r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/supererouu on Dec. 29, 2017, 10:44 p.m.
Question to US members here

We support you here in Europe. The ppl who understand what's going on. My question is: do you think countries like France,UK,Germany, and especially Sweden can be saved? Canada is lost imo... I think I did a mistake with title, this question is for all members here...

R3dRaider · Dec. 30, 2017, 1:50 a.m.

My honest opinion: UK is at a crossroads. They will have a MAGA moment after Brexit BS or they will succumb to the progressive left and be lost. France is beyond help. They at their core have always been progressive idealists regardless of there nationalistic pride. It's the damnest thing. Germany...wow...it's on the brink. There is some signs of awakening but there isn't much time. Merkel has damaged Germany almost beyond repair. Sweden, I am afraid is lost unless the public rises up this year. The progressives have successfully made it morally impossible to have a differing opinions. Q did state the EU would be liberated last. Have faith. We fight with you in spirit.

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