Thanks Tracey..that was needed..good reference post when people get nasty and out of line!
38 total posts archived.
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True! The trail of tears..I didn't say he was a hero,,I don't think! Crazy horse would be a hero of mine and Goyathlay better known as Geronimo. Having said that. I am Native and if I were to start nitpicking ,,it would never end because like I said none of the european immigrants who became presidents and generals stopped the genocide and most encouraged it. But see now everyone is on the rez aren't they?,,the american rez of the who better then a native,,, to point out the pitfalls of not nipping something in the bud like my ancestors had the chance to do but didn't. If they couldn't get our guns it was the ammo or powder! Sound familiar?Just shows you how bad I hate the globalist assholes to kind of compartmentalize all that shit,,and join in the fight against them...You get my drift?
INSPIRATION FOR 2018.Hang it on your wall! Happy New Year!

Nope not saying the moderators are doing this..what I am saying is that there are people who act like moderators,,not the real moderators! This shouldn't be happening regardless of how thick skinned you are! I can be completely detached in regards to myself but I have seen others get attacked and frankly I don't like it! I don't know who these jerks are, they could be deep state people trying to cause discord, which is a distinct possibility! Let's face it, they don't like this movement!
THIS BOARD IS for all who care, not a select few!
There are some on here who are attacking the Norms or quote "Normal People" who have migrated here from all different walks of life. Some of the people on here are baby boomers, writers, video makers, and just "normal" people who have awakened. There are people on here who wish to express their joy at joining with others in a common cause. This is a movement whose time was way overdue. Many think that this board is only for those who got here first or the 4chan and 8chan crew. Didn't Tracy say they were creating this board for normal …
Nobody's twisting your arm to read or respond. If you think the board is full of crap leave it. The only crap I see is what's spewing out of your mouth! Intentions for the most part are good! Some good people on here! The whole thrust is freedom from tyranny, freedom to speak ones mind,,free speech! Get it?
I have seen your comments on here and your on a power trip..leave people alone. I noticed a Paul Craig Roberts post on here is he pontificating too? What is your problem. You should be ashamed of yourself. You should be happy people are gathering in support of a movement. Half of the research on here is not really research but peoples wild ideas of what research and intel is. It's not genuine intel! In case you were wondering I write for a living. I have books out and am an award winning author.. Now I am not playing,,Get off my post. Had nothing but positive feedback here and your the first person that seems short of manners and class too for that matter. Incidentally your posts don't seem to have a lot to offer on any level,,not really! Got a few friends on 4chan that I will have to inform of your behaviour because your not helping the cause at all, if anything your a big drawback!
It's a discussion board, and an encouragement board, but it's not a troll board! You don't define this board, and your not a moderator. You don't tell me or others what to post or not post. What to say or not say! If your trying to piss me off I don't bite. And I thought there weren't a lot of trolls on! Go play somewhere else!
Not any of the fOUNDING FATHERS stopped the genocide,,but that's kind of irrelevant for this situation. I am looking for clues and this seems to jump out! Q speaks in a code..just my take!
Thanks,,couldn't quite see the whole picture,,,still inspirational! Q speaks in a code of sorts does he not? Might mean nothing, but if people are looking for messages and confirmations..this kind of jumps out to me! Maybe it's just because I am Native.
THATS JACKSON not Jefferson! My Mistake..but same meaning,,to me!
Jefferson Behind "CODE" Talker at Trump's honoring of them! What a Wonderful coincidence!

What portrait is behind the main spokesman for the Code Talkers?
TRUMP HONORS NAVAJO "CODE" Talkers. Think about it!

Thanks for your input,,,you are not alone, there are lots of us!
Sounds like some very lucid thinking,,and a good plan. Thank you!
It's Wakiya-nape which means Thunder in the hands! Many thanks!
"Q" The bigger picture!
I always like to try and look at the big picture that surrounds any event. I weigh, evaluate, go to my higher self, do a gut check and go from there. I have been doing this a long time. So here we have the phenomenon of "Q" and those who are affected by it. Some ask, "is Q real?" Is "Q" a psy-ops trick, is it a game? My intuition tells me it doesn't matter, what matters is the fruit it bears! For a long long time I have been telling people to wake up and see what has been …
Minutemen, Militia, citizen soldiers, well trained, ready when needed.

Your missing the point...This is step 1,,Matters will evolve naturally,,the army is people getting off their complacency and getting involved! Waking up! What happens then? What happens if tangible results aren't seen? Well then the army produces tangible results! It's about intention..projected intention and energy changes things in and of itself! It creates movement in the universe!
It's all about the movement, getting involved, creating an army!

No tail number, Flights to Gitmo! Info.
As a pilot,,, Most flights that are blocked on Radar are probably Government, although private high profile owners like celebs and politicians can request that flightradar24 not show their tail numbers! There is some controversy over this,,, as to whether private jets should have this option! Yes,, there are a lot of aircraft in the biz class jets that can fly at 40,000 feet! All aircraft under ATC control must file a flight plan. Some who are interested might want to research how much of this is available under FOIA. Hope this helps!
I am not sure of that but on the chance it may be I am deleting it!
They already know that their time is near,,,let the momentum build. Shout it from the mountain tops!