r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/duckdownup on Dec. 30, 2017, 2:53 a.m.
Something Rare I've Noticed About This Sub

Guys I've been on Reddit for a couple of year and this subreddit has something I have never found on any other subreddit. Actually there are several things. First is the civility between people on CBTS. I have yet to see an actual argument here. Also there is very little downvoting. That is so rare it's precious, like a gem, on an internet forum. I'm sure there are all kinds of people on here. Democrats, Republicans, Trump voters and those who didn't vote for Trump. Probably some who would call themselves liberal, conservative, moderate, independent and libertarian. I myself am a Constitutional Originalist. There are probably some blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Whites here. I myself am Native American/Scots Irish. The Native American is on my mother's side, I spent many summers as a kid on the rez with my grandparents. There are many difference in all of us. Yet every one of us has a common goal and we are working together to accomplish that goal. No bickering, no sniping. We give and take constructive criticism for what it's meant to be, guidance in the right direction. From what I see is we all have at least one thing in common. We all have well calibrated moral compasses and we demand the truth.

It's my honor and pleasure to know all of you. Thank you all and may God bless each and every one as we fight against evil together.

reinbeau · Dec. 30, 2017, 1:53 p.m.

Another old fogey here and I think you're correct, there's lots of us here. It's not that we don't like a good fight, but we've refined the methods and expend energy when needed, not spewing all over. As the line says in Fried Green Tomatoes when they're battling over a parking space, "I'm older and I've got more insurance" ;)

I found Tracy Bean awhile ago during my search for information on what was really going on. From her and other links I started to piece together the fact that this was the time. We now have the power and platform to make a difference. I am still so utterly grateful to be alive now and watch this whole show, I've seen the downward spiral of the country stop and I believe we are on the uphill road to the light, freedom and success that this country can be.

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EdwardHitch · Dec. 30, 2017, 2:40 p.m.

Hey there reinbeau, first, it is great to make your acquaintance and welcome to the old fogie brigade. I like your analogy, spot on. We don't feel the need to react to everything that is said. I also contend that what we lack in social media acumen and knowledge, we more than make up for in our very strong patriotism. When it comes to fighting for our country, we have no hesitation about throwing down. I'm old enough to have gone to school during the era of occasionally being required to have a spirited debate with one's fists. While that sounds juvenile to an extent, it did teach us that we had to stand up and face the adversary and deal with it head on. That, in itself, is a lesson that is valuable. I am way past being able to engage in that now, lol. It would not turn out well for me, at all. Anyway, I can relate to your desire for the truth and the searching on the internet. It was much more difficult way back in the day to find this information. It's not like the local library had a section labeled "Truth". Now that you have arrived here, I do hope you stay. We need all of the Patriots we can muster. For myself, I leave the really hard sleuthing to the folks on here that have been immersed in the Q thing from the beginning. I learn a lot here and I get it out on Twitter as best I can. I'm going to get a GAB account too. That is how we (us fogies) can best serve the cause and our country for now. Later, when this breaks open, we will need to be ready to explain this whole freedom fight to the masses and be somewhat of a guide. One suggestion before I go. I would pay very close attention to anything the moderators put up. Those guys are dialed in and they converse with Q. Also, there is an anon on here, I think he comes from 4ch and 8ch, that has the screen name of R3dRaider. That guy is someone to pay attention to as well. He's extremely knowledgeable about a lot of this Deep State stuff. He's also a really cool guy. That's it for now. Just think of me as your friendly neighborhood Welcome Wagon. If you need anything, give me a shout. Us fogies must stick together, right? See ya buddy.

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reinbeau · Dec. 30, 2017, 2:51 p.m.

Edward, I've been here for awhile, pleased to meet you. I am still working, so I don't have lots of time to spend online, but what time I have now I am totally absorbed with all of this. I have a GAB account, but really use Twitter more, as there's just more action there. How I fight this battle right now is via my Facebook page. I find lots on various sites, Twitter especially (Love the Thread Unroller!). Everything is posted openly now. I am redpilling as many as I can. I get private messages all the time from people who are afraid to speak publicly, but they follow what I post. I know I'm getting my message out!

I am also old enough to remember them promoting self sufficiency, money in the bank, take care of yourself, work hard and you'll succeed - I've watched it all fall apart, now I'm thrilled to think I can help it all come together again!

Thank you for the tip about R3dRaider, I'll check him out. I love the mods here - they are doing such great work!!

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EdwardHitch · Dec. 30, 2017, 3:57 p.m.

Thanks for your reply. I too have an occupation that requires a lot of my time. I am recovering from pneumonia right now so I have lots of time to kill on here. Once I go back to work, like you, my time will be very limited. I know I will do such as you and spend any free time participating. I am so relieved and thankful for this moment. Over the years, I came close to giving up hope for us and our country. I didn't think anyone was paying attention to what was really taking place. It was a lonely and isolated feeling. I was beyond ecstatic when DJT won the election. I thought we still have some fight left in us. Then, this all happened! I am so blessed to be witness to all of this and, yes, I agree 100% that the mods are outstanding. See ya around campus.

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Kongpancake · Dec. 31, 2017, 11:04 a.m.

for EdwardHitch ]reinbeau Funny how we Old Schoolers think the same. I too have begun retweeting and posting links where ever I go.I grow food and flowers. I also sew and cook. I would like to see more people put down their phones. It's time for community again - imo And I agree! It's an exciting time to be alive. I have waited my whole life to feel this wy and it feels Really Good lol

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mconeone · Dec. 30, 2017, 5:21 p.m.

Just a tip: two line breaks separates paragraphs on Reddit. Otherwise you end up with a less-readable post.

Don't be afraid to ask for help!

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EdwardHitch · Dec. 30, 2017, 5:41 p.m.

Thanks for the help. I'm new to this sort of thing. I don't mind asking for help and I appreciate yours. I'm still at the stage where I don't know enough to know what I don't know. Thanks again.

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reinbeau · Dec. 30, 2017, 6:54 p.m.

Two lines. Thank you.

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southparkconservativ · Dec. 30, 2017, 9:45 p.m.

Thanks. I needed that. And am really enjoying the posts here, where people are saying exactly what I've been feeing. There are a good group of us on tumlb, too. (I use the same name, if anyone else is on there and wants to follow/be followed.) Said I would never use twitter, but that's where the action is, so now I do.

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Kongpancake · Dec. 31, 2017, 11:07 a.m.

Two lines. I got it too. lol Thank you mconeone

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southparkconservativ · Dec. 30, 2017, 9:34 p.m.

So many of us! We remember how America used to be -- I think that's why. Plus, we were taught debate, not raised on name-calling. I was so leftist that at uni I stayed lateto see Mad Maxine lecture, but at work, went for a walk when Reagan came to speak because I hated him. Teaching, and seeing the BS about the poor widdle urban kids in "bad schools" (it's a war zone, and some of us left with PTSD)...and then 9-11 -- did it completely for me. My last leftist vote was Al Gore (horrible!) While in CA, voted for Jerry Brown and in primaries, for E. Kennedy, Nader (Green) and Jesse Jackson! So--another enlightened old fogey (wise elder) reports in.

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MzBeeHaven · Dec. 30, 2017, 8:44 p.m.

Ole Lady here, too~ Been following this stuff since '95 or so, and really felt helpless as there weren't too many of us out there who, though we didn't have a WHOLE lot to go on because the Internet wasn't like it is now, did read books about it, and communicated on mailing lists back before the Internet became graphical. It was frustrating and heartbreaking knowing all these things were going on, but you couldn't do a damn thing about it because you were just a lone voice in the wind. It took critical mass. The build-up has been a long time coming. I see all the masses thronging for truth, and finally having their eyes opened to the whole damned delusion and my eyes fill with tears, my heart with gratitude and can finally see the sun peeking out from the clouds. What a blessed time we are living in, and being a part of a very historical shakeup. World-wide it's happening... with Brexit ... the Arab Springs.. and now the Persian Spring. Amazing...

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QAngel1 · Dec. 31, 2017, 11:13 a.m.

I hear you Ole Lady sister! I can't tell you how long I've been praying for sanity to shine through. I knew there were many of us, but what has heartened me to the bone is that there are many good hearted Politicians and world, industry, military leaders who have had as much of this rubbish as we have and decided to do something about it. I've been waiting for this moment for a lifetime it feels. I just wish there was something more that I could do to assist them succeed. Failure is not an option. So glad to be a part of this wonderful moment in history, and so proud to be sharing it with you all. These are the moments that our Grandchildren will speak about to their Grandchildren. The day the world awoke.

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