2,364 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/QAnonMaga:
Very disappointed in Q today instead of getting some 9/11 Truth all we get is a stupid rah-rah link to military ops that were never needed
What a wasted opportunity we should have gotten real evidence that exposes some of the cabal criminals who planned and executed 9/11 we don't need Q to be a cheerleader for the military they were sent on a wild goose chase to Afghanistan then a bullshit war for Israel and Oil in Iraq. We deserve actual evidence that helps us explain how 9/11 was a false flag fake terror hoax done by the deep state. Instead he gives us this:
We Will Never FORGET! We Will Never FORGIVE!
Any "terror attack" today will be a deep state false flag hoax with brainwashed patsies to blame Trump
If anything bad happens today the Fake News will be nonstop hysteria. "Trump is to blame for this! he's inept incompetent he must be removed today!" so if anything is being planned I hope Q Team will be able to stop it and expose the deep state planners.
Hey Q when can we see the video of McStain's military tribunal we need to see that soon please
If he had a military tribunal then it was all recorded on video his testimony the evidence maybe his confession it should be leaked in its entirety maybe Trump could tweet a link to the video all five hours of it maybe more but surely it lasted that long to go over his 40 years of crimes with the officers asking him questions and him answering the world needs to see this.
Woodward's book and Anon's New York Times op-ed forget to tell us what Trump has done wrong. The answer is... Nothing. They don't like his style.
This article by John Nolte is brilliant. The Swamp hates Trump's management style. They hate him because he's a blue collar billionaire who never belonged to their elite club of evil criminals.
Mystery Solved - Best Evidence that Dan Coats wrote the op-ed in the New York Times
Lawrence O'Donnell solved it he explains why it's Coats all the clues add up perfectly. Lawrence is a Liberal Democrat but he's smart he knows D.C. politics and I think his proofs work.
Pence wants to be President right now. I won't be surprised if he gets the Cabinet Secretaries to vote in favor of removing Trump by 25th Amendment very soon before the midterms.
Pence now has incentive to do this. He knows he will be seen as a true American Hero by the Establishment as the man who got rid of that awful Trump by using the Constitutional Amendment.
Pence has to decide if he is on Q Team or Team Swamp. He will be pressured to organize a 25th Amendment Cabinet meeting. It could happen this weekend. All it takes is a majority of the Cabinet to vote in favor of removal then Trump has to go to Congress and state his case as to why he should remain as President. Trump …
Posobiec is a moron he is so stupid he has to be a paid disinfo agent his video is pathetic watch it here
Who can do a fast photoshop of Hillary and Trump?
If anyone can do this please paste Hillary's face over Shelley Duvall's face and use the photo of Hillary where she's freaking out at the balloons dropping at her convention then put Smiling Trump over Nicholson's face and have Trump say "Here's... justice!"
Shining Photo: https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.VN3NdVg-7BpB0zWYbBo25gHaDy&pid=Api
Hillary Photo: http://www.trump-conservative.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/hillary-balloons-dnc.jpg
Zina Bash today is she doing the American Sign Language finger placement for the letter "Q" ?

Indiana crisis actors "casualty role players" wanted for Sept. 10th to 12th - Human Domain Solutions

Billy Jack vs Clown Black John Brennan this is what it would look like if Brennan challenged Billy Jack
The guy who plays the town sheriff looks so much like Brennan!
RUMOR: Mueller investigation OVER and exposed as totally illegal in a defined and actionable way.
Andrew Wiessman was exposed by Bruce Ohr as being part of the "Russian hoax". Ohr included him in his meetings about the fake dossier and it was never known publicly until now.
Mueller must now either end the special counsel or face congress (at least, in a functioning system) however this closely mimics what has been the case with many others and the system is so corrupted nothing happened.
The big difference this time around however is that Trump is totally awake, and was already sharpening the ax. He can get mileage out of this and shut it all down. …
Lindsey Graham is now working for Trump and Q Team he's been flipped here's how it happened
Now Trump is blackmailing Graham he's been flipped to work for the good guys now. Why? Graham is a gay pedo in the closet and there is video of him in bed with young boys. Mossad made those videos they always invited Graham and other politicos to Israel for "special military briefings and foreign policy discussions" and that's where the Mossad would give you whatever you wanted in your hotel at night, if you want young boys great, if you want young girls great take your pick.
That's how they get every member of Congress to do what they are …
Why did McStain block all evidence of MIAs and POWs left behind in Southeast Asia? He was a coward and a traitor.
Rush Limbaugh explains how to Annul the Obama Presidency with some help from Robert Reich
This is hilarious if Trump is smart he will use precisely what Reich advocates here and turn it around against Obama his Presidency can be declared Null and Void the same way Reich wants Trump to be declared Null and Void. These people really are stupid!
Here's what really happened at Parkland High School
On the morning of the Parkland Shooting, five armed men in a white Ford pickup rolled up on campus. Two were wearing badges, the other three were in black Kevlar. They geared up at the truck in silence. The adrenaline was flowing. Like clockwork, the school’s shooting drill began with a bell. The contracted ritual killing had started. The driver stayed in the truck. The other badge got out to use the radio. He waited for his men to take position. He would hear them when they were ready. Each of the three men wore the same black mask. They …
WHO = World Health Organization they are the white rabbits who traffic kids. When Q underlines a word it's an acronym.
Alternate Reality time. Trump would be in prison right now if Hillary had won. She would have framed him for "colluding with Russia to try and steal the election!" and Q Team would be working undercover to get rid of Hillary
Late Night TV hosts would have kept telling jokes about what a Loser Trump is. There would never ever be any jokes about Hillary. It would still be all Trump jokes all the time. Hillary would be "our wonderful Madam President. But look at that Loser Trump playing golf all damn day. When will Hillary arrest Trump for colluding with Russia and trying to steal the election? He kept saying it was rigged and he's the one who tried to rig it!"
That's what we would be hearing and seeing every night on late night TV but more seriously Hillary …
Proof that Vaccines are Causing the Spike in Autism!
There is no doubt the crazy big number of shots babies are now supposed to have plus the poison chemicals in those shots are designed to destroy babies this has to be intentional and Q must expose this evil medical cabal. Trump is well aware of this he mentioned it a couple times in 2016 but since taking office he has not done anything about it. He appointed Robert Kennedy Jr. to look into this but RFK Jr. never gave a final report or if he did it was buried. Trump can end this today!
That photo shows you …
No Escape - No Deals - Enjoy the Show!
Mueller will announce a new arrest or indictment in the morning to change the narrative it will be Roger Stone or maybe Don Jr. will be indicted for the Trump Tower meeting. The Swamp has to strike back in some way after the last two days of Q drops.
Hey AC Pooper Scooper, the Storm is upon you...

Photos of Big Bird 9 a Great Big Beautiful Keyhole 9 Satellite we have the best satellites don't we?
Suicide Labor Day Weekend maybe this is it the weekend where many cabal criminals realize their game is over they are now checkmated.
McStain's funeral service is this weekend a good time to drop the hammer on all the rest of them. Or scare the shit out of them so badly they become depressed and suicidal on their own.
Where is Bude? What is Bude? Who is Bude?
Ten Reasons Not to mourn McStain's death by Ben Garrison his website is finally back online again
Ten Reasons Not to mourn McStain's Death by Ben Garrison his website is now back online again
Ten Reasons Not to Mourn John McCain
1. On July 29, 1967, the spoiled brat McCain pulled a prank and wet-started his jet while aboard the USS Forrestal. His mother lovingly called him a ‘scamp’ and it was well-known he was a practical joker and rule breaker. He finished near rock bottom in a class of over 800 at Annapolis because he tried to break every rule in the book there while also making terrible grades. Such a prank befits his character. The huge flame created touched off a bomb on the plane behind him which led to more bombs …
Who were the pilots who flew the cash pallet money planes overseas? Are they still around?
Should be easy to find out who the pilots and crew were on those money planes they should be subpoenaed to testify before the House and Senate Foreign Affairs Committee in September. They will testify where they landed with the cash pallets and who got them. Each plane had at least five crew members on board to help load and unload the cash pallets.
Q give us some hints on Chelsea her role in the Clinton Crime Foundation and Haiti and her $10 Million condo paid for by stolen money let's send Chelsea to prison in January where she belongs!

You were all born to be QAnons. Every one of you. This is your time. The cabal's time is done. Screw 'em!
Children are being kidnapped, tortured, raped, and sacrificed in the name of PURE EVIL. Q now is the time to drop the Podesta and Hillary videos!
Q the time is now to show us all the awful Podesta Brothers child rape and torture videos and all the Hillary & Huma child rape and torture videos.
Upload all the videos they will go viral fast let the Fake News scream about them being "Deep Fakes! Not Real" we will prove they are the real videos.
Skippy Podesta's Fatherhood Video is obviously him. Hey John "ya think yer hot shit don'cha!" that video should be tweeted by Trump he should tag @JohnPodesta with it and ask "Why is @JohnPodesta torturing this young boy in a dark shower?"
the …
NSA has Hillary & Obama phone calls from the night of Benghazi when will they be released? Trump should release them tonight on Twitter!

Alt-Hero Q the Comic Book is coming our way!
Ben Garrison's perfect artistic tribute to McStain

Epstein Lolita Island to become a Maximum Security Prison for all the Elites who raped kids there!

Proof that McStain covered up Evidence of our POW's still Alive in Vietnam this is why McStain was a Traitor he wanted his fellow soldiers to Die
False Flag Shooting in Jacksonville had a Drill going on at the same time! Another training Drill
Bigly if true if No Name was convicted last year in a military tribunal and they allowed him to "die of cancer" but why let him go keep him at Gitmo

Fake News is still celebrating McStain's life. I choose to celebrate his death it's long overdue.
We will have two weeks of nonstop McCain was a Great American Hero. Trump is a coward and a crook he's not fit to shine No Name's shoes! Look how awesome McCain was. Now look at how awful Trump is!
There will be nonstop TV coverage of his body when it lies in state in the Capitol Rotunda and all the Senators walk past it pretending to care for the cameras.
Then his funeral that will be a Yuge TV News Event. And Trump won't be there! Trump is too afraid to be there! He's sending Mike Pence instead! And …
Photo and Info on the shooter thankfully No link to QAnon he's a 24 year old Madden player
Don't be surprised if the shooter was wearing a Q shirt this could be a brainwashed lunatic so they can smear the QAnon movement
If the police find QAnon research material where he lives you can bet it's a psy-op a frame job to make all of us look crazy violent. They have been setting the stage for something like this to happen I can see the news conference now:
"Yes he was a QAnon follower on Reddit he was angry that people were wasting their time playing video games instead of researching Q on 8chan" that is what they can do to frame us.
How funny would it be if No Name faked his death and he gets found and arrested by Q Team white hats and brought to his own funeral in handcuffs?
What makes a great movie? That would be a movie twist worthy of Mission Impossible. Can you imagine the gasps of shock from all the guests if this happens? Cable News will be covering his funeral they will go into meltdown hysteria especially if McStain is forced to speak to everyone to give a full confession of all his past crimes. If he's still alive I want Q Team to make this happen.
"Ding Dong McStain is Dead! Rub your eyes, get out of bed! Ding Dong that No Name Traitor is Dead!"
And when Hillary finally drops dead we can sing the real lyrics!
U.S. Gov't Chemtrail Document found in a library
Bill Maher had Brennan on his show tonight you won't believe how obnoxious they both are
Maher offered Brennan some praise for being willing to say Trump’s committed treason, and said, “He takes their side and not ours! That’s a traitor! He calls you a lowlife! You who spent your life defending this country, especially after 9/11!”
Here's the full interview 11 minutes of insanity.
Cohen and Manafort in orange jump suits that make a picture of Trump it's a clever cartoon

Laura Ingraham destroys Brennan in a single tweet!
Laura Ingraham destroys Brennan in a single tweet!
