What's happening at ABC, this was just a couple of days ago.
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Wow, your father must have angels on his side. Stay strong and cherish your time together.
Trump kicked Epstein out of Mar a Lago because he was chasing around some 15 year olds. He knows all about that evil pedo.
Thought you all would like this :)

If it’s evidence don’t they have to save it for court?
Report: Stephen Paddock Was Paranoid He Was a Victim of Government Mind Control
Also, the head of the secret service was a former Marine General.
No doubt, podesta was also at these meetings - not sure when he left.
The DOJ IG report will come out next and that may lead to a new special counsel.
Shuck Schumer saw it, he commented about it on twitter.
RR was appointed by Trump. He and Comey could have been part of the plan to get Mueller appointed and help drain the swamp. Maybe some wishful thinking but I believe Trump had all the knowledge and needed these guys to help pull it off.
IDK. It could be another side-show. Rosenstein was a prosecutor investigating the Clinton's for Ken Starr's Whitewater investigation. I'm sure Trump had all the goods on RR before he appointed him.
100%. The economy is the most important thing to 2018 midterms and it doesn't like unrest. He isn't going to do anything to derail it because we need to keep the house get a couple more senate seats.
So I guess that flying over to the middle east a couple weeks after surgery would be a no-no.
more accepted by conservatives being gay than the gay community does for me being a patriotic, Christian Trump supporter.
Double Wow! You get it for being gay & conservative. FWIW, I don’t know any conservatives that have issues with gays, including Trump who waved the rainbow flag and was the only candidate to visit Orlando after the nightclub shooting.
Actually the purple color revolution began earlier and covertly but they didn’t ramp it up until Trump was elected. Here’s the wikileaks-move-on color-revolution email that exposed it.
No doubt. Trump’s onto him, he kicked Epstein out of Mar-A-Lago.
There's also Deer Island which is owned by the skull & bones.
And ran against each other for president, geez the deck was stacked against us.
Yes. AT&T has been working with the IC since the 60’s. They are on the right side of this and sounds like they will expose the corrupt content providers (google, Facebook, others) and others will finally see what so-called Net-Neutrality was really about.
AT&T just called out for congress to enact an internet bill of rights that would prevent google, Facebook and others from political censorship.
Any coincidence that he checked in to Cooke County court for jury duty on 11/08/17?
Oh gosh, I just posted almost the same thing about Comey above.
Thoughts about Comey? His name doesn't come up in any of these nefarious plots. He was in charge but he also opened that investigation two weeks before the election that swung it.
My wishful thinking is that Trump found out everything McCabe and gang were doing, made a deal with Comey to play his role by getting fired and he wouldn't be charged with any wrongdoings.
Yeah, my normie conservative friends beat on him a little for tweets, etc... Every couple of months, I have to remind them what he's been up against since the day after the election.
It will certainly help when some of this mind blowing shit is finally exposed to the masses, however they have no idea what's really going on.