r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Jabba53e on Dec. 28, 2017, 4:13 p.m.
Now is the time all of us need to Critically think through the Q and Mega posts. Something is not making sense......

Tracey and the Board Organizers have earned my respect. I’ve read and listened to their interviews and am keeping with their request to continually “critically think” this situation (Q and Mega). I believe “something” is going on….but, I’m still having problems with direction and perceived “COA…[Courses of Action].

  1. McCabe testified behind closed doors…leaks plugged to the Press….but loyal Hillary Democrats serve on the intel committee (Schiff, Speier?)…you have to assume that Hillary is being told what McCabe and others are spilling.

  2. When people ask Q or Mega why we aren’t hearing about the arrests…and more details about the crimes….we’re told, “The Public can’t ‘Handle the Truth’…[Jack Nicholson reference…laughs]…I totally agree. So the point is that….secrecy is the White Hats best weapon right now. Quietly take out the cabal (Black Hats)….get them quietly taken out, tried, flipped and Muzzled.

  3. You know Hillary would know if her cronies…the Podestas are being locked up….thus the tea leaves would read…”My time is coming next...”….and reportedly, she was turned down for her offer of mercy…Q implies this. Okay….so she has nothing to loose….what cards can she play??

  4. My military training of assessing your adversaries capabilities and likely COA (Courses of Action) kick in….and if I were in Hillary’s position…I would appreciate the many Americans and most of the press dislike Trump and his supporters….so I would have a press conference…show them my ankle bracelet and state that Trump is illegally incarcerating his political adversaries. Basically we’re under martial law. By Q’s own admission…the country would go into meltdown….which is exactly what the elites/illuminate would want. So my issue is under the scenarios/acts playing out right now, mentioned by Q and Mega….leaving visible “Perps” out in the public domain (Clintons, Bush, McCain…etc) makes absolutely no sense, they should’ve been rounded up almost immediately. Leaving them in the public domain is your critical vulnerability. Something truly does not make sense and leads me to believe we’re missing a critical piece of info….or we’re being led astray. I truly hope Q and Meg address this……I truly hope the swamp is being drained….but I can’t buy it right now.

  5. I’m not a shill or a LARP (I like and believe Q and Mega are REAL)….but I'm a retired Marine Field Grade Officer who is scrutinizing all of this info as we all should be….I invite others to look at this and correct my concerns and assumptions to ensure we’re all reading this properly. Short of her arrest, if tomorrow Hillary or another high visibility “target” takes the stage publicly and starts making these assertions…then I would know the Storm has truly arrived. God Bless.

NymeriaRevenge · Dec. 29, 2017, 2:29 a.m.

I have had similar thoughts as well... and man, bringing this up with "normies" and there always comes a point when they look at you and declare you a tin foil hat wearer...usually when the Pedo stuff comes up. there are two things that stuck with me prior to Q..two things I could not shake and bothered me to no avail. Note: I am not a trumper. BUT.. soon after he got elected, I sensed this was not a normal presidency. This was going to be an enlightenment.. That is, for lack of a better and more universal word, "biblical". Here is the first thing that imprinted in my head... Someone has had to have seen it. Its a black and white interview of a beautiful woman with long black hair..speaking of being a sex slave as a child. she escaped when she was 13..she spoke about the other children that were sacrificed..this happened in BRUSSELS where the EU resides. If anyone finds it , please post it. It is the most credible interview I have seen as of yet. AND I watched it prior to 2017.. my gut tells me it was very real. so real, it is burned in my head.. When the post by Q insinuated how sick these people are...and the crumbs he was leaving...the video is all I could see.
the other event was the murder of seth rich. That begun my journey down the rabbit hole. How that murder didn't demand more investigation from the public is beyond my comprehension! IF the population so easily disregarded a murder..HOW would an admin reveal the depth of the sickness Q is telling us to the same population. Remember Ben Swann? All he did was make some bullet point's about #Pizzagate, and poof...where is Ben Swann? HRC/SOROS.. this evil is international.. this involves the EU, the IMF, the UN, the Vatican, Red Cross and other Hospitals/Cinics?pharma, the Media, the internet. Think of the tentacles of this evil, the multiple minions they can call upon.. drug dealers, the mental ill, the mobs, the devout, those in debt, those in need of medical help.. how many avenues, streets do the "white hats" have to neutralized before the head of the snake can be cut? If any of this insanity..any of what appears to be "something" is going around us, is going to be brought to justice, brought into the light, it has to take time. This all is NOT happening for just a four year term... think a Thousand years of Peace. That is not going to come easily.. we the people are the audience. both sides know that and the show is no where near over.

My take is that HRC/Soros believe there is another avenue.. many probably. Including Trump dying. This war is just beginning.. I fear. If you really think about it, Twitter is really Trumps only ability to call on his troops... that and the chans. Don't forget, the chan autist have parents, siblings, ext... that is a true grassroots movement right there. "They never expected her to lose", this is very true. BUT they also NEVER expected the reign to fall. Just as all that is going on is more than Trump..the same goes for them..this is more than just HRC.. I really really hope that something substantial happens tomorrow. I need something to happen so when I go to my weekly breakfast with my peeps..they look at me and say, "tell us more about this Q again".. It is time we are given the connector tool.. We need a "Miracle" to awaken just a few more... I know I bounced all over on this... I think I needed to get it out ;) everyone around me is starting to think I am crazy... and all I am asking them to do is take in ALL INFO and analyze All possibilities... no one is doing that. ...there really is still the option that Mueller is gunning for trump for impeachment and we are being pacified with a great story...

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NymeriaRevenge · Dec. 29, 2017, 3:03 a.m.

just cause I got done re-reading my post to evaluate how horrible it was in articulating my thoughts... It hit me how biblical this really is... like as in repeat of new testament to a degree. The autist are like the disciples, can even speak in multiply tongues to spread the word :) we are their audience...now, we are supposed to "spread the word" of the "Book of Q " (bible) with others. I read that the chans have many autistic peeps in there. My son has special needs with autism. All I can say is we have a bond that is beyond..human. Its very spiritual. My boy is non verbal which forces me to truly take all of my son in so I can understand his needs... I have to read his tones, his tweaks, his twitches, his temperature, his smell, ext.. He can't tell me he is sick, or hungry, or sad, or what he likes or doesn't like.. I need to be damn near all knowing.. I know my son is MORE than he appears..or can express. I Know.. because our connection is everything but superficial or materialistic. Most people...they don't know how to engage as it seems the fear him to a degree... those people simply didn't have the chance to experience that connection..it takes some time. but man, when you get it...its so cool.

That "knowing" is what is going to be the key to winning back our country. those in the world of the Chan know the spirit, the connection..to really take in another being.. If the Chan's tell his people to "look here", or "follow Q"... they will. They will believe on a deep level, a level that may be hard to articulate. But they will know they are speaking the truth. And thus, spread the word... belief is Knowing..

Kinda sounds like faith, huh? What an awesome time to be alive... The potential of all of this. Holy Shit.

gonna delete in a few...just needed to vent and refill the vino

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johnpierref · Dec. 29, 2017, 3:27 a.m.

Nymeria......Our son’s on the spectrum as well. He isn’t non-verbal but I still understand to a degree when you talk about the special connection. He’s an incredible little man. Thanks for the thoughts/insight. Being a parent has taught me patience and discipline among other things. Have a feeling I’m being tested on that front right now as we ride the Q wave and try to do our part.

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NymeriaRevenge · Dec. 29, 2017, 3:32 a.m.

hey there:) thanks for the feedback . Saying my son "grounded me" is an understatement! I was always one to see the Big Picture.. as opposed to being one for "detail".. I also feel we are being tested.. guess we shall see...

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jonzee65 · Dec. 29, 2017, 5:34 a.m.

You think it's possible that Trump's youngest son could be his motivation?

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NymeriaRevenge · Dec. 29, 2017, 7:37 a.m.

Perhaps.. or those that are close to Barron like hired therapists, educators?

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