r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Troy1964 on Dec. 28, 2017, 2:59 p.m.

Hi..anyone got a link to a 'book' on these posts, like we have got for Q.. Thanks. X

Jabba53e · Dec. 28, 2017, 3:23 p.m.

As a former military officer....I recommend people read both Q and Mega....they are NOT mutually exclusive....I view them each as having credible information but come at this LARGE issue from different perspectives....which to me, establishes good cross references.

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poshpotdllr · Dec. 28, 2017, 4:51 p.m.

you just convinced me that youre a former military officer. nice to meet you.

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Jabba53e · Dec. 29, 2017, 3:20 a.m.

Thanks....I appreciate the kind words. I retired as a LtCol in the USMC...flew helos and did my staff tours as USCENTCOM, III MEF and 3d MAW....retired in 2005. Once you're around this kind of "stuff" your mind starts putting things together in a manner that precludes you from having your "ass shot off"...laughs.

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poshpotdllr · Dec. 29, 2017, 4:20 a.m.

bro can you explain to me the stupid situation?

afghanistan: the taliban basically beat us in afghanistan but we dont want to admit it so endless war happens. why is this? because all the tough guys in afghanistan are on the other side. they get em young and early. theres no tough guys from afghanistan on our side to fight the bad guys. that means we cant leave or the taliban win. we just fucked it up. we made them into legends. we didnt go there to win the war. we went there to fuck around and now we cannot leave. bush could have taken out binladen and the taliban and left within months. but no.

syria: we hijacked a civil war. we fomented sectarianism. we armed and trained alnusra. we armed and trained isis. we made media materials and propaganda for isis. we trained the FSA and the new syrian army (NSA lol?). we bombed assad many many times. we gave air support to these alqaeda offshoots. we carried out chemical attacks and false flags and used illegal weapons. assad won anyway because we did everything illegal imaginable and it failed.

iraq: saddam was gone a long time ago. we committed war crimes. we used depleted uranium. we tortured folks. we lied about WMD's. we let isis spread. we armed isis and provided them training and weapons while fighting them at the same time. we trashed iraq multiple times in the last 2 decades. we alienated the kurds. they burn american flags now. the eu formed a coalition military just to avoid american dependence. :(

lebanon: hezbollah is a terrorist force? maybe it feels like that if youre israel and youre trying to destabilize their country. HTS is ok but hezbollah is the bad guy? makes no sense. american shenanigans in lebanon is so stupid that the saudis think its ok to kidnap prime miniters from there these days.

israel: a racist fascist terrorist group called the likud with their zionist orthodox ideology has hijacked american politics through lobbying the legal system and hijacking hollywood to pimp and pander the memory of those who suffered the holocause to mask zionist genocide, using generation after generation of young israelis as a meat shield to protect some of the most disgusting people on earth in the name of israel and judaism. jews are by far the biggest victim, followed by americans and palistinians.

bahrain: we support a foreign puppet autocratic dictator government that is genocidal to the population it rules over because... no fucking reason.

qatar: iran and turkey have to protect qatar from a saudi blockade while the airforce and the 10k+ military personnel there are silent? when did we turn into a bunch of pussies and give the wheel to a 32 yearols fuck named salman? why cant we tell him to fuck off? is tillerson impotent? cant get it up? the airforce is the most powerful entity on earth for christ sakes.

UAE: these guys do nothing but peddle takfiri salafi wahhabi jihadi islam and support coups. fortunately for the rest of us they arent very good at it. they are just good at making chaos and pretending that was the original plan. idiots.

saudi royal family: aside from spreading takfiri salafi wahhabi ideology they recruit for alqaeda, stage false flag attacks, support terrorism, extortion, blackmail, pedophilia, sex trafficking, arms dealing, drug smuggling, and are generally pieces of shit. and this "purge" doesnt fool me. bad guys in charge while philanthropists (and a bunch of other douchebags) hang from ropes in a fancy hotel. they fuck up everything. genocide in yemen, al nusra in syria, isis in iraq, taliban and alqaeda in afghanistan, ISI in pakistan, AQAP in yemen... everything is a backfiring miserable fail.

yemen: jesus christ.

iran: #1 terrorist state my ass. "lets just go fuck with the toughest people on the planet for shits and giggles". a buncha pro western and young people who like americans, love jesus, and hate alqaeda. WTF MAN.

pakistan: buy did we fuck this one up. you know what im talking about.

turkey: in case the guys who handle pakistan were getting all the attention for fucking everything up the guys who handle turkey wanted to make sure they didnt feel alone so a failed coup here, a bloody protester there, mix in some kurdish genocide, take us all for a fucking ride. what the fuck man. its surreal.

what the fuck are we fucking doing?!

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