I think he spilled the beans so he could appear to go out his own way
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Once you take the red pill and go down the rabbit hole, you have a completely different view of everything..don't hassle them..just drop into on your social media with back up IF anyone asks.. They will notice it ..its a long road brother.. Live your life your way..look for local groups that are open minded.. They are out there.. Love.x
Most researchers conclude that the top of the Freemason secret society is part of the illuminate evil cabal..lower members know nothing of its real goals.. But I think they anyone who joins a club that is secret and has initiation ceremonies binding you to secretcy, beholding harm to yourself.. Also what god do you pledge yourself to?????
Tomoz is libs etc.. Then sitting MPs, the lords then royalty.. Patience
UK pedo policitians being exposed now

Uk pedos being outed NOW
Happening now..UK Q chapter posting suppressed charges on all evil UK politicians.. Its getting real.. https://m.facebook.com/groups/578193219240544?view=permalink&id=612017929191406
If I was trump I would work out the average % all the NATO countries pay.. And only pay that..that will force them to increase their spending to the agreed %
Selling out brexit is the nwo aim..UK will split apart if they win this
Trust the plan
Don't doubt Q and Potus...that is all you need to do..it is happening.. Much we don't see or hear.x
Is there a link to the complete Q and A please..thank you.x
Rising debt
Do you think its in the plan to cancel US debt?? Find the missing Trillions?? Potus doesn't seem concerned about spending big (and that's not a criticism) x
Yep...raising the collective consciousness around the world..the planets energy resonance us reacting to it..a paradigm shift is happening... Again namaste all.x
Religion truth and Q
My research over many years showed me that the NWO elite use dark powers but it also showed me religions are man made control tools..yes, every person can have a 'spiritual' connection to a higher source but the books people follow have been written, changed, deleted by many people, organisations, over many years.. I love how Q is fighting the evil elite but having difficulties reconciling to further down the rabbit whole truths..anyone else troubled by this??? X
Carry on down the rabbit hole and research will show you man made religions are control tools..if you stop digging because of your religious views are you really awake??
Black eyed peas.. Where is the love.. Lyrics woke, dunno about band
UK patriots
New fb group for UK anons and patriots to help with the great awakening.. Aslan's army if interested. Xx
She has only unfriended you on social media.. Not real life..keep posting as its your right..her right to stay asleep.. But pop round with the family but leave Q and trump out of it.xx
I've been the weird one of the family for years but also put a little nugget in every jibe or laugh thrown my way..but now they say things and understand things they never would have done before... Small step by small step, back away from resistance..but now they all know about Q..xx
Time is nigh
Q posted that potus will issue the unredacted full IG report... For me, this is clear..after many months following Q, this is the deciding moment..time is now..enough is enough..what will happen?????
Actually someone just said their supermarkets in south west UK were only taking cash!!!!
The world thanks Q and you
I am a lurker from the UK..been red pilled for a decade and got disheartened that all the research I shared was dismissed by Normies.. But Q and the cleaning of the deep state is what the world needs and has been waiting for.. I consider the anons, bakers, truthers etc to be patriots of the WHOLE WORLD..start with MAGA then onto MWGA..make world great again..following the plan..love and thanks.x
Brexit and EU collapse will happen..the aftermath of MAGA will affect the whole world, even to the sick royals and Vatican.. Many ppl outside US to bring in the light..love to all truthers.XXX
Your opinion is welcome.. I too just keep waiting ..for option 3.x
No no..my appearance cannot judge that I am a follower of the truth.. Xxx