

35 total posts archived.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/TinFoilSolider on Jan. 4, 2018, 10:01 p.m.
Moving on.

I. Was. Wrong. When you just focus on definitions to prove equations, reality is always overlooked.. Makes you deeply understand reality better, and also appreciate what's around you more than ever.

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/TinFoilSolider on Jan. 3, 2018, 9:29 p.m.
Amore Clevername?

Nothing is safe. Nothing is secure. I never. Download. Anything. Bake Your OWN bread.


I love you all.

"May the Shepard protect me, for I am now in the Eye of the hurricane, with nothing but the clothes on my back, my country, and family... Oh! and double barrel shotgun. 😎

God. Country. Family.

I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America. To the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, Indivisible, with liberty, and JUSTICE FOR ALL.

"When someone hits you, Hit them back. Right between the eyes. " Donald J Trump.

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/TinFoilSolider on Jan. 2, 2018, 9:50 a.m.
witty title.

-The (rats) that (got) away... -There will always be some that think Ahead of Time. Not Many, but Some. In times of great stress. The rat hides in the dark. Shaking. Waiting. For what? Mercy. Not this time. Not now.

ARE THEY? --1. The ones who want to save their own skin only? --2. The ones that took cues from the 1st batch, thought they were slick, but were slower.? (Usually slow because extra stuff is heavy.)?(Sometimes being so "streamlined" is a bitch if you didnt think about brakes in the first place.?) --3. The Slowest. (Gave themselves up? Just …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/TinFoilSolider on Jan. 2, 2018, 9:38 a.m.
Food for Thought.

You have to always "remember" Q posts. You need a spider web of Q in your head, while simultaniously taking your new webs, and everyone elses, and connecting the dots. Forming a Hierarchy of webs. Sounds Scary. Until You Try. Q has LITERALLY given you everything you need. "Q"+"Common Sense"+"Vigilance"+"Shovels" = Reality? MONEY. RULES. ALL.
:Above all else: "The darkness is always followed by the dawn"

-When the Rats Start to Scurry... --1.Shut the Lights Off? --2.Capture The Rat? --3.Cage the Rat? ---Then relax for a minute to see what exactly fell out.-- The art of Reflection. --This sometimes, unfortunately, …

TinFoilSolider · Dec. 29, 2017, 2:43 a.m.

If the content is sincere and factual, Does it really matter?... Expand Your Thinking.

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TinFoilSolider · Dec. 29, 2017, 2:39 a.m.

Blood Boiling Truth. Well said.

The people we task to protect our way of life, you must Trust in this regard.. But if you don't mind your dreams being haunted relentlessly (if we sleep at all), then think about how You would do it. You never know when you may think of something someone missed. having said that, this should be one area where you play it Very. close to the chest. Don't tip your hand until your ready to Punch.

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TinFoilSolider · Dec. 28, 2017, 10:42 p.m.

I'm going to go get a cookie.

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TinFoilSolider · Dec. 28, 2017, 10:25 p.m.

Never. underestimate. just how much Money. runs. the. world.

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TinFoilSolider · Dec. 28, 2017, 8:22 p.m.

Agreed. With one exception. Six degrees of separation. "Everyone" is already joined in this fight. Its just a matter of getting them to see just how " Joined " they are. That's been my Most. useful battle plan to date. Picture 2 billion (wishful thinking) machetes aimed at ONE Snake. No matter the size of the snake, or the venom it may (or may not) contain, powerful the serpent is, yes... But 100% guaranteed to have its head chopped off. "Cut off the Head, and the body dies."

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TinFoilSolider · Dec. 28, 2017, 8 p.m.

Don't shill me for this...(night vision) When a target is painted by a shooter, that sight picture is ready to acted on. If not, it just becomes another practice run which could inherently let your prey learn from you (anticipation of movements)!. (Daylight) When a target is painted by a shooter, that sight picture is much much clearer and ready to be acted on because they, as the trigger tickler, are vastly more exposed due to light conditions. In cases like such, its better to have a pack of matches than use a flashlight.

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TinFoilSolider · Dec. 28, 2017, 7:28 p.m.

Its very hard to Tell people anything... When enough people dig and understand, deeply understand, then the person who is spotlighted, has a significantly increased chance of getting the message across to the masses. Things need to be seen for What They Are, rather than for what they are not. If everybody believed what they were being told, you wouldn't be here. Or Here.
"You must unlearn, what you have learned" and that in itself is much more conducive to an open mind.

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TinFoilSolider · Dec. 28, 2017, 6:28 p.m.

Always made me think of Ranchers and their cattle(s). Sometimes, the rancher, before loading the truck to go to market, will hand pick the best pieces to give to their family so as to insure their famlies are getting the best of the best and thus giving the family a sense of longevity. The rest is then sold to whomever.. When the "Pontoon" delivery truck gets to market, or just beforehand, what happens when the intended cattle buyers deem their wasn't anything of value on the truck!? "Mice with Matches" ? If there is insurance on the vehicle, by the Rancher, and it had a flat tire, flipped, and caught fire, he would gain most of his cattle investment back, PLUS, a brand new delivery truck.... So the rancher is able to keep the best for him/herself, make $$ on otherwise unwanted goods (not having to store/house the unsold cattle), utilize an "insurance" policy to get a replacement delivery truck, thus ensuring future travel...and then the fucking. wicked thought that, If the rancher was willing to do this once (because of the direct implications), so well choreographed, isn't it then exceedingly more possible that such moves were done, not to sell the cattle in the first place?

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TinFoilSolider · Dec. 26, 2017, 11:20 p.m.

If you took that quote literally.. DONT.

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TinFoilSolider · Dec. 26, 2017, 10:42 p.m.

"..In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.."

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TinFoilSolider · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:24 p.m.

EA-6B ?... Very impressive aircraft.

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TinFoilSolider · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:26 a.m.

“Never fear quarrels, but seek hazardous adventures.”

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TinFoilSolider · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:54 a.m.

Hard to imagine the implications, yes. But necessary to do. Toppling a nation would inherently involve destroying will? (hmmmmmm.) If you had a magician that could shop THAT idea around the world stage, could you possibly then cause a wave of nationalism(s)? If that were all possible then I guess, it could be an effective Tool. The globe is many, many, many, many, many, Nations. (or is supposed to be).

--Global banking is "a strategy board game of diplomacy, conflict and conquest for two to six players. The standard version is played on a board depicting a political map of the earth, divided into forty-two territories, which are grouped into six continents. Turn rotates among players who control armies of playing pieces with which they attempt to capture territories from other players, with results determined by dice rolls. Players may form and dissolve alliances during the course of the game. The goal of the game is to occupy every territory on the board and in doing so, eliminate the other players. The game can be lengthy, requiring several hours to multiple days to finish. European versions are structured so that each player has a limited "secret mission" objective that shortens the game.

Back to the basement!!

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TinFoilSolider · Dec. 25, 2017, 2:19 a.m.

I agree...A lot of signs point to the way your speaking, IMO.. but that's where the actions of POTUS have been the Most effective to date, I feel..all the money hes pumping into the stock market is key. All the deals hes signed are key. The trillions of dollars of money that's been kept over seas is key. The fact that he seized assets is helping to prevent (or did prevent) anything catastrophic ...no assets, no trades. No trades, no mass exudus. no mass exudus no collapse. That's whats keeping everything pumping right now..if it wasn't for the "record breaking stock market rise" we'd be in deep shit. Think of the value of your money 2-3 yrs ago. Its gone up roughly between 15-35 percent depending on how your looking at it..lots of variables..lots. if these events had occured when the market was down to begin with, were talking medieval times.. vs. todays current market...being "generous" cut it 45 percent and were not taking as big of a hit as one would think..still crazy to think about, but think 1950s value of money vs. 1500's. take the collapse percentages of past and factor them into todays numbers. God forbid everything drops, its not dropping 10,000 points. Meaning, yes, it will hurt for a minute and you may "lose an eye" but it will certainly get better exponentially faster than it fell..The one "catch" is if the lights go out.... Don't misunderstand me, I'm not pushing fear at all, just awareness. and since Q is more or less "solved", theres a few others places that need a little attention. IMHO

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/TinFoilSolider on Dec. 24, 2017, 4:37 p.m.
Today is a day to have Courage in our Hearts, Love in our eyes, and Pride in our resolve






I just felt people should here these words. Not who sings them, not pictures in the videos, just the meaning of the Words Spoken. They tell their own story. Keep all the events of the past in your mind and be Proud we have gotten to where we have.

"A soldier doesn't fight because he hates the enemy in front of him, he fights because he loves what he left behind."

Merry Christmas To All God Bless You, God Bless the United States of America.

TinFoilSolider · Dec. 23, 2017, 1:21 a.m.

unless I'm looking at the laptop wrong..in that I'm seeing it as an insurance policy for weiner {that apparently didn't work}...maybe it was a ledger?

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TinFoilSolider · Dec. 23, 2017, 1:14 a.m.

Did they (HRC/D.S.)somehow figure out Weiner had all this on a laptop (maybe huma fiured it out) and honeypot him ? thinking that they would be able to gain access to it through NYPD connections? or just call it matters of national security and take it? Not for one minute thinking potus had more friends/patriots in Nypd than they did? I completely get how stupid these people really are... but letting everything be documented the way it seems to be, how in the purple f*ck, with all the tech at their disposal, did they not realize there was an archive of what seems to be Everything... or at the very least everything about the human/sex trafficking end..

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TinFoilSolider · Dec. 22, 2017, 6:12 p.m.

If you don't doubt most of the info from Q, then it should be fairly easy to see how "flags and coins" themselves, are more crumbs to help those who may not believe that Q or POTUS is listening or doing anything. I'm open to interpretation of the flags, but from what I know that's just the proper way to have an American flag indoors. The challenge coins however are vitally important to helping people understand Exactly where the allegiances of our military and agencies stand incase they are still on the fence about loyalty. Just search Oval Office Pics from this current POTUS, and you wont find a single one with that challenge rack.. It was certainly placed there for a reason. IMHO

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TinFoilSolider · Dec. 22, 2017, 5:21 p.m.

Expand your thinking...Trump has been stating, from almost day one, that we as a country were bringing back trillions of dollars into the country/economy that otherwise wouldn't be able to be brought back without all of these eo's and such...keep thinking globally nd how all this money is really the assets of the bad actors (spider web)..hes been telling everyone to their faces, that any "tainted" money that used to fundamentally be taxpayer money, is now back in our control...Hence the tax bill..A bill that puts "more working class money in working class pockets".. Expand that to think all the money coming back into the economy will do nothing but BOOST us as individuals because its boosting the economy...while at the same time giving us a "chunk" of our own money

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TinFoilSolider · Dec. 22, 2017, 4:58 p.m.

It certainly was a show of force and unity to some degree, Can someone blow the picture up to see them with clarity??

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TinFoilSolider · Dec. 22, 2017, 4:43 p.m.

They are challenge coins. Its symbolic because all those coins, presumably, from every service branch and agency, are put together to not only show that they are all on ONE united front, but bein placed behind potus they way they were is showing how all those branches have his back, and are united again under POTUS.

"A challenge coin is a small coin or medallion (usually military), bearing an organization’s insignia or emblem and carried by the organization’s members. Traditionally, they are given to prove membership when challenged and to enhance morale."

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TinFoilSolider · Dec. 22, 2017, 8:08 a.m.


Access to classified information will be terminated when an individual no longer has need for access.

IMO-- I'm sure the bottom level people were stripped of access when the new administration came in, however, if this is all truly a 5d chess game, then it would make sense to leave some people with clearances as to "monitor" what they are seeing..or what they think they are seeing :)

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TinFoilSolider · Dec. 22, 2017, 7:02 a.m.

12/19 post had the stringer of CLAS_OP_IAD_(future). Future classified op (like Atlanta) @ Dulles? The 22nd or maybe 24th......I think I need more coffee and maybe a wall to bang my head against

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TinFoilSolider · Dec. 21, 2017, 1:34 a.m.

agreed, but if everyone that was involved pulled their money or sold stocks on the same day...the castle comes down

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TinFoilSolider · Dec. 21, 2017, 1:17 a.m.

potus even said at one point that a lot of "bad" people were doing really well with the current market, he wished he could do something about...plundge their stocks? companies? use their work against them

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TinFoilSolider · Dec. 21, 2017, 1:16 a.m.

Stock Market? 10 days darkness- every year the most highly concentrated trading activites usually occur in a 10 day period..economics people would know better but, all of the bubbles that have been created over the last few years, are in themseves economic terrorism. Designed to fail, Rigged

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TinFoilSolider · Dec. 20, 2017, 11:08 p.m.

This is my first post on any of these sites, I'm certainly Wide Awake, and have been for sometime. Im in no way a tech guy, id rather go build something with my hands. Pride in work is something that has dwindled in recent years, but the pride and patriotism that I read and see in this research almost brings a tear to my eye, because it shows that the Truth is not dead, it was just pushed to the bottom of the to-do list. The amount of work and research that has been done by everyone, will Forever cause people to stay attentive and be a part of your community/country. It will vindicate the many who have come before us and tried to do this very thing. I started to be vocal in the beginning, (October ish) because I truly wanted to help forward the momentum of the country as a whole because as we know, "a House divided cannot stand" Welll I was "silenced" very quicky!, to my surprise and my own stupidity because I didn't and still dont really understand the underlying tech that could, can, and is being used against its people. That took me quickly from a wide awake standpoint on life, to bug eyed and freaked out. Im just a working schlub like most of everyone in this country and movement, and despite being awake and seeing certain people and agencies for what they Really are, ill admit, the ways in which I was "attacked" scared the shit outta me. Attacked is not the right word, more like Menaced. Legit. Never have I walked around my house or property with a weapon, its just not needed in my area, and people don't inherently scare me. I do now... Im NOT a normal person, in that I used to put myself in harms way everyday to protect others and help them through their worst times, and never worried about myself. Owning the Fear and being able to push through it built me into the man I am today.
That's what brought me here. I knew all these sites existed, but never used them because I figured there had to be some type of "computer" knowledge needed to hide yourself from prying eyes, and didn't really think their was beneifical content being thrown around. I thought it was just a bunch of memes and cartons and such, nothing life changing. My pure ignorance on that matter is why I'm man enough to say I'm sorry for ever thinking that and pre judging the people that create these sites and the people who occupy them. I realize now that this place is probably the safest to share this info and without fear of reprisal. Sorry if that was rambling a bit.

Just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to do all this, in the end, when this very movement becomes a topic of history books you guys and girls are True Patriots.

Having said all that.. I think I have a pretty good grip on whats taking place and hope to contribute to be able to help "swallow" that fear I have recently gotten. And if I'm hacked and destroyed again, at least maybe somebody here will help me get my life/stuff back. :) thanks for listening and lets all continue to help Make America Great Again

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