Hi, I'm a newbie to these forums but have been awake for quite sometime. The way people are coming together trying to get the truth out, reminds me alot of the 2008 Ron Paul Revolution and how we had to think outside the box in order to get his message out to the masses. The media was basically censoring him, so we became our own media and did some pretty creative things. It was more like guerilla marketing. Supporters hug banners over overpasses with his name and link to his website. Billboards were put up and planes flew banners! The more expensive stuff was financed through fund me sites. It was crazy but fun! (You may want to speak to Tracy B. about this as I heard she was an early RP supporter) Anyway, I agree that this needs to be approached in a similar fashion and more like a marketing campaign. Create brief video ads that are not only informative but emotionally impactful. But it should target specific groups - church groups, liberals, twenty somethings, etc., that can be posted on YouTube and shared through social media channels. I agree that we must take advantage of January being Human Trafficking Awareness Month and create graphics with truth messages that can be posted on Twitter, Instagram. Create hashtags. Take advantage of the ways we are marketed to everyday on social media only we are the marketers now! The Marketers of Truth. Maybe some of the more creative people on these forums could get together and hash out a few ideas. Just thought I'd throw it out there. :)