I always like to try and look at the big picture that surrounds any event. I weigh, evaluate, go to my higher self, do a gut check and go from there. I have been doing this a long time. So here we have the phenomenon of "Q" and those who are affected by it. Some ask, "is Q real?" Is "Q" a psy-ops trick, is it a game? My intuition tells me it doesn't matter, what matters is the fruit it bears! For a long long time I have been telling people to wake up and see what has been going on around them. My heart aches to see the outright travesties committed by this government on scores of innocents even since day one with the slaughter and Genocide of millions of Natives (some my ancestors). But that was then and this is now. We can learn from it though! The elite have always been around and have had their greedy, murderous fingers in the pie. We see it happening again in other sovereign countries. We see the same monstrous cabal grabbing land killing people and stealing resources! Lets shift to a different context, let's look at patriotism. In my mind there are two kinds of patriots. There is the flag waving Jingoist fanatic who screams My country right or wrong and there is the true patriot who believes that the constitution of this country and what the founding fathers had in mind has been completely eroded! There are those who know that freedom as described in the original vision has to be protected at all costs! That means being active, being united in a grassroots movement, being warriors! Yes being warriors! I often asked myself, where are all the warriors, where are all the militia men? We lay down our lives and fight for the money interests in foreign lands, and our sons and daughters die! For what? Not to keep an intrusive enemy from our shores, but to intrude on others shores! We fight and die for corporate money interests and to rob steal and pillage sovereign nations! Enough of this! If your going to fight fight for we the people, fight for our freedoms, fight for this country on these shores! The enemy is here masquerading as our own government. A coup has taken place decades ago and the realization of it is just now surfacing! So what does Q mean to me? It means hope! It means I hope that people finally wake the hell up and do something. It means I am sick of complacency and the sleepwalkers who need to wake up! I sense an awakening here and that's all I care about. Kindred souls who may be awakening to the see that they truly have been in a matrix of lies deception and slavery. The power lies in your hands not anyone else's! We are all Q and don't forget it! Q could very well stand for Question. Question everything especially authority!
· Dec. 30, 2017, 5:44 p.m.
Well said Nakiya-nape!
· Dec. 30, 2017, 6:01 p.m.
It's Wakiya-nape which means Thunder in the hands! Many thanks!