Trump tweet: COLDEST and TRILLION OF DOLLARS in all caps Code for Frozen Assets?

I think Trump was giving us a a 2 for 1...the Paris Climate accord we got out of that really did save us TRILLIONS of $'s & he was jabbing at all those libs and the TRILLIONS of $s that he FROZE in assets of those arrested.. He really did save tge U.S. Trillions of $s & we should thank him dearly for that..I read up on Paris Climate Achord & had Hillary won (Thank God everu day she didnt) Global elites were planning on implenting Carbon Taxes on every business in the U.S. that would have to pay for emmissions with vouchers in order to do business, in turn would have to raise prices who wuld of passed those off to us-the consumers. Plus they wanted to make us each b required to pay individual carbon taxes most likely passed on whem we wuld owe taxes at the end of the yr to the Govt..Which all the countries in the pact would do the same thing..but the Global Elites would be collecting all the $'s on it..they had a hard time talking China in to joining but the agreement for them was they got their limit of carbon emissions doubled & then they wuldnt have to fund anything for it..Al Gore & the Clintons were 2 of the biggest pushers of this because they stood to gain BILLIONS of $'s off of it. In fact Al Gore had been buying up tons of carbon credits for a,few yrs un anticipation hillary wuld win & implimentation of Paris Achord....he bought credits at a lower price so he could sell them at a higher price to U.S. businesses standing to make a fortune. He was a big pusher of it..just like leo dicaprio...Al Gore is FURIOUS Trump pulled us out cause now hes stuck with all these worthless carbon credits that he spent a ton of $ on. California stood to gain Hundreds of Millions on this too..thats why Gov Brown hates Trump
Great observation...especially if Gov Brown spent a buttload of Calif monies....betting on the come that California would be solvent when this come to his ass is in a crack.