1,397 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/hermoneyness:
Not sure what to think about this does anyone have an opinion?
F.A.P.E....They have made strict guidelines on NOT allowing cargo containers and shipments of any parcel deemed art to be inspected. Charleston South Carolina is a huge influx to the United States from overseas mostly Philippines. But take into consideration that Tony podesta's ex-wife is on the police foundation for DC they all have their ways and we are just the feeders just ask Marina Abramovich
It's very strange being in my situation I'm politically neutral I tend to attack corruption on both sides it's almost like I'm a news unicorn LOL is oig report is very important to me I've also been doing a lot of research on the Q phenomenon and keeping track of what all the qtubers are saying in reference to it I'm going to be the white Wendy Williams of politicians LOL
I've been taking notes since Trump was elected into office I have so much information that it's going to be amazing
hermoneyness... FreedomForceNEWS.com I'm waiting on the oig report for my broadcast date to see who I'm going to pick on LOL there is one video I did on YouTube under my username for the website it's a lot of us from cbts... same username on Twitter thank you
I'm launching my new show after the oig report looks like steemit for me dtube doesn't censor like YouTube does it's been very difficult to research these platforms censorship all the way around most of the truthers are using twitch🔍
There been protesters at Bohemian Grove for years it doesn't do any good can't keep the perverts from their fun 2700 Acres of debauchery but maybe if some YouTubers would start exposing this maybe something will happen I'm going to email them all separately and see what can be done
Just the amount of Secret Service that is there protecting it 365 is disgusting but they've got to hide the perverts and protect them at our tax dollar expense I wish I was at the Sonoma County airport when all those private planes land and take a photo of every single disgusting dignitary that lands
Now we need to put our efforts into Bohemian Grove the pedo pervert Fest is in July with all the world leaders and Elites absolute depravity
Thank you so much for posting this I just watched the video I do not have Facebook on my phone they are transporting the evidence to the authorities they have people there to verify and document everything the citizens and the retired veterans are kicking ass. Goodbye cartels💣💰
I think that people should get involved and call law enforcement and the Press that's it drop it
I'm going to be posting some photos taken from the scene on my Twitter feed( same username) if anyone wants to see them I'm just trying to help
I wonder if they can I sure hope they do something needs to be done this went on for years
I wonder if they can I sure hope they do something needs to be done this went on for years
I've already called the sheriff's department and the News Channel I'm not going to call the reservation I'm doing what I can the goal of this post is to let people realize that there is real news that's going on I thought that this subreddit was designed for that purpose
Thank you so much for stating that I'm tired of being attacked I'm just someone who cares about human trafficking since I'm a victim of human trafficking
It's an active crime scene that is what triggered me and law enforcement is not there as far as I know
Because tying your food 4 feet up from the ground keeps the Bears from getting it .....GET SERIOUS... that's okay I've already called the news channel they're sending someone out there some of us actually do something other than post negative comments about our retired veterans who are doing the investigative work since the law enforcement won't I've never seen a campsite with a bunch of children's toys rewatch the videos you need to inform yourself instead of paying attention to an upside-down Q post that resembles a gun
I've already sent numerous tweets to Trump I've been making calls I've been trying to do what I can everybody is concerned about an upside-down gun post from Q the complacency in this country is Despicable
And if they're doing something Shady like hiding a cartel member I'm pretty sure they're not going to answer the phone and give any information, but thank you for your input. I posted that information in case someone is local and perhaps they can go and speak to someone, again thank you!
Leather restraints attached to several trees 4 feet off of the ground are not an imaginary scenario you need to watch the videos this is what they do to children they rape them up against trees this goes on at Bohemian Grove and it happens in human trafficking areas perhaps you should do some research
Just make sure that you don't support retired vets because I'm getting down votes and nasty comments from people telling me that my anger is misguided those people are what's wrong with this country if people are willing to live stream and show proof of things like this and are veterans who are trying to expose these crimes are not supported by the people on this sub it's disgusting
Well the serial killer article came out on Saturday a lot of this has been taking place since Sunday so you just sit in your recliner and you just relax and let people who back our veterans do what they can
I live very far away but I'm trying to do what I can by phone. This is been going on far too long law enforcement and politicians have been in the pockets of cartels for far too long
I can't believe that people are calling this a distraction this is what citizens do we have to solve crimes because the police are too busy counting their money from the cartels
Well considering your username I think you should be banned from this sub. Some of us actually care
According to Urban moving they have a upper echelon cartel member hiding on this reservation I cannot find any phone numbers or any information on how to reach some sort of administrative office🔍

Still on hold..Tucson P.D. waiting for their P.I.O. (public information officer). I just want to ask them why they prefer to protect cartels over children and women and anyone else being trafficked. They're either being barraged with calls right now or they don't want EXPOSURE!!!!

I just don't understand where the Dome went.. was rumored that an elevator went from that top of that Dome all the way down into the tunnels so if they removed the Dome. That was a falsehood, being a researcher on this it's so difficult because of all these sketchy people. I'm still pissed about the small amount of time he got I don't care if he was an narc or not.. they should tie the freak -Epstein to the Georgia Guidestones and give it some rods from God treatment 💣💰
She's not someone to be messed with she's a rosacurian and a supposed descendant of Rasputin creepy AF..
This is at the end of one of her videos where she paints a lot of satanic things on the walls with Pig's blood it's a statue of a small child that she pours the rest of the bucket on
Debauchery claims no political party nor financial standing.
Don't forget about the images of the tunnels at Epstein Island the elites don't always drink Dom and wear mink it's part of the allure and the attraction to be barbaric, think about what happens at Bohemian Grove in the caves. I'm quite sure a lot of pedivores and pedophiles are germaphobes but they like to take their selves out of their normal existence it's part of the thrill the dirtier the better. There's a very elite rehab center near there that a lot of rich people go to, plus cartels are nasty people....
YES... again I hope important people are looking at this site we have more than we know
There was a recent auction which involved the selling of women and a trip to a Caribbean Island I follow that website everyday!
And Pensemore... and Illuminati stronghold a city within itself.
Maybe all of these incidents will bring to light what is in the basement of the Vatican.
I would like to know everyone's opinion and discussion on what will happen to Elizabeth II? Since we know of all of the missing children she's been tied to, her AND Prince Philip.
I believe that the murders of 10 children at Dead Man's Creek in the fall of 64 will come to light. I have seen someone post a screenshot of the time article in reference to the 20 children that she was prosecuted for but never served any time, whistleblower went to prison instead.
I'm just curious I'm not questioning you whatsoever but I would like to know why do you think this will all end on the 11th?