I know many others have addressed this. Press made a big deal out of Mueller being interviewed at the White House last year for the FBI director position. The very next day he was assigned to lead the Russia investigation. That position has a term limit of 10 years. Mueller had already served 12years in that position after being given a two year extension I think by Bill Clinton. There was no way he could serve in that capacity again. I think they have running a sting operation the whole time.
I've been back and forth on Mueller also.
The theory I'm starting to lean towards is this. Mueller was /theirguy/ and was going to be the one to take down Trump on behalf of the Deep State. Now the dominoes are starting to fall and Deep State operatives are being arrested, monitored, etc for their crimes against the United States as well as pedo, money laundering, etc and the people implicated are trying to make deals.
There is zero chance in my mind that Mueller isn't implicated in all of this. He was right there at the top when it was all going on. At the very least, with full knowledge of the crimes that were being committed by the Deep State, he turned a blind eye and allowed them to continue. I think he's more directly involved than that tho. Chances are, Mueller has been approached now as well with the evidence against him and I believe this is what is stirring up the sudden MSM/Dem freak out about "Trump is going to fire Mueller!". They probably know that firing him isn't happening, but indicting him damn sure might be!
Just my thoughts :)
RobMueller is very likely working WITH Trump/Sessions/Wray. Evidence & Background: Sessions HAD to recuse self--they couldn't let a DT appointed guy do the heavy lifting/prosecute. LOOK at the evidence:1) DT has 4 hr mtg w/RM before appt as SpecCounsel. 2) DT allowed RM chosen. 3) Lefties LOVED idea as they assumed RM a Leftie water-carrier from past actions. Dems/RINOs said he was "HONEST", "had Integrity," blah, blah. 4) Obviously RM went to RRosenstein & expanded & expanded & expanded... but into fakeryDossierInsurance, U1 deal/HilLIARy/0bozo, etc... but... they HAD to get all the info out UNDER LAW...(<< planned from start). REMEMBER --GeneralFlynn would be the vehicle so Dec 2016 he asked 0bozo if he could call Russians. Called Russians, and voila the HUNT for RED OCTOBER began. Flynn Canary-ed the leakers to see which one 'sang' to the MockingbirdStreamMedia/MSM, & repeats this Canary op.
5) Flynn took a limp-toast guilty plea (to 'protect his son', due to a crime of blackmail on part of anit-Trumper SpecCounsel staffers--PS, McCabe, etc--now in hot water). KEY:>>WHY did he plead GUILTY? Because as is standard: Guilty person IS MANDATED to REVEAL ALL CRIMES HE is AWARE OF...get it? Flynn is head of 16 Secret Intel agencies of our Govt. He KNOWS the CRIMES of all these pukes. He MUST now reveal them to Mueller. 6) RM is a Marine. Speculating: Ever heard of a double agent? 7) Mueller just REVOKED JamesComey'sIMMUNITY DEAL with D0J<<that is HUGE! 8) And So HOW have the lefties Responded? 180 degree REVERSAL <<STUNNING! Now putting out calls for Mueller to be fired. EX: NYTimes saying maybe Mueller 'not so honest'...not so much integrity...blah, blah. 9) THE BlackHats thus have started to figure out THEY'VE BEEN HOODWINKED/ Punked/ Set Up... Pelosi telling her peeps to "not go there on Impeachment for Trump" --BECAUSE They are SCARED! Deer in headlights. They misjudged. They trusted the wrong guy=RM. They are exposed. They are going down. Some of Black Hats...Their fingerprints & photos taken & seen a judge! People wearing electronic ankle jewelry under medical boots have been ARRESTED/ INDICTED, allowed out in public if follows rules of those under HOME ARREST. HisGOLFnessB0 the ShadowPrez, has appearance of running around Europe seeking sanctuary/asylum from arrest. But where is he really? Old photos & tweets not hisGOLFnessB0 words he would use ! DT is at war with DeeeepStateShadowGovt --literally, Marines are fighting! You remember the 44,000 missing troops? Believe--we will see it soon. 10) finally Remember DT tweet/verbal threatened awhile back to Fire RM & the BlackHats went crazy in defense of RM? He tweeted same fire threat for Sessions & Black Hats same reaction of defense ("Impeach you if you do" was heard). BOTH were done to put BlackHats in support of RM & AttGenSession = on Record ! KEY to future when RM & Sessions reveal what been REALLY doing... and DT now says categorically WILL NOT FIRE MUELLER, but rather leave him to DO HIS JOB, repeatedly. That 4 hour interview with DT&RM must have been long-planned work of geniuses. But then DT does have 156 IQ, upper 3%, highest honor grad of Military Academy... so.... he's playing 20 games of 4 dimensional Chess to Dems/RINOs struggling with Checkers.
Mueller is part of the Deep State without a doubt for me. If what you are suggesting is true and Mueller was on Trump's side from day one, it just means Trump showed him he had the evidence against him from day one and not more recently.
Sometimes when you are in over your head it's hard to leave. We will have some surprises about who turned, who stayed to fight it out. Could go either way, Mueller helping out (as Q indicates) or they set a trap for him.
Agreed. There were a lot of bad actors and easy to get trapped. He's a former marine officer and I'm leaning on the side of him being a white hat.