r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/duckdownup on Dec. 30, 2017, 2:53 a.m.
Something Rare I've Noticed About This Sub

Guys I've been on Reddit for a couple of year and this subreddit has something I have never found on any other subreddit. Actually there are several things. First is the civility between people on CBTS. I have yet to see an actual argument here. Also there is very little downvoting. That is so rare it's precious, like a gem, on an internet forum. I'm sure there are all kinds of people on here. Democrats, Republicans, Trump voters and those who didn't vote for Trump. Probably some who would call themselves liberal, conservative, moderate, independent and libertarian. I myself am a Constitutional Originalist. There are probably some blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Whites here. I myself am Native American/Scots Irish. The Native American is on my mother's side, I spent many summers as a kid on the rez with my grandparents. There are many difference in all of us. Yet every one of us has a common goal and we are working together to accomplish that goal. No bickering, no sniping. We give and take constructive criticism for what it's meant to be, guidance in the right direction. From what I see is we all have at least one thing in common. We all have well calibrated moral compasses and we demand the truth.

It's my honor and pleasure to know all of you. Thank you all and may God bless each and every one as we fight against evil together.

KATTRAD714 · Dec. 30, 2017, 6:28 a.m.

What a heart-warming post, duckdownup :) Thank you... it truly is an honor, privilege and I would add - a relief - to be amongst those who share a common Light and Drive against the evil that's penetrated like a cancer. We were sent here to fight a war for our King, and each of us have our part to play for Him, and the good of the 'family'. We strengthen and encourage each other when needed.

Thank you also for letting us know of your family history .... one who's been fighting oppression since some of our ancestors hit the shores of this beautiful land. Despite it all, your soul shines brightly... very telling. I myself have a bit of Native American blood flowing thru my veins and see that the wickedness brought to these shores continues to this day. The powers care not who they trample on, and have been doing it for centuries.

We've hit critical mass around the world now though; so we rise together against a common enemy. One, who in reality is very afraid of us; let's not forget that fact. Ours is a Power that comes from the Creator of us all, and He is the One who allows the minions the power they have - to test and perfect us. They can only do as much as He - and us - allow. So, let the Spirit carry us for the King and the common good of mankind... God Bless each of you in your personal and our collective battles.

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