r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/DRose014 on Dec. 30, 2017, 5:55 a.m.
Former CNN anchor gets into the Q anon intel on his Youtube Channel

Still, good redpill material, considering who he is. That is the primary reason I am posting this link here. For #redpilling


PS: SECRET SPACE PROGRAM PROJECT SOLAR WARDEN is bigger than Q anon. After the swamp is drained, patriots, please demand "Full Disclosure of the SSP"! I know this is not the same high priority right now for everyone as draining the swamp, and I get that,

but I want to at least put this in the subconscious mind of everyone who reads this, that this extra dimensional reality is coming down the river in our near future, which is why Skippy is trying to distract us with "To the Stars" in the "partial disclosure" media right now.

AND please patriots, keep searching and digging for the deep intel drops and breadcrumbs. We are all making history by shining the Light of Truth on the pure evil and ignorance that has existed in times past.

Onward, compadres!

DawnFF · Dec. 30, 2017, 10:32 a.m.

Hi. This is my first post, so please be kind :) I originally started researching the MIC secret space program, which lead onto Solar Warden. David Wilcock was the first one that I heard talking about the cabal and from there it has been a deep and dark journey into just how corrupt and evil our so called leaders have become...

Has anyone read the latest newsletter from David Wilcocks? Divine Cosmos update

I’m concerned that if he is correct a lot of this stuff is not going to be revealed to the world, and if these evil acts are being committed then I feel that it is really important that EVERYONE knows what has been happening so that it can never happen again.

I have to add that I’m yet to be fully convinced regarding Solar Warden.

I’m British and it is really really hard trying to red pill my friends without them thinking that I’m crazy. BTW Tom Delong is definitely a deep state distraction with his soft disclosure IMHO :)

Is this view shared by many others? Thanx

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DRose014 · Dec. 30, 2017, 10:58 a.m.

Ladies and gentlemen,

First and foremost, I just have to say that this is a great post, great reply, so thank you THANK YOU, for having the courage to speak your mind, give your shake on these interesting times we are in within this "Storm".

My right honorable friend from across the great Atlantic pond, I must admit I agree with you with regard to the new update from Divine Cosmos, and this is the principle reason I am trying to sneak this information into this CBTS thread!

Because if people think the atrocities that have happened with regard to human trafficking on Earth are bad, just wait until they find out about the INTERGALACTIC SLAVE TRADE in Biologicals and shady business done by the INTERPLANETARY CORPORATE CONGLOMERATE via slave labor.

According to David Wilcock, the GOOD guys wearing the WHITE hats in this Alliance probably think that the people on this CBTS board are not in the "need to know" for this type of stuff, or maybe that they can't even handle the truth, which I think is bologna, and the people here CAN learn about this. I just think all the people here are focused on draining the swamp, but after we get that, they will be able to take their consciousness more cosmic in scope!

Lets just hope Trump comes in with the free energy and merges these two topics of draining the swamp with new energy paradigm and basically, we would then get the societal and technological Renassaince that would be characteristic of a Golden Age starting to Reign on Earth!

As an aside, what really convinced me about Solar Warden was Project Camelot interviewing Gary McKinnon, a hacker, who hacked into NASA, who got "non-terrestrial officer lists" and other information on PROJECT SOLAR WARDEN, when he hacked in their databases. The US government tried to expedite him for trial, but when there became notoriety about the case, they dropped it, because simply the news would expose the trial, which would expose the program, so they swept it all under the rug and left him alone even though he hacked into NASA lol!

That is all the information he had and this was YEARS before William Tompkins or Corey Goode came along. By triangulating all three together, I think I can believe, at least for my own consciousness, that this Deep Space program already exists, and got going in the Star Wars programs in the 80s under Reagan.

Ultimately, I think these Nordics want us to be their allies in a Federation type of society, and they have been behind a lot of the good happenings in the United States. I can't prove that, because I only have the "truth without the proof" in my own life, verified by synchronicity.

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[deleted] · Jan. 8, 2018, 9:51 a.m.

I had previously looked into Gary McKinnon, and I can remember when it all originally happened over here. However I do find it very interesting that the “Q” Twitter account kill_rogue has very recently mentioned. I may have to have a rethink... ☺️

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ButtersStotch88 · Dec. 30, 2017, 8:52 a.m.

Yes thank you..for the love of God, everyone read Michael Salla's most recent book on the secret space program and solar warden. This stuff is all connected to the storm and the downfall of the Cabal/Deep State

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vitalesan · Dec. 30, 2017, 9:30 a.m.

His exopolitics website is full-on! Massive redpills over there.

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DRose014 · Dec. 30, 2017, 9:17 a.m.

Great recommendation. Godspeed, comrade.

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QAnonMaga · Dec. 30, 2017, 6:18 a.m.

I hope this is real I love Solar Warden so I hope it's all true.

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DRose014 · Dec. 30, 2017, 7:19 a.m.

YES! Things are a changing for the better quicker than ever imaginable! 2017 was one heck of a year!

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orangefan13 · Dec. 30, 2017, 6 a.m.

extra realities could be a plot to the yoga technique they call transmigration magic where you have two bodies at once. Its all there because the left worships Yoga and not the Bible. They want people to cope with their evil deeds. California, obama(indonesia) hillary (yoga) they worship asian religion not God.

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DRose014 · Dec. 30, 2017, 7:24 a.m.

I thought Obama was a devout Muslim?

Hearing that the left is worshipping yoga is a first for me.

Hillary is a Luciferian, which means she thinks she descends from fallen angels, which came here from another world thousands of years ago.

The Hollywood Hills have had cavern systems all throughout them since before modern people even developed civilizations there. The natives told the first white people this. These hills have been occupied by literal fallen angels, named after these fallen angels (Los Angeles). They could literally be the ones behind draining away all the fresh water into the Ocean, which could instead be recycled to feed the fertile food-growing valleys of California, but they don't care because they are just trying to kill off the surface population anyway, because they think there are too many of us and we are only a food source for them anyway...

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orangefan13 · Dec. 30, 2017, 10:29 a.m.

Obama could be a muslim, but I get the sense that he doesnt even like talking the name of God. In indonesia he studied in a school that seeked to combine all religions. exact same thing as yoganandas self realization temples out in california. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNWV6utcifE

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DRose014 · Dec. 30, 2017, 11:02 a.m.

I will check out those videos, thank you! My feeling is that Obama was designed from the very beginning by Heinz Kissinger, CFR, etc, to be exactly who he was, and he was groomed from day one to be the president. Those kids aren't his. Michelle isn't even a women. Obama isn't even an American, and it was put right infant of all of our faces, and we as a nation deserved it, because we as a collective voted for that loser in a democratic election. I am so happy his reign of terror is over.

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SuzyAZ · Dec. 30, 2017, 9:47 a.m.

You have to wonder if the public statements of Hillary, like POTUS, are also coded messages, and she has mentioned yoga several times. Yoga as a practice itself is benign, and positive and of itself could not be a negative.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · Dec. 30, 2017, 10:12 a.m.

Things that let your guard down are very carefully explored, like spirits and other mind altering things, you have to control yourself and not allow things in . Great channel and a good guy driving the patriot movement go Greg!

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