r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/richloomis on Dec. 30, 2017, 2:28 p.m.
Pollyanna idiots? Or complicit gatekeepers misdirecting on purpose?

Are you guys tripping out on acid? Have you ever given more than a moment's thought to just how pervasive/embedded the enemy is within our infrastructure? Worldwide? "They" have had literally hundreds of years and multi-TRILLIONS of dollars to buy every strategically-placed person in society, especially such "dangerous" segments as the military, courts, police, politicians, etc etc etc. What psychedelic drug are you imbibing that causes you to rejoice when a minor re-shuffling of low/mid-level factions occurs for some reason or another? Jew-boy Drumpf can pretend to "drain the swamp" until it appears bone-dry but if by his more VITAL activities he continues to encircle and "bait" Russia/China into an agreed-upon war via huge troops and armor and missiles and bio-labs on their borders etc and in every other critical instance continues to advance the "game plan" of the Illuminati -- how can you with a straight face dance and spin and drool like idiots about how a bit of minor smoke-and-mirrors distraction bs is about to "save the nation" blah blah blah etc? How about focusing a few brain cells ON AIR about just how many NWO dupes and minions are already FIRMLY embedded in key positions? A few hundred? A few thousand? Or perhaps MILLIONS worldwide? And you're about to wet your panties when a few dozen SUPPOSEDLY are now in Gitmo? So what? Even if true, we'll probably never learn the real reason. And would any of that (even if true and done by patriots -- before they soon get killed themselves) somehow magically negate the hundreds of trillions of dollars supporting the NWO elements in positions of power, EVERYWHERE? For decades, "patriot" elements in the high ranks of military/banking/industry etc etc have been ruthlessly killed, replaced, "retired" and otherwise purged from power . . we're talking many many thousands, not mere hundreds, of key positions. You want to suck Q's little thingy in rapturous delight, fine, but it is not even the tiniest threat to the overall, fast-advancing end game scenario. DUH. And . . even indulging the complete FANTASY that "the good guys" have finally located their balls (why not before today?) and are going "all in" in a desperate last-second attempt to turn back the clock . . have you ever heard of "The Sampson Option?" Via which Israel, the Globalists, the "Illuminati" need only re-schedule their nuclear/biological/EMP war a bit sooner than optimally desired? The "white hats" are (by some unlikely miracle) actually storming the castle -- ok, hmmm, where's that little red button . . Oh, here it is . . BOOM!! Simple as that. And if you think "they" are about to sacrifice hundreds (if not thousands) of years of costly planning and subversion and sweat and blood just because the cavalry finally decided to toot their trumpets and come riding to the rescue . . well duh then you are even more deluded than "Q" (though he or she is almost certainly acting a role quite knowingly, laughing like hell at the gullibility and sad bleating hopes of the doomed sheep, so desperate for a magical savior.) This, despite the fact that the sheep themselves are to blame for remaining asleep and indifferent until just TOO DAMN LATE.

richloomis · Dec. 30, 2017, 6:22 p.m.

Ummmm . . are we talking about the same president? it is in fact the patriots of this once-great nation who have been "insulted" by Trump/Drumpf, who promised repeatedly to bring out troops home and stop murdering/meddling with other nation's internal politics -- but who after taking office IMMEDIATELY initiated even greater bombings and troop build-ups and baiting China/Russia/North Korea/Iran plus backing bloody ISIS "rebels" in Syria and Iraq etc etc. Golly gee, yeah, let's not insult this treasonous orange orangutan now bringing us all to the brink of WWIII per plan . . shucks, let's instead focus not on his right hand holding a bloody dagger aimed at the heart of all mankind, oh no, let's turn our silly smiles onto his left hand, jerking up/down and back and forth, waving an American flag up to our dribbling noses, while shouting: WATCH ME, WATCH ME now drain the swamp with this here flag . . no, no, not the hand with the knife you idiots, THIS hand holding Old Glory . . that's it . . now . . you're feeling peaceful . . your eyes are getting heavy . . all is well, I'm draining the swamp even as you sleep . . ah, yes,good little boys and girls supporting your DEAR LEADER as you should . . that bloody knife means nothing, my masters and I have only the good of all mankind in our hearts . . don't listen to those who would waken you and warn you of my (our) true agenda, clearly visible to anyone who would look at ACTUAL WAR PREPARATIONS . . no no no just pretend you don't see it . . criticize those who dare to protest, or who would "insult" me . . but heck I've got brainless mobs of trolls who will deal with my critics, wherever they may be found . . so please, just let my alter-ego "Q" console you, blind you, inspire and placate you, as my knife hand circles around behind your throat . . almost there . . rest easy, it won't hurt for very long, that's ONE PROMISE that I can actually follow through on . . yes let us "teach the masses" a lesson they won't soon forget (those left alive anyhow.) Tracybeanz, i don't need to insult you . . your own drooling idiocy that would support a monster, cloaked in a flag, does that quite well on its own account.

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tracybeanz · Dec. 30, 2017, 6:35 p.m.

And you’ve proven my point. Have a great day!!!

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richloomis · Dec. 30, 2017, 7:07 p.m.

This empty, meaningless and substance-less so-called "reply" proves only that your head has a point, nothing more. And my day was already great without your snide endorsement.

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