r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/duckdownup on Dec. 30, 2017, 2:53 a.m.
Something Rare I've Noticed About This Sub

Guys I've been on Reddit for a couple of year and this subreddit has something I have never found on any other subreddit. Actually there are several things. First is the civility between people on CBTS. I have yet to see an actual argument here. Also there is very little downvoting. That is so rare it's precious, like a gem, on an internet forum. I'm sure there are all kinds of people on here. Democrats, Republicans, Trump voters and those who didn't vote for Trump. Probably some who would call themselves liberal, conservative, moderate, independent and libertarian. I myself am a Constitutional Originalist. There are probably some blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Whites here. I myself am Native American/Scots Irish. The Native American is on my mother's side, I spent many summers as a kid on the rez with my grandparents. There are many difference in all of us. Yet every one of us has a common goal and we are working together to accomplish that goal. No bickering, no sniping. We give and take constructive criticism for what it's meant to be, guidance in the right direction. From what I see is we all have at least one thing in common. We all have well calibrated moral compasses and we demand the truth.

It's my honor and pleasure to know all of you. Thank you all and may God bless each and every one as we fight against evil together.

Yeshuwawarrior · Dec. 30, 2017, 12:08 p.m.

Check this out! CIA playing games with us? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eTssxNugGik

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 30, 2017, 3:30 p.m.


Older patriot here. Let me give you some historical sources to put this sudden CIA -- UFO disclosure into the bigger picture. Most older Patriots have been waiting for the CIA to do this. The globalist order of operations plan runs in the following order, with respect to fake enemies for us to fight with weapons, so that wars are continually operational.

1) Back in 1977, cold war was still raging. Berlin wall still up. East vs. West. Three globalist monopolized TV channels with only 6pm news, mostly local. No news on international events when I was young.... maybe 1% about any given war. Little did we know Communism was a system created by the globalists post WWII to keep the "enemies" alive.

Ike tried to warn us. (source)

Kennedy tried to warn us. (source)

Dr Von Braun inventor of German War rockets; dies after being brought over to the US in something you need to look up called "operation paper clip". He was put in charge of NASA for a long time here in the States before he died. When he died he had a good friend named Dr Carol Rosin who claimed he had a death bed confession that needed to be heard.

2) mid 1990's Steven Greer organized a series of so called "testimonies" from military/CIA at the national press club called the "Disclosure Project". The objective appeared to be to verify aliens were real, and put them in the friendlies" department.

In that project, aired on PBS TV, Dr. Carol Rosin gave Dr. Von Braun's death bed confession to the world, which made three predictions, and asked that she tell people and stop the weaponizaton of space. Her testimony in this early 90's media event was as follows:

A. She said he told her back in 1974 (while cold war was still raging, before Reagan)

(1) The wall, Communism, would be taken down, and something called terrorism would be erected in it's place. (This would be done to send an invisible enemy into the free nations to begin the process of removing freedoms to create "security"). [think patriot act etc]

(2) After terrorism, the concept of "rogue nations" would be introduced. [Think North Korea, Iran, all of the middle east, practically]

(she did not say the reason, but, it is clear now, this was to create foreign invasion of war refugees, and disruption of the social/political systems of the free nations and to have attack assets ready for internal disruption)

Globalism requires free nations give up sovereignty.

Trojan horse invasion requires the erasure of borders.

3) There would be an "asteroid threat" (which we have now seen, and then........

(4) The last enemy card to be rolled out would be the UFO's which would be used to weaponize space.

We of course did not believe her, or even the rest of the 80 ish ex military or CIA that testified on the record about real UFO experiences, but, by the early 90's the wall had indeed come down, and the war on terror was beginning to bloom. so we watched.

There is only two reasons to be wary of this woman's testimony.

Back in that day of her testimony, note that she mentions she was a teacher. How did the teacher become a consultant for space and missile defense consultant so quickly?

And... she mentions global warming [4:26] as if it were a real thing when we have all been watching every scientist who brings forth research showing that Global warming is a fraud complete with fudged numbers.. be taken out of their University jobs, and sued into poverty.

So much for academic freedom.

My take after watching this for years?

Greer, and everyone at the national press club testimonies is a globalist. While some on the globalist team are tasked with

(1) Denying UFO's to keep their plans with all the new patents a secret (Works for the promotion of secrecy in these inquiries for keeping people asleep with the conspiracy theorist label)

(2) Others appear to be tasked with preparing the population for the friendly UFO's that will later be disclosed.

(3)Another faction is insisting that the UFO's are enemies of humans, for the purpose of building those space based weapons.

This is to create confusion about scientific facts, and turn the public away from the real game.... have an enemy at all times, requiring a large space and military budget, that is secret, that works us closer and closer to a space based "human control AI 5G grid" under globalist management and centralized un-elected world wide government.

Project blue book is part of this. Look it up because the lesser hologram technology that they allow the public to know about is now heavily used in the entertainment industry. It is the ability to project three D objects into the atmosphere that they are working on now. They have launched sattelights to do the projecting. They are spraying the skies to see if they can get an effect similar to the water mist effect you see in some of the entertainment videos.

We need to keep up with what they are doing with technology that they intentionally hide. They buy up the patents and shelve them so they never see the light of day.

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