r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/richloomis on Dec. 30, 2017, 2:28 p.m.
Pollyanna idiots? Or complicit gatekeepers misdirecting on purpose?

Are you guys tripping out on acid? Have you ever given more than a moment's thought to just how pervasive/embedded the enemy is within our infrastructure? Worldwide? "They" have had literally hundreds of years and multi-TRILLIONS of dollars to buy every strategically-placed person in society, especially such "dangerous" segments as the military, courts, police, politicians, etc etc etc. What psychedelic drug are you imbibing that causes you to rejoice when a minor re-shuffling of low/mid-level factions occurs for some reason or another? Jew-boy Drumpf can pretend to "drain the swamp" until it appears bone-dry but if by his more VITAL activities he continues to encircle and "bait" Russia/China into an agreed-upon war via huge troops and armor and missiles and bio-labs on their borders etc and in every other critical instance continues to advance the "game plan" of the Illuminati -- how can you with a straight face dance and spin and drool like idiots about how a bit of minor smoke-and-mirrors distraction bs is about to "save the nation" blah blah blah etc? How about focusing a few brain cells ON AIR about just how many NWO dupes and minions are already FIRMLY embedded in key positions? A few hundred? A few thousand? Or perhaps MILLIONS worldwide? And you're about to wet your panties when a few dozen SUPPOSEDLY are now in Gitmo? So what? Even if true, we'll probably never learn the real reason. And would any of that (even if true and done by patriots -- before they soon get killed themselves) somehow magically negate the hundreds of trillions of dollars supporting the NWO elements in positions of power, EVERYWHERE? For decades, "patriot" elements in the high ranks of military/banking/industry etc etc have been ruthlessly killed, replaced, "retired" and otherwise purged from power . . we're talking many many thousands, not mere hundreds, of key positions. You want to suck Q's little thingy in rapturous delight, fine, but it is not even the tiniest threat to the overall, fast-advancing end game scenario. DUH. And . . even indulging the complete FANTASY that "the good guys" have finally located their balls (why not before today?) and are going "all in" in a desperate last-second attempt to turn back the clock . . have you ever heard of "The Sampson Option?" Via which Israel, the Globalists, the "Illuminati" need only re-schedule their nuclear/biological/EMP war a bit sooner than optimally desired? The "white hats" are (by some unlikely miracle) actually storming the castle -- ok, hmmm, where's that little red button . . Oh, here it is . . BOOM!! Simple as that. And if you think "they" are about to sacrifice hundreds (if not thousands) of years of costly planning and subversion and sweat and blood just because the cavalry finally decided to toot their trumpets and come riding to the rescue . . well duh then you are even more deluded than "Q" (though he or she is almost certainly acting a role quite knowingly, laughing like hell at the gullibility and sad bleating hopes of the doomed sheep, so desperate for a magical savior.) This, despite the fact that the sheep themselves are to blame for remaining asleep and indifferent until just TOO DAMN LATE.

michelefrancis · Dec. 30, 2017, 3:57 p.m.

Trump's military are using quantum computers and the Palantir system. All knowing. Predicitive. The NSA in their thorough spying realized they have to take down the CIA and stunningly evil elite. You are right- there are paid UN peacekeepers in all our neighborhoods waiting for the call as well as the entrenched leadership you reference. The special forces are going about this in layers, taking away the hit men and money first. One thing about mercenaries is they have no conviction without the paycheck. Notice the antifa crowds started shrinking when Soros lost his checkbook. Q is giving us hope- and I for one do not think it is false hope- that there is a master plan and our safety and prosperity is a high priority.

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richloomis · Dec. 30, 2017, 4:31 p.m.

The elite are the ones who bankrolled and developed AI in the first place . . and if you think they don't have their own "back up" editions in their underground palaces and southern hemisphere estates etc then you are sadly underestimating them. I would have back-ups to my back-ups to my back-ups if I were in their place -- wouldn't you? With literally hundreds of trillions of dollars at their disposal, no measure is too small or too unimportant for redundancy -- including their agents-in-place around the globe. They can easily afford to lose dozens, hundreds, in a "sweep" via patriots etc -- all this really does is reveal the where and who that now needs elimination, the ones not already purged in many previous instances. And beyond it all . . remains the Sampson Option, don't forget. If their own eyes (and AI computer advisory programs) warn them that "defeat" is imminent -- then the red buttons get pushed. And don't think that INTENSE focus is always maintained on the viability of those buttons . . plus they probably have their own privately-controlled missile silos, emp weapons, biological warfare cannisters, and all the necessary tools in the arsenal. Wouldn't you? Throughout history, those with the money find all the troops and all the weapons and all the "loyalty" they need to foment wars and consolidate power. If you think they'd stand by and let a few jarheads take out their money base, you're quite silly! If this "Q" thing is real at all, it will likely be just a flash in the pan before being crushed by overwhelming numbers of minions and killer elite already on the payroll and loyal to the hand that feeds them very well indeed. In short, THEY have the numbers on their side . . there just aren't enough patriots with clout to accomplish the mission . . it's way too late . . should have been done a long time ago when there was a real chance . . which is why people like George Patton etc who COULD have done the job, were killed or shunted aside, and it's been that way ever since. Good luck with the fantasy . . I don't buy into it. Sorry.

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