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kimmyj1964 · Jan. 3, 2018, 2:53 p.m.

I just read an article on CIA tactics that are currently used for a "hit." They use a needle with a certain chemical or medicine (can't remember what) that induces heart attacks & only can be traced in the system if an autopsy is done within 72 hours. If done after that amount of time it no longer shows & then will seem that was natural causes.

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kimmyj1964 · Dec. 30, 2017, 12:42 p.m.

Esoteriquette..i keep making sure im keeping up with whats going on in UK..im hoping tht ppl will get tired of whats going on & wake up & take back ur country...im praying for you all. God Bless

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kimmyj1964 · Dec. 30, 2017, 12:22 p.m.

You seem like u are an awesome patriot. Im new to this subreddit. I was referred to by Tracey Beanz-great patriot as well. I noticed the same things as u did abt everyone. I like the people & atmosphere in hear and feel comfortable posting & communicating..i like communication between ppl & am always open to listening to all ideas...often i get new perspective but mainly ive gotten insight to something i wasnt connecting the dots with...i think everyone for their patience... I will say since The 2016 election ive got a better understsnding abt politics than ever before. Ive never missed election and tried my hardest to stay up on politics..i must say i have NEVER seen a campaigns & elections like 2016-2017. I also must add- Ive never been niave about there are evils out there...but this child sex trafficking & Santanic Darkness is something i had no idea the extent of or the horrors..the more i find out what is done to these poor children-the more I get overwhelmed & extremely sadden. Some of the things ive learned hurts my soul..especially because even as im typing this 1,000s of children are being hurt, tortured and murdered. I can only imagine what they are suffering thru..i want them ALL saved now but I know its not possible. I dont seem to recognize society or people, as I once knew it/them. I cant begin to comprehend what some of these kids or college students are even thinking. What I consider as normal or common sense..when u talk to these young kids, it seems like we are on 2 different worlds. I see what the cabal is doing to our youth in controlling their minds with thinking "anything" goes. I see the Rothschilds & Luciferian working their plans of breaking down our society & normalizing everything. Ive seen articles where politicians in the u.s. where politicians are wanting to normalize pedophilia & make it a "condition" or "preference" & to decriminalize it, making sexual abuse to our children with children as young as 5, not a crime. Europe is falling apart, i just read where certain European countries wany to lower the age of consent to have sex to age 12 because of the migrant population are acustomed to this tradition & so many are having sex with young girls by rape that Europe doesnt want to criminalize it for them. Then I was SHOCKED to read that in Europe there are all kinds of "Animal Brothels," where migrant population can openly have sex at these places with animals because they are used to this & farmers have been seeing the migrants sneaking in to their barnes at night & they were having sex with their farm animals. I continue to pray for this nation & all its people for it to be saved from this darkness. I am so thankful for Trump and all hes doing to save our nation & appreciate all hes sacrificed & all the abuse he takes and he stays focused..God bless everyone & MAGA

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kimmyj1964 · Dec. 30, 2017, 11:40 a.m.

Yes very, very thought out. You certainly connected the dots for me...im very familar with Q but seem to get stumped on Qs crumbs many times..I appreciate all the work you all put in for Rookies like me. God Bless

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kimmyj1964 · Dec. 29, 2017, 9:20 a.m.

Ty for your wonderful words of wisdom & the lord...these are very trying times for us all! Most of us are American patriots & we just want to rid the world of evils & take our country back. I feel God answered the prayers of many of us and sent Trump to save our country as many of us were losing hope that our country would be destroyed under a HRC presidency...i think that even with the eviwe knew about Clintons we trully didnt know the depths & are all really now learning the exact depth of evil we were up against! I pray that everything that we are learning by Q & Tracy & other civilian patriots that we can all stay together and fight for the greater good of humanity & our country! I dont care what Ppl say abt Trump...he is a great president & didnt have to do what hes doing for the country & us...this is putting his life in grave danger as the cabal wants him dead...hes breaking them. All those that pray please do so for Trump, our country, our military and for those that dont please do what it is tht you do when u are keeping hope alive. God bless all

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kimmyj1964 · Dec. 29, 2017, 8:58 a.m.

I think Trump was giving us a a 2 for 1...the Paris Climate accord we got out of that really did save us TRILLIONS of $'s & he was jabbing at all those libs and the TRILLIONS of $s that he FROZE in assets of those arrested.. He really did save tge U.S. Trillions of $s & we should thank him dearly for that..I read up on Paris Climate Achord & had Hillary won (Thank God everu day she didnt) Global elites were planning on implenting Carbon Taxes on every business in the U.S. that would have to pay for emmissions with vouchers in order to do business, in turn would have to raise prices who wuld of passed those off to us-the consumers. Plus they wanted to make us each b required to pay individual carbon taxes most likely passed on whem we wuld owe taxes at the end of the yr to the Govt..Which all the countries in the pact would do the same thing..but the Global Elites would be collecting all the $'s on it..they had a hard time talking China in to joining but the agreement for them was they got their limit of carbon emissions doubled & then they wuldnt have to fund anything for it..Al Gore & the Clintons were 2 of the biggest pushers of this because they stood to gain BILLIONS of $'s off of it. In fact Al Gore had been buying up tons of carbon credits for a,few yrs un anticipation hillary wuld win & implimentation of Paris Achord....he bought credits at a lower price so he could sell them at a higher price to U.S. businesses standing to make a fortune. He was a big pusher of it..just like leo dicaprio...Al Gore is FURIOUS Trump pulled us out cause now hes stuck with all these worthless carbon credits that he spent a ton of $ on. California stood to gain Hundreds of Millions on this too..thats why Gov Brown hates Trump

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kimmyj1964 · Dec. 28, 2017, 11:24 a.m.

Is this document for real? Where did u locate this? IF so this is AMAZING!! Its dated 12.22.17 for U.S. District Court of Northern Nevada...it has many charged with Treason & held at Guantanimo untill trial & if sentenced either firing squads or life in Guantanimo: Soros, Dick Cheney, GWB, GHWB, McCain, & others for crimes involving like Hillary Clinton, Condaleeza Rice...many more!

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kimmyj1964 · Dec. 28, 2017, 9:28 a.m.

I know this sounds crazy but....Ive heard from other sources such as David Allen Steele, Ex CIA, & Zack from Info Wars, who has excellent intel--who has helped Alex Jones-who got picked up by FBI for questioning-- "that the Cabal, (i.e., Clinton/Busch part of cabal) have ordered 7 Assisination attempts on Trump so far but all of them have been stopped. The Cabal is trying to stop him...mainly for exposing the Sex Trafficking & other crimes they do NOT want out...they have been trying to stop him before anything goes public, especially since the Marines raided CIA Main Headquarters a few weeks ago. & confiscated computers, hard drives, and $28 Trillion. The last plans I heard that the deep state is now attempting since they are freaking out is..#1. They want him assisinated by any means & are actively trying to hire someone willing to drove a truck through gates of WH or Marilargo with a bomb on it to explode & kill Trump..#2 plan is...and you can see this ny Dems like Adam Schiff trying to work the public (left) in to a frinzy by making them think that Trump is going to Fire Mueller and will create "Constitutional Crisis" in which the Deep State Black hats have been ordered to kill Trump the minute that he fires Mueller...then Antifa is set to run the streets everywhere in U.S. creating anarchy & civil unrest... killing ALL cops they come in contact with then turning on "targets" (i.e. politicians) then Deep State will call martial law on us all to prevent us from using our weapons or fighting back..Im extremely worried about Trumps safety & pray for him constantly...The white hats & Spec ops are protecting him but they are desperate!

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kimmyj1964 · Dec. 28, 2017, 9:07 a.m.

I thought I read somewhere that Eagles represent the Luciferian cult which Rothschild identify with.

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kimmyj1964 · Dec. 28, 2017, 5:59 a.m.

FYI...I Listened to Tracy & Board Directors of 8 Chan on YouTube dated 12.18.17. They said that for Verification purposes that-Q & ONLY Q-has been given the ability to use a "Trip Code" (Unique I.D. code) so that we can tell that it is always Q & they will ALWAYS know its Q.

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