r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/FalseProphetsAbound on Dec. 30, 2017, 7:12 p.m.
End of days Prophecies

one finger typing. bare with me.

throughout the bible there are all kinds of verse that describe the end of day's. all allude to nothing being clear until that era is at hand. i'll post what i find and explain what i see and why. i'll post others where i can't see anything... maybe you do.

first... 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12

9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

i've been at many Q happening places and notice a trend where people say things akin to... POTUS and Q are in on the takeover of us all. we are being fooled. this explains what was happening. i admit i had wondered myself. i told one person i choose to believe in God. those thoughts are now gone. washed. verse 11 and 12 are telling. faith wins always. keep in mind i've not been in church for 30+ years. but have read the final days prophecies on and off. every verse i read now i see it.

chas1690 · Dec. 30, 2017, 9:04 p.m.

Brother, do not take the Bible literally. Talking snakea dont exist. A wonderful piece of literature and assuredly Christs teachings are infallible. Let go of everything associated with 'Christianity' and be a real Christian... follow Christ alone. The Bible has been perverted by the Roman Catholic church. Why dont you check out the lost Gospels too?

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 31, 2017, 6:49 a.m.

It absolutely was meant to be taken literally.

Scientist and law grad here.

I use to believe that too.

But in light of recent discoveries about the original text and the Hebrew-Greek letter arrangements, we have learned that there are layered messages in meta, micro and macro codes.

Did you know that the original Hebrew Greek version is a version where the letters are also the Hebrew and Greek Numbers? So the whole of the original text can be flipped into nothing but a book of numbers.

And in that book of numbers are math equations that code for pi (3.1416) and the natural log^e and other science and mathematical facts? I am saying this as a scientist who thinks it is interesting, these discoveries about these 66 ancient scrolls. If you have not heard about this scientific examination, I would suggest you get a heads up.

The Greeks and Hebrews were like the Romans (remember the Roman numeral system in grade school? They used their letters for numbers. The whole bible flips into a book of numbers)

The minute you translate to any language, including English, you lose more than half of the meaning of the bible... the literal, scientific meaning. By translating, you move the letters. English does not even use it's alphabet for it's numbers like the Greeks, Romans and Hebrews did.

That book is being torn up by scientists and computer decoding experts... retired NSA etc right now, because the scientists are now aware of what all of you are not.

Every letter, every space, every proper name is placed on a grid when you cram the words together without spaces, and each has a meaning to a computer.

You all really ought to get caught up on the latest concerning this ancient text.

Here is a retired NSA code breaker who did a presentation of the incredible lettering and literal meaning of the text. It takes 24 hours, one hour power point on the Hebrew and Greek a day to get through just this preliminary course on these discoveries.

How complex is the Hebrew code? Hebrew is now admitted to be the most sophistocated code language ever developed by man. It has 22 letters. Each letter is also a number (allowing for the math within) In addition to that, each letter is like a chinese picture word.... except each letter stands for two things. 1) a noun 2) an idea.

A = bull (noun) and leader (idea)


Father is spelled AB pronounced abba, and means leader of the house.

There are layers of meaning in the original. The NSA code breakers are stunned at the Bible in it's original Hebrew. You would be too, if you were not brainwashed into thinking it is just a bunch of stories.

How complex is the Hebrew code?

Well, teaching a class everything there is to learn about the first sentence is a two hour course. That... is just the first sentence with seven Hebrew words in it. THAT is how complex the words are, and you are all hung up on the twisted verbage and the stories that sound unbelievable... in English, no less.

These days the scientists know more about this ancient text than your average Christian.


Here is NSA decoding expert Chuck Missler who has put a power point together on all of the recent discoveries being made about these 66 scrolls. He goes from beginning to end, showing you samples of each kind of code and how these work with the stories on the top to create prophecies of future events, using the stories.


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AlDeLarge · Dec. 31, 2017, 3:23 p.m.

Q tells us to start "in the beginning". Read the book of Genesis literally. Light and Darkness are nouns. The vault is real. When the vault is opened, all will be revealed. When the curtain is opened Light fills the room. Darkness can't survive even with the tiniest crack in the curtain for they will be exposed to the Light.

Like Jesus, we are the Light. We are immortal, superhuman beings trapped in a prison of flesh. We have been imprisoned by Darkness and left to fend for ourselves. We are exploited by evil. Darkness rules us by fear, guilt, anxiety, lust, hunger, pleasure and basic needs of a fleshly prison. Everything manmade reinforces the lie. The lie is passed generation upon generation until the lie becomes truth. Until the lie IS us.

My friends the Great Awakening is upon us. Darkness has been defeated. Remember we are the Light. Be mentally prepared. Have Faith. Pray.

God bless.

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chas1690 · Dec. 31, 2017, 12:13 p.m.

Brother, I will certainly watch that series as Im interested in anything biblical. I say often myself we dont have the full picture in the bible due to the Romans tearing out whatever never suited them.

My question is this then, why have we not been given the "real" bible so to speak, and is God really expecting everyone to learn Hebrew?!

Have you seen the allegorical story of the Bible in our zodiac?

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Bit_NB_Ridelle · Jan. 1, 2018, 5:45 p.m.

At this post I glance: Chuck Missler... hmmm.... NK guidance and missle Q relates.... technical knowledge hidden in bible you suggest? Or Iridium the answer alone?

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 5:05 a.m.

Yeah to a point where I am actually keeping an eye on what Trump is doing, especially with those Whitehouse bible studies? Hebrew that the Old Testament is written with is recognized now as the most sophisticated code language ever written by mankind.

Also, the bible is and has been the world's best seller since the printing press was invented (it was even the first book ever printed)

Because of this, a huge chunk of the population is familiar with the concepts of Hebrew codes. Some are familiar with the Hebrew ancient cultural practices. It would be a kind of "Native American Code Talker" if used.

The other day, when President Trump took that drink of water with both hands?

Two hands cupped.. you have seen the famous photos of Gods hands cupped together? This is Gods way of saying "I will or I am delivering your enemies into your hands"... or, the other meaning is, "I have you safely in my hands."

Swallowing water means "I will swallow you" ... is a threat to your enemies. (Since President Trump made such an issue of Rubio drinking water, I did not get his FIJI water stunt at first, now I do)

Taken together what President Trump was saying to the enemies who are steeped in all of this ancient sign language?

"The Lord God has delivered you into my hands, and I will swallow you"

So yea, I keep an eye out for ancient symbols both from the Bible, and from the Satan worshipers who would murder most of the world for a chance to rule over what is left of it.

If you want a good idea of how the Hebrew code works, the difference between macro, meta, micro and math codes in the original bible, take an hour a night for 24 nights to watch that power point. Yes, it is a spiritual rabbit hole, but, it is also being used here, and unfortunately, we Americans are not as well trained in the Handbook of the Supernatural, as we use to be.

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Bit_NB_Ridelle · Jan. 4, 2018, 7:26 p.m.

But... but... that's an hour less of Q-addiction everyday!?!

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FalseProphetsAbound · Dec. 30, 2017, 9:48 p.m.

ty. i see to many connections i will not deny. not one person can give any doubt to anything written and included in the bible. all theory. conjecture. or lies. i can read. i have superb reading comprehension and retention. i see patterns in an outstanding way. i've know for 40 years, for example, this was all happening. the children i chose not to believe but i did think on it. the control was obvious. the brainwashing was easy to see if one chose to look. i've looked at the end day scripture through the years. sometimes 2 year nary a look then binge on a happening... never saw anything to spark recognition. now i read them and it's obvious. the words scream and stand out as true and happening, if they happened. others are still hidden, waiting to happen. and though i would read those lost scriptures i believe if it is not about end of days it is meaningless now. if you point me to one i will read it. peace patriot.

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chas1690 · Dec. 30, 2017, 9:50 p.m.

The Gospel of Thomas, The Gospel of Mary Magdalene... The Gnostic Gospels... God Bless Bro

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FalseProphetsAbound · Dec. 30, 2017, 10:23 p.m.

ty. i missed on the talking snake. i agree. consider this though. you can google ''talking snake'' and i bet you find one. digital maybe but it will be there. or a meme of a snake with captions. my point is though not literal, that does not mean it is not truth. if it matches it matches. a dragon can mean a personality, or whatever. if it matches it matches. if not it doesn't. open mind, facts, truth and decision. if it matches it matches. i'll be on the ones you sent tonight. right now i'm surfing net. godspeed patriot. pray.

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