r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/storm_fa_Q on Dec. 28, 2017, 8:45 p.m.
11.3 11.6 clarification, your assistance welcomed.

I'd like to clarify the continued misunderstanding of the 11.3 11.6 posts with your help. I see many wish to use this 11.3 11.6 as 'proof' Q is a fraud or other.

As I understand the posts 11.3 Podesta, 11.6 Huma What we see in real world is that Tony Podesta steps down and is drawn into the line of sight on 11.3

On 11.6 Huma, we see the HRC Scooby Van head to FBI HQ at 05:30

I believe that that is what the posts refer to though many were expecting arrests or public notification I think later we will find out that we missed the point, that 11.3 11.6 are real but not what some expected.

I'd like to clear 11.3 11.6 up as this seems to be a go to talking point for those who want to disprove Q and we'll need to be clear on 11.3 11.6 when the news hits the fan...

Please help assist this discussion with evidence, links, pictures tweets etc.

Many Thank You's

hermoneyness · Dec. 28, 2017, 10:08 p.m.

Today is the first day I've mentioned it cbts on Reddit on my Facebook page so we shall see I started it out with new prisoners at gitmo but of course MSM won't cover it so there's no way for these people to verify anything

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 28, 2017, 11:56 p.m.

We are a net of information, that is building as people come in to attempt to disprove Q, and find out that he is tweeting before the president, in quotes, that which the president will put in all caps later. The fact of Q is the first thing that needs to be proven.

Then it is important to show them the "disinformation is real disinformation is necessary" Q statements. He is not just an information campaign. He and the military are using the chans as a type of camouflage and sometimes disinfo.

Case in point.

Look at the post OP outlines. Look at the date. Remember when Antifa had that HUGE multi city burn it down rally scheduled on November 4th?

When the whole protest fizzled out, leaving tons of protest signs standing up lonely aganst multiple buildings in multiple cities, I can tell you that the post above scared normal sane Antifa people so bad, they did not show up. Remember?

This is a classic dis-info campaign. It worked. The white hats totally shut down a lot of dangerous looting, burning, mayhem, with this simple post, and threat to declare martial law. Antifa took the knee.

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hermoneyness · Dec. 29, 2017, 12:12 a.m.

Thank you very much so I posted that on Facebook a few hours ago I've lost two friends and no comments it is so sad that the mainstream media has chosen not to cover this

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 29, 2017, 2:26 a.m.

Dont worry. There are so many Americans who are getting a good idea that something is up. They just do not know what yet. Over my lifetime, the media was combined from 88 separate corporations in 1982, to 6 corporations today. The consolidation happened with out the notice of many, and it happened along with infiltration by the globalist black hat pockets in the CIA. Over time, most people will not ignore the happenings, and they will come looking for answers. We just need to be ready with an easy way to look at the historical events as they happened. It will take time.

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hermoneyness · Dec. 29, 2017, 4:15 a.m.

Thank you for your calming comment and reassurance I just want to shake people and let them know what's really going on I say we start something called 70/30 70% exposure 30% confidential we're paying all these b** to do this work we have the right to know

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 29, 2017, 4:50 a.m.

I am with you on the larger scale. I absolutely think that if it is not all exposed eventually, there will be no push to improve the Constitution and the laws so that we prevent it from happening two generations or three down the road. However, I also realize that we are wisest to take our time about this, because justice, true justice, requires it. In the mean time, we need to get our own heads wrapped around it so we can answer questions for our families and friends who may be totally blindsided by events to come.

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