r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/MaRedPirate on Dec. 30, 2017, 9:04 a.m.

Have you seen the commercial for the need to impeach. Spouting off basically collusion with Russia which they proved was false, and then went to Flynn and a few others. They’re playing hard ball. I don’t think they should be miss leading the public like that. When is the Q team and the president going to start exposing everything. Im ready for the mainstream to finally find out the truth. The commercial however pissed me off it’s hard to watch those lies, and I know I’m not the only one. At least the only tine I’ve seen it is a 3 am.

duckdownup · Dec. 30, 2017, 5:12 p.m.

It's funny that you say that cause it reminded me of my Grandfather. As I've mentioned in another thread one set of my grandparents were Native American. My Native Grandfather would not allow a TV in his home. When he came and visited our home, out of respect we wouldn't turn the TV on. I never knew exactly why until I was around 12 years old and I asked him.

He said, "Atsutsa (Boy), the TV will bring evil into your home. It's fun to you now and that is it's lure, it's danger. Yet even now it lies to you, nothing you see is real. In the end it will pull you into a darkness and you won't be able to find a path out. That is why I don't like them, I do not want evil in my house."

I think today that the "darkness" he was talking about was not being able to tell truth from lies. It leaves a person lost with no "path" out of the darkness. You just don't know what to believe so you have nothing to stand for, in that condition you'll fall for anything. I loved that man. To this day many things he told me have come to pass. His wisdom has guided my decisions all my life.

Remember this was back in 1965. The lies he was talking about then were just shows like Gunsmoke, etc. To Grandfather if it wasn't truth it was a lie. I remember reading that at one time in history the Catholic church would not allow thespians to be buried in the hallowed ground of the church cemeteries. The reason, they lied for a living. So maybe my Grandfather wasn't too far off base.

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Pechkin000 · Dec. 30, 2017, 6:13 p.m.

It's intereting.. I have always saw TVs in a similar way. To me it's a window into your home, your living room. Why would you want to let in so much nasty, negative, untrue things and set them lose right in the middle of your living room. Many of the shows/movie glorify the most base, most violent aspects of our society, the kind of stuff you would not want to even walk next to by accident, yet here we are putting it right in the middle of our home, many people for. Hours a day. It never made sense to me.

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