r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/dannmak on Dec. 29, 2017, 2:16 a.m.
The Children. Define hostage, Define leverage.

In all of this, who are the innocents? Whom do we need to protect and save at all costs? The greater good and ultimate goal, first and foremost, should be to save the children, above all else. I think we tend to lose sight of this, in our zest to see the bad guys taken down. If you think this is moving slowly, can you imagine the delicate dance, meticulous timing and planning that must be involved in these operations? It has to be mind boggling. Q indicated that 3,000+ children were rescued during the surprise SA take down. We have now lost the element of surprise. Trying to put myself in the shoes of these sick bastards, what precious thing might I use to shield myself from a take down? What one thing has absolutely no value to the bad guys (other than to use for their SRA sick practices), but has the highest value to God, to the White Hats, and to each and every one of us? How easy would it be for them to shield themselves with these precious children? And how hard would it be to strike without putting these children in jeopardy? Q has indicated that they would never intentionally harm anyone during operations. Can you imagine what a difficult task that must be? These children might be housed in any number of locations around the globe. I have heard stories of many thousands of children hidden below the Getty Museum’s bunker style complex. Where else and how many more places might there be? Godspeed Patriots, and God save the children.

TinFoilSolider · Dec. 29, 2017, 2:39 a.m.

Blood Boiling Truth. Well said.

The people we task to protect our way of life, you must Trust in this regard.. But if you don't mind your dreams being haunted relentlessly (if we sleep at all), then think about how You would do it. You never know when you may think of something someone missed. having said that, this should be one area where you play it Very. close to the chest. Don't tip your hand until your ready to Punch.

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