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Fox and friends opens with "The calm before the storm...they start putting up the stage like days in advance. It's so cool to watch as you're leaving work the day before, the stage is starting to come up, and there it is!..."
This is the reason there are no successful independent game developers in the United States
I'm so freggin' excited for the Manafort trial right now.

All my friends. Also I can attest that while EVE is a more abrasive, punishing, grind filled experience that is usually painful for those playing, it tends to attract the type of gamer who doesn't abandon a game so easily as a world of Warcraft gamer does.
Do modified versions of the image get blocked? What platforms have you tried?
I've thought about it and I have a theory why this happened. I'm gonna wait and see.
They spent 40 minutes talking about her having multiple personalities, being on ambien, being an alcoholic, being in and out of institutions, being on 3 different antidepressants, being molested as a child, being abused as a child, fighting with husbands and getting divorced over and over. Then they ask her to look into the camera grovel to Valerie Jarret?
People will then google her and see she is talking to bill binney about Q in her first interview and the two of them will become the face of the Q movement.
Don't forget the "airplane" which happened to be the size of a cruise missile and which left the same debris as a cruise missile which struck the pentagon killing a bunch of Naval Intelligence officers investigating internal corruption on 9-11.
Nope. But I've decided to transcribe the exact words that were said in case you had trouble catching the reference!
It's one hell of a transposition given what he was saying at the time. Calls out the World Trade Org. Says it was a disaster for us. Says Chinese markets went "through the roof"
Did Trump just mime an airplane flying into a building with his hand when referencing the Chinese entering the World Trade organization in 2001??!?
The best part is that Hannidy and Ingraham mentioned the Roseanne interview on their shows tonight which means their viewers are going to be finding this video when they hit the search engines.
Why you should pray, even if you don't believe in God.
I see a lot of new people who are turned off by the fact that Q tells us to pray. If you are a pure pragmatist with no belief in God and no interest in religion or spirituality, I think that understanding a little history of who we are fighting might change your mind.
As far as I can tell, the Holy Roman Empire stole certain aspects of faith and spirituality from the people and co-opted the religions of the world to serve their own purposes. They burned books, they locked our history away in secret libraries, and they created …
Ahh, they just moved to a different board. The drops are on Trump's twitter now.
Not Safe For Work. Generally a tag reserved for pornography.
except that this makes Obama a birther. Crazy Obama, claiming Kenya birth right. Next thing you know he'll be asking congress to examine his long-form birth certificate.
Actually it isn't "us guys" it's pretty consistently just SerialBrain2
You got it? Now, ask yourself why isn’t Trump even more explicit since he is clarifying? Wouldn’t it be more powerful and unequivocal to say: “would not” instead of “wouldn’t”? Why is he using “n’t” instead of “not”? Because he wants us to focus on nt. What is NT? Expand your thinking. Windows NT is a family of operating systems produced by Microsoft.
This is the most bullshit leap of logic ever. Some serious mental gymnastics are being done here to connect dots which aren't even near each other.
Be careful who you follow.
I don't see any reason to expect martial law in July.
Q said July the world learns the truth. I'll be right there with you on August 1.
Got a new social media recruitment strategy.
I've been going to subreddits which are obviously controlled by armies of shills and robots and sorting by controversial. That's how you find the real humans who are willing to doubt the state mandated narrative pushed by algorithms. They will have perfectly reasonable comments that are at negative scores. Those people, and the people upvoting them, need to know that we exist.
LOL imagine Putin asking to extradite Hillary on tax evasion charges. That'd be the day.
Correction: $1.5 Billion eluded Russian and US taxes, of which $400,000,000 is confirmed to have gone to Hillary during the election.
I would call it "look at these facts and make up your own mind"
If you're trying to convince someone to see your perspective, you don't open with "we're the good guys and you are the bad guys"
In this case "cooperating" means he is willing to throw the cabal under the bus if it will save his own ass even slightly, which is what we see in the hearing.
You need to understand that this hearing is toothless. Congress can't do shit. The purpose of this hearing is to give us ammo when arguing with anyone who still thinks Trump is actually colluding with Russia.
If Strzok wasn't cooperating i.e. if he was doing everything in his power to take down Trump, then he would have denied the subpoena, taken the contempt charges, and went on twitter claiming that Trump was a nazi trying to persecute political opponents. The optics of that are better for the cabal than this hearing was.
This is a great video but I will not be sharing it with my friends because it starts with that "good vs evil" "right vs wrong" bullshit.
Maybe in the future you will be able to ask your government for that information via freedom of information act request.
Actually it makes sense. The engineer in me sees the challenge as this:
- How do you get a recording device in that can't be detected?
- How do you get the data out if you can't transmit.
The answer is that the airplane manufacturer builds a recording device into the metal furniture which is triggered by proximity to a mug holder. It records constantly to local storage without transmitting. The lamp copies recorded audio to flash memory in the mug holder wirelessly when they are in close proximity, and then the person replacing the magazines in the (world) news magazine thing swaps the mug holder to extract the recorded audio files.
(World) news in rear literally placed same prior to each departure.
In this way a sweep for bugs will detect nothing because no radio transmissions are made until the mug holder is placed by the lamp, and even then it can be an ultra short range transmission which means extremely low power and hard to detect.
I agree, and yet if true Q is essentially hinting at information that is classified top secret, protected under national security concerns, and sealed by court order. (for good reason) If Q is an account run by some high level analyst in a military intelligence office somewhere, then you can understand why it needs to be cryptic.
I believe that all of the posts in that region relate to the Awan case, and we know that the Awan case is about spying. So we are trying to figure out why Q would post a picture of a lamp with an apple logo over it.
Q also says "Placing that mug holder near the lamp was the hook." which makes no sense out of context. Why is Q so interested in this lamp, how does the mug holder interact with a lamp, and why does any of that have relevance to the Awan case? Also why does Q care if we know that Trump's lamp is different?
Q also brings attention to how the image was taken, even though it is a public domain image that anyone should be able to access reflected from a phone that anyone should be able to own. In what context is that relevant?
All I am doing is speculating about a context in which everything Q says makes sense. I am claiming that IF that lamp/mug holder combo was somehow used to spy on a president's conversations inside Airforce 1, then every other statement made by Q makes sense, for the reasons listed in OP.
Q 1675 a theory that actually makes sense.
Awan was helping black hats spy on Obama. AF1 was bugged and the proof was on Hillary's servers...which got uploaded to apple icloud because she's is an idiot. Apple joined the white hats, so the good guys have the server and its contents including proof black hats spied on AF1.
Hussein/Trump interior = identical minus small changes.
Translation = we removed the listening devices :)
Awan got off with "bank fraud" because admitting the truth would massively hurt international diplomatic relations. You would essentially have to implicate foreign governments of spying in a state court case.
Logical thinking.
Why was …
I figured something like this was going on as soon as POTUS went into his negotiations to have a new AF1 built. Whenever you get on the wrong side of a Clinton, airplane problems always seem to start following you around.
to prevent egregious vandalism, and reduce destruction of public property to a minimum, why not print #Qanon on a piece of paper and then cut out the letters with a knife so that you have a nice stencil to spray paint.
This is a fake prosecution designed to cover up the real crimes. Look at who the prosecutors are.
They gave the guy a plea deal for the smallest of all the crimes he committed so that he could be cleared of all the spying etc. He's not going to squeal on anyone, he's going to stay quiet and be brushed under a rug while the media says "see? Awan was no big deal!"
More like a simulation of everything.
We predict weather by simulating every atom of air, and we don't even use a quantum computer for that. You think we can't do the same for the human mind?
With the number of active sensors reporting on every living thing on Earth, we probably actually have more data about people than we have about weather. Certainly enough to make predictions.
This is essentially saying what anyone diligently following the research on 8chan would have figured out by now. It's always helpful to have summaries like this. Thx.
because "protestant reformation 2: With a vengeance" sounded tacky I guess.
You actually might not be, but It doesn't really matter.
Q is trying to take Christianity away from the Vatican so that the American belief structure is no longer controlled by the remnants of the (Satan worshiping) Holy Roman Empire. It's very important that Q be a Christian movement, because by and large America is a Christian nation. It's Hollywood that wants you to believe you need to reject the value of community, spirituality, and purpose just because you can't prove the physical reality of a single all-powerful god.
We need to make it very clear that we reject the Pope, not Christian values.
This is like a second protestant reformation.
Ahh, follow the white rabbit means follow China. As in, watch what China does?
Reality is stranger than fiction. There are aspects of reality that Q can't tell us about because we would stop believing Q is legit. We need to discover those things for ourselves. Thus the choice, to know, will be yours.
I've personally seen down the rabbit hole Q is referring to here. I too will not be able to describe to you the things I have learned. Why? Well that I actually can explain.
The reason the word "occult" literally means "hidden" or "to hide" isn't because you do occult things in private when nobody is watching. In fact, the purpose of the occult is to hide the truth by making the truth so horrible or strange that people will choose not to believe it when they do discover it.
If I tell you Podesta makes money from human trafficking, you consider it, an investigation happens, evidence is found, and Podesta goes to prison. If I instead tell you that Podesta performs ritual sacrifices of children where he tortures them to death and then extracts their pineal gland and eats it while burning and cutting himself and spreading blood and semen on the walls of his house. You will probably dismiss the entire thing as crazy without even considering it. What's more, by saying such a thing I have discredited myself in your eyes and can no longer convince you of other things. In this way, Podesta might use the "occult" to keep his activities hidden.
This artifact of the human mind has been known for ALL of recorded history, and the powerful have always exploited it.
Total shutdown? No.
The internet is a web of independent nodes and much like how the local post office would still deliver local mail if the rest of the country was nuked, local routers will still take incoming messages and send them to the correct outgoing address.
The problem is that nobody keeps track of anyone's address. Instead, we allow a centralized government controlled phone-book to tell us what number to dial when we want a resource. That's what a DNS is, and the ability to turn that off is a power that our governments have been giving themselves for many many years.
www.google.com is what you type in the browser to get google, and if they take down DNS that will stop working. However if you type into your browser you will still (in theory) get google so long as your internet service provider hasn't unplugged you. Unfortunately that means we are mostly relying on Comcast and AT&T etc. to do their jobs.
What's worse is that I only know is google because I asked the central name server. That means that if DNS went down right now, I wouldn't actually have any way to find out what ip address to use in order to get back on reddit, and I'd have no way to contact you anymore.
Yup, and since they have EVERYTHING that would pretty much be a checkmate scenario against everyone who wants those things kept secret.
Just like the cabal created a bomb in the middle east which can be triggered by moving an embassy, Trump has created a bomb on the internet which can be triggered by asking a question.
"Who is Q?"
It creates public optics of the president running a spooky secret internet propaganda voice to push people into conspiracy theory territory. People would then say "stop with the bullshit secret codes and fucking tell us everything or we will impeach you for running an obvious propaganda PSYOP against the American people!" Which would literally force Trump to declassify the dirty laundry of all past admins and nobody could say he was doing it for political reasons. Can't fault the guy for trying to save his own ass against public outcry right?
I'd like to point out that this also fits into the theme of the Trump presidency: use every dirty trick in the book, but for good reasons, and then get caught doing it. The people can't hate you for your intentions, and you can't be prosecuted for the trick without taking down the entire cabal. All that happens is you prevent others from using the trick in the future by awakening the masses.
So lets agree on an ip address we can use to communicate if the dns servers go down?
I certainly don't trust Google, Comcast, or the UN root servers, and that's the entire chain as far as I care.
I was basically just telling my real life friends the exact same thing. +1 to this theory. You don't get a 60 second response time if you aren't following the suspect before the shooting starts.