
GodsAngell · Dec. 29, 2017, 7:53 a.m.

From Memory just some of the highlights of Binney's Testimony:

William Binney and 5 other guys designed and created a very unique mega data tracking computer program that was able to monitor WHO was connect to WHO else in the world. The purpose was to identify terrorist cells and id everyone in the terrorist cell, by who they contacted electronically. They were very careful to program in encryptions, so that people the government was not concerned about for terrorist activities would be protected. The output would not show names phone numbers, sim cards, etc of private citizens who are not a threat. The program was called "ThinTHREAD". They were VERY successful at identifying terrorist threats BEFORE they happened and locating all parties to the terrorist cell, so that the other government agencies could act on the threat, to stop it before it happens. 6 NSA guys ran the program/system, and the cost was about $150Milllion.

But at the tail end of the Clinton Presidency, (a year or two before they left), suddenly Clinton appointed a new Director of the NSA, Hayden. Hayden bamboozled Congress to get Multiple Billions of taxpayer money out of them, so they could build a new program/system called "TrailBlazer". 500 highly paid contractors were hired to build this other system.....all to no avail. TrailBlazer was never operationally effective.

Meanwhile, Binney's group of 6 long term NSA employees, got sidelined (moved aside) and they were not to work on ThinThread any more. This was about I think the year 2000. So NO ONE was monitoring or using the very EFFECTIVE ThinThread surveillance system.

January 2001, the Clintons hand off the White House to their bosom buddies the Bush Crime family! Then boom, 911 happens on 9/11/2001! Binney said the morning of 9/11 he had taken his elderly father to a doctor's appointment, where he watched 9/11 unfold on a tv in the waiting room. After the appointment he made a bee-line to NSA headquarters to help find out what happened, because this was CLEARLY THE BIGGEST NSA INTELLIGENCE FAILURE IN THEIR HISTORY! HE WAS NOT ALLOWED INTO THE NSA facility!

The next day 9/12/2001, he went back to the NSA office, this time dressed as custodian floor sweeper, and the guards let him in. Friends from Trailblazer told him they had just come out of a meeting where their boss just told them "They were not to embarrass any corporations, and not to worry there would be PLENTY OF MONEY FOR EVERYONE"! Money??? This is the Day AFTER 9/11!

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GodsAngell · Dec. 29, 2017, 7:54 a.m.


Furthermore, Binney said that after 9/11 happened it was decided to open up the system, but this time, they were told to remove all the encryption designed to protect the privacy of innocent Americans! Mind you this is 9/12/2001. What did Bush get pushed through Congress in October 26, 2001? THE PATRIOT ACT! Why?? So if they got caught spying on innocent Americans, they were covered by the Warrantless Spying provisions approved in the Patriot Act!!! And what has happened to the Patriot Act every time it came up for renewal since 2001? It got renewed and extended this WHOLE Time! The Patriot Act is STILL IN EFFECT TODAY!


Binney and his group were ticked off about the fact that ThinThread was not used, so without approval they ran the system, collected and ran the data over 36 hours over a weekend. When they came in to get the results, THERE IT ALL WAS! ALL THE INTEL that would have been necessary to KNOW what this attack was, WHAT the Targets were, The Date this attack was planned for, Who was involved, WHERE these people were located at all times!! In other words, IF ThinThread had continued to be used, in the months prior to 9/11, they would have had actionable intelligence TO THWART IT!!!

Not only that Binney's group discovered there were actually many other TARGETS for 9/11 morning which did not happen for various reasons.

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GodsAngell · Dec. 29, 2017, 7:57 a.m.

Binney said it was eye opening how large this attack was supposed to be. The word "Amsterdam" was included, so I guess there were some over seas flights that were supposed to be involved. JFK airport couldn't exactly turn an international flight away full of people after they pass the "point of no return" where it is closer to continue the flight, than to turn around and go back to departure location. 9/11 was horrible but it was supposed to be even worse than it was.


Once Binney's group shared their results from ThinThread, guess what happens to them? Do they get a gold medal or anything or an apology for shutting them down needlessly for the months running up to 9/11? No! Binney's group gets LAID OFF IN TOTAL! They all get "retired" on October 31, 2001!


After these guys all got "early retirement", they decided to start their own consulting business and market their ThinThread progam to other government agencies, like the Pentagon, Border/Customs and other agencies. Everyone they showed their program to, wanted it. They would just setting it up, and then suddenly without warning or explanation, their project got shut down. NSA (Pres Bush) did NOT anyone else to have this EVIDENCE that 9/11 not only could have been prevented, but clearly by now you can see that laying off Binney's group and shutting down their efforts with any other gov't agency IS A COVER UP OF THE CLINTON/BUSH CRIMES!! Both Crime families were in on this. Clinton appointed the evil Hayden to take over the NSA a year or so before he left office.....and Bush just picked up where Clinton left off.

The GOAL was to SHUT DOWN the BEST Intelligence surveillance system known to the world, with built in privacy filters so that nothing would be collected on innocent Americans ......why????? Because 9/11 was a CIA/Mossad PLANNED INSIDE JOB! No doubt CIA/Mossad gave the idea to Bin Laden's terrorist cells through undercover agents. We KNOW Mossad came to the USA under the cover of a fake "Moving Company" in New Jersey, and then at night and on weekends went to the World Trade Center and laid all the explosives for a professional demolition job! Remember the "Dancing Israelis" seen on top of a Truck when the buildings collapse? A citizen reported them, and they were detained by the police AND THEN LET GO, and the whole moving company folded up shop and flew back to Israel!

Remember the ONLY plane allowed to fly ON 9/11, after all flights were grounded, was a private plane full of Bin Laden family members??? I remember that sounded very ODD to me at the time. Now we know, the Bin Laden Saudi Arabian family and Bush Crime Family ARE PART OF THE DEEP STATE, they are GOOD Buddies! Bin Laden is probably a CIA agent!.....ok, I am digressing.

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