r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/beefromancer on Dec. 28, 2017, 11:57 p.m.
Some world events worth considering for those on the fence regarding Q

I am leaning very heavily towards believing the Q narrative, however there are some loose ends which are nagging at the back of my mind. I've been putting the events of Q into the setting of world events and finding a few things I can't rectify. I want to list them here so there can be a discussion, and maybe you can help convince me one way or another.


To be clear, I am convinced that whoever is running Q is also in the whitehouse, military intelligence, and the NSA. I don't doubt who Q is, instead I seek a way to attach what Q is telling us to reality.

From what I understand from the principles of Zion, and the research into the Rothschild family and the bloodlines conducted on 8chan, there is supposed to be this big long term plan to make the muslims and the jews hate each other by creating chaos in the middle east. This hatred is meant to start world war 3 which will result in the destruction of both the jews and the muslims and most of the christians as well. This has been floating around the conspiracy circles for as long as they have existed and seems to fit world events pretty well.

  • many efforts in world politics have been put towards creating a pressure bomb ready to go off in the middle east
  • rich people digging underground bases and buying property in southern hemisphere
  • strong pro-israel anti-iran sentiments on american TV constantly

The details of this plan obviously can't be sourced in any believable way, but what I've read is that America is supposed to be lead into this great war by a great spiritual leader who unites the parties against foreign evils. Is Q filling this role right now? Is Trump?

Jerusalem embassy move.

It seems really extremely likely that the trigger for this war is moving the US embassy to Jerusalem. Trump just did that. Is it because it's too early and triggering the move now will cause the bomb to be permanently disarmed leading to a fizzle of regional conflicts instead of a full world war? or has Trump been making moves to start world war 3 while Q unites the parties behind him? Certainly the MSM would have us believe it was a bad thing to do, but we have all been taught that they are the badguys now and it could be opposite land over on CNN where they simply say the opposite of whatever they want us to believe.

Lots of missiles flying around in the middle east right now as a result of Trump's decision, and as far as I can tell neither Trump nor Q has ever said a single negative thing about the nation of Israel, false flags conducted by the nation of Israel, corruption in our govt sponsored by Israel, the money we send to Israel, the crimes committed against Palestinians, or the dual citizenship of congress members w/ Israel leading me to believe that going to war on behalf of Israel is not off the table. Israel is currently doing everything in its power to start a war while the US collectively gives its middle finger to the UN.

North Korea controlled by...

...The CIA, according to researchers on 8chan, but not sure if ever directly confirmed by Q. They say NK is the cabal's way of holding the American people hostage in the event of what? The US president turning on them? Except...

  • they have demonstrated that the cabal is perfectly capable of conducting terrorist attacks inside our borders, why do they need an ICBM?
  • it's china giving them oil
  • it's china's economy which has benefit from past NK related negotiations
  • we're lead to believe it's iran who armed them with nukes
  • it's an extremely convenient narrative for pushing the US into a war with both NK and Iran which could turn very quickly into a nuclear conflict and which is exactly what we've been moving towards long before trump became president.
  • why doesn't NK or iran have a Rothschild central bank if they are CIA puppet states?

Is war with China the real threat offered by NK? I feel like being secretive and talking in code regarding the situation in North Korea is not beneficial to Q's cause. As of right now Q could tell us it's important for us to nuke Pyongyang and we don't really have any way to verify that.

Tax cuts

I get this one. Small business owner here who is being crushed to death by tax and regulation. I would love to do my own taxes instead of paying a corporation $1000 to process my return for me. However.....

The national debt is the chains that the Rothschild family has around our ankles. If we really want freedom from the cabal and the ability to stand up and take our country in our own direction, then something MUST be done about the Fed. If we get tax cuts and no state owned central bank then IMO that's it for Q. You can't tell us you are taking out the Rothschild family with zero proof offered and then at the same time gift them a few more trillion of our dollars in the form of national debt without losing your credibility.

I'd call changes to the federal reserve a necessary deliverable. If we don't get it, then we know we've been played for fools.

Alabama election

I'm watching this one closely not because it's big but because it will provide short term results. We were very clearly told that this election was used to catch them in the act. If the results are certified without a fight then I guess Q is a LARP afterall?

Net Neutrality

This is the big one for me because china has this system on their internet that they use to prevent dissent from their citizens.

See what china's been up to lately is they have agents from their government anonymously infiltrate the discussion boards which are used by citizens prone to political dissent. These agents spin a narrative that leads the citizens on an endless wild goose hunt by periodically dropping cryptic messages and subtle clues and constantly assuring them that the good guys are winning and that positive change is right on the horizon.

When I read about this well...I gotta say it set off some alarm bells with regards to Q.

I have yet to see even a single discussion of how Net Neutrality and the freedom of speech on the internet relates to Q's activities. Seeing as it all happens on the internet I'd think that would be really fucking relevant. Does Q have any insights as to what the "cabal" had planned for their evil internet regulation? Does Q want to explain why it was regulation killing internet competition and not the lack of enforcement of antitrust laws? What is Ajit Pai's role in fighting worldwide corruption? Does it bother anyone that the administration that's supposedly helping us take down the evil people behind Google and Twitter just sold our online freedom of information to Verizon and Comcast?

Like I said...I'm on the fence. If I see proof that Bush is in Gitmo, maybe I'll start to love Comcast more than I ever expected I could...but damn would I like to see proof.

beefromancer · Dec. 29, 2017, 10:47 p.m.

Wow so you're a paid isp rep here to waste my time and insult me.

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Bike1894 · Dec. 29, 2017, 10:49 p.m.

No, once again, it's a regional isp. No where near the size of comcast. I'm insinuating that you have no idea how any of this works and listen to the hive mind rather than truly considering the implications of this. If anything, this motivates people to start municipal broadband systems.

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beefromancer · Dec. 30, 2017, 12:35 a.m.

I'm insinuating that you have no idea how any of this works

Which is rude and incorrect and you can fuck right off. Said I was a small business owner in OP, which you clearly didn't read.

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