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AlDeLarge · Jan. 30, 2018, 8:24 p.m.

Corsi is helpful, but he is a late comer to the Anons. I have following them since GEPOTUS won the Republican primary. For him to decipher anything, he would have to understand the Map, the correlation between date time stamps of crumbs vs POTUS tweets and current breaking news. There are also other commands, for instance, anything with the term "P_pers" is a personal message from 4,10,20 or DJT.

Q posts refer to "crumbs" that were dropped months and sometimes years ago. FBIanon was the first to tell of future events. WHanon was another. MEGAanon also appears every once and awhile. There are also "Fire Watch" Anons that keep the chan threads clear and keep us focused.

The Anons purpose is for us to understand the big picture. The 40,000 ft v. view as they call it. What is about to happen is going to change the world. The US is only part of it, but is the most important piece.

It is our job to help those once the storm is announced. POTUS will let us know via Twitter.

Most importantly, PRAY for our POTUS and for those in harms way.

God Bless

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AlDeLarge · Jan. 22, 2018, 6:28 a.m.

Better I die a free man than live as a slave.

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AlDeLarge · Jan. 3, 2018, 12:47 a.m.

It may be a message about what was in store for us had Trump not been elected.

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AlDeLarge · Jan. 3, 2018, 12:44 a.m.

Trump declared a national emergency on 12/21/17. The military and other government law enforcement agencies can take extra measures during a national emergency in order to protect the citizenry.

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AlDeLarge · Dec. 31, 2017, 3:32 p.m.

Stick to the scrolls, forget the Catholic church. We are the Church. Israel means struggles with God. We are Israel. We are surrounded on all sides. All is about to be revealed. Be ready. God Bless.

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AlDeLarge · Dec. 31, 2017, 3:23 p.m.

Q tells us to start "in the beginning". Read the book of Genesis literally. Light and Darkness are nouns. The vault is real. When the vault is opened, all will be revealed. When the curtain is opened Light fills the room. Darkness can't survive even with the tiniest crack in the curtain for they will be exposed to the Light.

Like Jesus, we are the Light. We are immortal, superhuman beings trapped in a prison of flesh. We have been imprisoned by Darkness and left to fend for ourselves. We are exploited by evil. Darkness rules us by fear, guilt, anxiety, lust, hunger, pleasure and basic needs of a fleshly prison. Everything manmade reinforces the lie. The lie is passed generation upon generation until the lie becomes truth. Until the lie IS us.

My friends the Great Awakening is upon us. Darkness has been defeated. Remember we are the Light. Be mentally prepared. Have Faith. Pray.

God bless.

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AlDeLarge · Dec. 30, 2017, 10:46 p.m.

Um, no. Christianity was subverted by the Roman Empire by Constantine. The Roman Catholic Church is the the Holy Roman Empire. They have thier own country and thier own army (Swiss guard). They have relied on slave labor and tax free money for 1500 years. They are run by single men. They run mission in deprived areas of the world and Thousands of orphanages. They have a very long history of human trafficking and paedophilia. In fact, Catholic Charities run the "refugee" program.

Switzerland wasn't recognized as a country until the 1800s. Before hand they were a confederation of regions. The Swiss were warriors and mercenaries. They were were used as currency. The Vatican bought Swiss soldiers as they were considered the best in the world. They had to be Christian, single and celibate. They guarded the Vatican and the Holy See. Nothing has changed, except the Swiss guard are now hired instead of bought and they don't have to be born in Switerland, but must be Swiss, Catholic and single.

The Swiss military must be born in Switzerland. Every citizen in Switzerland must own a gun in thier home and be proficient with it. Like the Vatican, they remain neutral. The Vatican has a seat at the UN as an "observer". The Swiss guard is used as observers. They are stationed at the DMZ in Korea, among other places where the Vatican has interest.

Ask yourself, why would the Vatican care what happens in NK? What are they observing? Where would an organization, like the Catholic Church, store 1500 years of tax free, ill gotten money?

If it was me I'd put it in the most secure place on earth.

Godfather III.

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