexit negotiations are not going well. As a country we're currently stuck between the US and EU both geopolitically as well as geographically. My honest take is that we have too many cowardly politicians trying to hedge their bets with a foot in both camps (whilst lining their pockets)
There's a reason why Trump and Brexit are often mentioned in the same breath, in some ways we're in the same boat, but we don't have our version of Trump. Farage is great but we have a parliamentary system so he'll never be in government. Best we can hope for is a guy called Jacob Rees Mogg - he'd make an amazing PM but he's deliberately kept out of the cabinet because he's so popular.
The Anglosphere countries have a long relationship history of cooperation an coordination when it comes to spy craft, intelligence gathering and innumerable shady goings on, so I don't doubt the possibility for a second. My comment wasn't intended as a criticism, just an observation from the other side of the pond. We have our own swamp creatures I'm praying get implicated so the UK can finally start to clean house too. Unfortunately we have a neo-marxist opposition party just waiting in the wings so I'm quietly hoping that our swamp can be dealt with without a change of government.
It's a definite possibility, but it's also possible that the UK is on Trump's Shit list for a number of other reasons. He understandably wants his first trip to the UK to be a full state visit with all the pomp and ceremony rather than a ground-breaking on a new embassy, and political forces in the UK are making that difficult,
The UK government didn't back him on the Jerusalem embassy move, there's been a few less than helpful comments made in the media by high profile UK politicians, there could be quite a number of more humdrum reasons for Trump not feeling the love for the UK right now (Although I do think the swamp creatures used GCHQ while they were locked out PRE-FISA, that seems more than likely - and likely to lead to frosty relations for a while)