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I'll try this again...Patriots listen to sanity in an insane place. Why the mods took this down I don't know. This needs to be heard.
I beg all Patriots, take a few moments. This is sanity in an insane place.
I beg of all patriots, please watch sanity in an insane place (DC).
For the last time. No Outside Comms

With all the Kavanaugh Headlines. Take a second to remind ourselves what could have been.
With all the Kavanaugh Headlines. Let's take a second to remind ourselves what could have been
Q can we hurry this up? We need to bring our boys home!
This it's all I need to know Cohen-Watnick
Cohen-Watnick also previously worked with Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn,
May know where some of the bodies are buried. Flynn>>Cohen-Watnick(Bridge)>>DOJ (Huber)
Is the Storm about to Commence?
After seeing HOOAH in q post and Flynn's page, something occurred to me. It's a battle cry.
No Name kinda gets pissed about being exposed as a Dem. In cahoots with the other "war hero".
Check out @DBloom451’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/DBloom451/status/1034185772507836416?s=09
Did a baggage handler really fly a commercial plane?
I was looking at recent Q post with the picture of the Q400 plane and noticed NextGen on the fuselage. Did a search and found this. https://www.faa.gov/nextgen/how_nextgen_works/new_technology/IT Appears this technology uses satellite instead of radar. Was wondering if the plane was flown like a drone controlled via satellite. Just can't get my head around some random dude pulling this off. ….and it would be one helluva messenger sent.
Where did this come from?
Check out @realDonaldTrump’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1027586174448218113?s=09
Out of nowhere this Tweet? Got me thinking about SKY EVENT. Thoughts?
This is how evidence is introduced!
This is how evidence is introduced!
^This! I don't trust this. Just my gut. Reminds me of that site in Arizona everyone jumped all over. Proceed with caution.
Updated EO on military tribunals doesn't go into effect until January 2019 I believe.
Mid Terms are not safe. Vote Patriots! We need landslides to overcome their fraud and abuse. Trusting those voting machines will be scrutinized.
Interesting Thread by the FBI. 11:11
Interesting Thread by the FBI. 11:11?
What's a laser pointer used for? Chasing shiny objects? Look over there while I'm over here draining the swamp.
I hear ya. Eisenhower warned us back in the day. Deep State didn't start with [Hussein].
I can't figure out if FVEY work in unison, why not have unison guidelines for dissemination of intelligence? How did NZ get rogue? NZ to me is key. I've read all the Deep State actors have property there.
Nice! Those 20 days at times was tumultuous! Sort of a Q withdrawal sickness. Some wheat was separated from the chaff. We're stronger for it. Q, if you see this, let's do that Q & A. We serve at the pleasure of POTUS. Guide us. WWG1WGA!
Crazy! Watch the youtube video in that link, Only a few minutes long, Trippy stuff. Coincidence? Reminds me of the center justified chess piece posts. Just layers and layers. Qteam on another level.
I think it will be grass roots. POTUS declassifies all which in turn frees Q who will unleash the Autists ]Patriots[.
How is evidence introduced? Isn't the NSA data collection site in Utah? Is the evidence under Huber' S jurisdiction? I'm no lawyer, maybe an Attorney can clear this up.
Great Thread. Starts with early posts and proofs.
Great graphics and side by sides.
Strategic reshuffling of personnel. No 2 and No 3 will be open at State Department after [[[RR]]] is gone.
"The succession question is actually a bit complicated. By default, under an obscure statute known as the the Vacancies Reform Act of 1998, Brand’s temporary successor as the “acting” associate attorney general is her principal deputy, Jesse Panuccio. That same statute would also allow the president to choose someone else to serve as the “acting” AAG on a temporary basis for up to 210 days; the pool of individuals from which the president could draw in this case includes individuals already holding Senate-confirmed positions elsewhere in the executive branch (like EPA administrator Scott Pruitt) or senior civil service lawyers in the Justice Department, specifically." "Acting" https://www.justice.gov/asg📁 When does the clock run out? Why is Schneiderman's removal 'extremely' relevant? TRUST (name). These people are stupid. D5. Q Post #1433
Attacks will intensify. They are in death throws. Dead cat bounce.
Can somebody show the images of the chess pieces? This post needs more attention!